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Hedgehog Pet Litter Requirement

hedgehog pet litter requirements

Do you want to learn more about hedgehog pet litter requirements?

I was perplexed the first time I attempted to train my hedgehog pet to litter since I didn’t know how. I had to summon my friend Susan, who was already familiar with hedgehogs, and she was able to provide me with specifics on how to effectively educate my pet to use the litter, which I will share with you. I’d encourage you to read my post Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners, which will provide you with advice on how to best care for your pet as a newcomer

Let’s go

How To Train Your Hedgehog To Use A Litter Box

Hedgehogs learn actions and use their unique sense organ of scent to aid with memory. Every fragrance evokes a different feeling and memory for each person, so, it will be good if you make use of this. Use only one location for them to go and the same litter you started with during the training phase. On arrival of your pet, you must train it to use the toilet in a certain location. To achieve this intended result, you must be consistent in your needs. If the hedgehog uses the same toilet for several days in a row, feel free to set a tray there and collect the hedgehog’s waste. You may also immerse a washcloth in pee and place it to allow your pet to familiarize itself with the location to relieve itself

What Should You Do With Your Hedgehog Pet Litter

Litter suitable for hedgehog pets includes the following:

  • Paper-based pelleted litter: This is my favorite, which is consisting of recycled paper crushed into absorbent pellets. Because these paper-based pellet litters absorb hedgehog pee very well, you don’t need to use them often.
  • Aspen shavings: Hedgehogs may use this form of wood shavings litter. It performs a great job at odor control. However, because it is not the most absorbent litter, you will need to use a lot of it. Aspen shavings also have a strong odor, which may discourage some Hedgehogs from using the litter box.
  • Pelleted compressed sawdust litter: This is leftover sawdust that has been crushed into absorbent pellets. This is often available in quantity for a reasonable price. This litter also performs a stand-out job of odor control but is not as absorbent as paper-based pelleted litter.
  • Shredded paper: This is the least expensive choice available. If you have a shredder, you can build this yourself. While it is safe to use around hedgehogs, I do not suggest it because it does not easily absorb hedgehog urine.
  • Paper-based bedding: This is another safe litter for hedgehogs pet because the bedding is thinner and softer; it does not absorb pelleted litter. You will certainly have to apply more of this regularly to ensure that there is enough to soak up your pet’s pee

2 Effective Methods For Teaching Your Hedgehog Pet To Potty Train

There are two reasonably successful methods for potty training a hedgehog:

  • Collect and place your pet’s excrement in a tray.
  • If you spot a hedgehog pooping, you may place him in a tray and give him some treats as soon as it completes its business.

It’s also worth mentioning that if you routinely remove your pet’s waste, the tray will be practically useless and will only take up room. In any situation, do not be disheartened if your hedgehog doesn’t go to the potty where you want him to, because this will not affect him.

Step By Step Way Of Cleaning Hedgehog Pet Litter Box

  • Lift the litter box hood and dig up the litter with the shovel.
  • Sieve out any feces you come across. There are formed balls of pee in the toilet depending on the litter, which may also be documented.
  • After you’ve removed all of the solid waste from the tub, use the shovel to mix up the remaining hedgehog litter.
  • Finally, replenish the hedgehog litter in the level. It is critical; however, that the filling level does not change substantially, since this might irritate the velvet paw.
  • Every week or two, give the litter box a thorough cleaning. This implies replacing the litter. It’s a good idea to use this time to clean and disinfect the plastic tub.
  • Fill a rubbish bag halfway with the contents of the litter box.
  • The tub should then be rinsed with warm water and any crusted residue should be removed with a sponge.
  • There is nothing wrong with using a mild neutral cleanser; however, ensure that the cleaning chemicals do not damage the plastic and do not leave any obnoxious odors behind. Citrus or even ammonia odors can be very distressing to pet
  • Allow the tub to dry. Before putting fresh bedding, make sure there is no moisture remaining in it, as contact with water can render it unsuitable.

What Kind Of Litter Is Best For Hedgehogs

A litter box is an important piece of basic hedgehog equipment. If you want to buy a litter box, you have a lot of options. However, not every model is appropriate for every animal. When selecting the size and comfort of the litter box, special care should be used. For the best litter box size, use the following rule of thumb: Hedgehog body length (cm) x 1.5 = minimum size of the bowl’s diagonal.

 The hedgehog should be able to roam around freely in the litter box and have enough space. The more spacious the toilet, the better. The design of the litter box must first and foremost meet each particular hedgehog’s demands and preferences, which may alter throughout the hedgehog’s life. The entrance to the litter box should be kept as low as possible since climbing into the toilet with a full bladder is often inconvenient.

A litter box that cleans itself is the best option. This litter box features an integrated screen that can be manually removed. The feces may then be cleaned up. There are also sophisticated, self-cleaning types that, after use, empty all excretions into a separate container, therefore “nipping in the bud” the growth of unwanted odors. Hedgehog owners should invest in self-cleaning litter boxes. A self-cleaning litter box keeps the hedgehog clean and healthy. A self-cleaning litter box is simple to operate, and cats enjoy it.

How Often Do You Change Hedgehog Litter

The litter box should be cleaned regularly. If the hedgehog decides to use a different toilet, reposition his tray to make it handier for him. The hedgehog litter box should be cleaned daily. If you use enough newspaper, you might discard the contaminated paper into the residual garbage and dispose of the remaining layers of paper in the paper waste to save money. Regardless of the size of the litter box, a good rule of thumb is to change the litter once a week. In some cases, this may be necessary more or less frequently, depending on your schedule or the number of hedgehogs in the house, so you can remove the excrement as you go, avoiding dirtiness.


Hedgehog pet litter training is not as simple as it is for other animals, but they may learn if you educate them with patience and ensure that everything need is available. The key to success is early litter box training. In general, the process of acclimating to a toilet seat is more likely to be effective if the hedgehog is under the age of six months and certain habits inherent in older individuals have not yet been fully established in it. I recommend you read my post How Long Do Hedgehog Pets Live to help give your pet a long life