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How To Get Rid Of Hedgehog Pet Pneumonia For Good

How To Get Rid Of Hedgehog Pet Pneumonia For Good

Do you want to know how to get rid of hedgehog pet pneumonia?

When I first saw a hedgehog with pneumonia, I took my pet to the vet for its yearly check-up. While I was speaking with my vet, a young man raced in with his pet, and my physician was forced to leave because it was an emergency. I had to wait, and when he returned, he informed me that the pet had pneumonia. He enlightened me, and I would want to share what I learned with you; please read my post about Hedgehog Pet Winter Care

 Let’s go,

Pneumonia In Hedgehog Pets

Pneumonia is an infectious condition that causes inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs in hedgehogs. The predominant clinical symptom is respiratory failure, which includes coughing, shortness of breath, and fever. It is the leading cause of respiratory illnesses in hedgehogs. Pneumonia is prevalent, particularly during the winter season. During the off-season, the condition is exacerbated by recurrent infections that affect pets with compromised immune systems. Chronic pneumonia can develop as a result of bronchitis complications. If the sickness progresses, the pet may die from a lack of oxygen or intoxication.

There are many classifications of pneumonia;

1. Fungal; It arises as a result of Cryptococci, pneumocystis fungi, and dimorphic, yeast-like mold fungi causing harm to the lungs of hedgehogs. The illness is tough to treat and necessitates rigorous attention to the doctor’s advice as well as specialized management of the animal’s condition.

2. Viral; It occurs when different viruses infect the lungs of animals. The sickness typically affects hedgehogs with compromised immune systems. Viral pneumonia is frequently caused by influenza, adenovirus infection, or parainfluenza, and occurs when the animal’s body is unable to cope with the sickness

3. Parasitic; The condition is caused by helminths, namely their migratory larvae, which enter the animal’s lungs during their life cycle and create an inflammatory response.

4. Bacterial; This is usually a secondary illness related to Broncho tracheal, which develops in young pups when they are transferred over long distances or when feed masses enter the respiratory system

In most situations, pneumonia is caused by bacteria. This indicates that a bacterial infection frequently worsens the disease process. Her calling card is a purulent discharge impregnating the lung tissue and a rise in body temperature. And, most significantly, a possible threat to the animal’s life.

What Causes Pneumonia In Hedgehogs

They arise for a variety of causes.

  • Draughts, very dry air in the room, temperature changes associated with the change of season, when the cold has already arrived but the heating season is yet to begin, dusty or scented bedding used in cages
  • Hypothermia, malnutrition, and poor maintenance weaken the body, allowing disease-causing agents (viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.) to come up. Pneumonia can also be caused by protozoa and helminths.

•          Upper respiratory tract infections.

•          Lung illnesses such as heartworms or lung injuries can lead to pneumonia

•          Oro-nasal infection can also be caused by dental disorders.

•          Compression of the lungs’ walls as a result of bronchus compression or obstruction

•          Aspiration can occur as a result of vomit, gastric fluid, or drowning in water.

•          Immunosuppressive medication treatment

•          Foreign body in the trachea and bronchi.

What Are The Signs Of Pneumonia In Hedgehog Pets

Breathing difficulty

Breathing noises that are too loud

Expulsion from the nostrils

Lethargy, apathy, and exhaustion

Appetite suppression



Drooling (hyper salivation)


If you see the early signs of an illness, call your veterinarian as soon as you can, because diseases in tiny animals can progress quickly Furthermore, comparable symptoms might occur with oncology and cardiovascular illnesses.

How Do You Treat A Hedgehog Pet With Pneumonia

The best illness therapy is prevention. The key to the health of hedgehog pets is to provide nutritious food, insects, observe the temperature regime, and limit free range, even outside.

Because pets with pneumonia are frequently extremely ill and require close care and supervision, it is not unusual for hedgehog pets to be treated in a hospital or intensive care unit.

The animal should be kept in a wet, warm environment. It frequently needs fluid treatment to avoid dehydration, which can aggravate his overall condition

Antibiotics should be administered for a minimum of three weeks. Depending on the symptoms and x-ray indications, the length of therapy may be extended. The antibiotic should be chosen based on the susceptibility culture findings. The antibiotics taken should be either penicillin or amoxicillin. Augmentin can be used, but only with a doctor’s approval. Any antibiotics should be taken for the entire course and at the correct dosage recommended by your doctor. Do not discontinue taking if your pet improves. It is wonderful if the cat feels better after a few days, but some germs may still be present in her body, and the infection may reoccur if the whole course of therapy is not used.

Using expectorants, antipyretics, antibiotics, and diuretics (to drain fluid from the respiratory system).

Vitamin combinations.

Oxygen therapy (treatment using oxygen).

There is no particular antiviral therapy for inflammation in hedgehog pets in the majority of instances. Supportive treatment is provided when needed, including intravenous fluids and fever and cough medications. If your hedgehog has a weak appetite, your veterinarian may consider switching your pet to a higher-calorie food that will fulfill the nutritional needs throughout the recovery time. He may also suggest subcutaneous fluids and the use of a humidifier to keep your cat hydrated.

Cough medicines are seldom used since coughing helps the animal get rid of excessive secretions generated by illness.

Improvement in viral pneumonia occurs usually within a few days, while lingering symptoms may last for several weeks. X-ray tests should be repeated throughout therapy.

In the case of fungal pneumonia or the disease’s parasitic etiology. In each situation, antifungal and antiparasitic medicines are recommended.

What Happens If A Hedgehog Pet’s Pneumonia Is Not Treated

If you do not treat pneumonia in time, it threatens the most serious consequences for the animal – from chronic bronchitis to death.

To prevent severe complications, you do not need to make a diagnosis on your own and try to treat the four-legged. Pneumonia in hedgehogs should only be treated by a qualified veterinarian. He will diagnose, prescribe an individual treatment regimen, and give recommendations on diet and regimen. Thanks to the timely response of the owner of the pet and the help of an experienced specialist, the disease will be overcome. Pneumonia in hedgehogs is now treated in the majority of instances with competent medical assessment. However, without a quick response, it can be fatal.

How To Prevent Hedgehog Pet Pneumonia

Given the importance of numerous environmental variables in the development of pneumonia infection, strict adherence to hygienic, veterinary, and sanitary criteria for keeping, transit, quarantine, and other anti-epizootic measures is essential. To do this, it is vital to prevent hypothermia, and moisture exposure, and maintain animals in rooms with a regulated microclimate.

Prepare a light, well-ventilated environment for the hedgehog. Keep food and water warm at all times. The key to good health is a well-balanced diet high in vitamins and minerals. Make the food into a liquid slurry to make it easier for the hedgehog to eat. If

Keep your cat warm by separating it from other pets so that it does not become agitated. Make sure he receives enough rest and sleep.

Visit the veterinarian clinic regularly for a preventative examination, contact a doctor, and revaccinate.


Hedgehogs, like people, can get pneumonia, which can be difficult to treat since your pet hedgehog may not fully heal and may be susceptible to recurrent illnesses due to weakened immune systems. Self-treatment of pneumonia can be hazardous; it is illegal to administer medications on your own, and overdoses frequently result in significant problems. Traditional medicine is ineffectual and only provides brief relief from the problem. All you have to do is go to the clinic. I will recommend you read my post on Hedgehog Care and Maintenance which will help with the pest care to offer to your pet