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Hedgehog Pets Vs Chinchilla Pets

Hedgehog Pets Vs Chinchilla Pets

Do you want to learn more about the differences between hedgehog pets and chinchilla pets?

When I made up my mind to have a hedgehog as a pet, I loved the bonding and company, and one day I thought of having Chinchilla as a pet. Exotic animals are becoming increasingly popular as furry or scaly companions for many people daily. But it is not just about coming and adopting; these creatures demand particular care and responsibility, and that is what I like to discuss with you on my experience with them to provide them with a suitable home.

Let’s go,

What Is The Distinction Between A Hedgehog And A Chinchilla


Chinchillas may live for 10-20 years on average.  I’ve heard of certain chinchillas having extended lives, but I’ve never seen them. Hedgehog pets, on the other hand, have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. Please read my post on how long pet hedgehogs live for the best strategies to ensure a long and healthy life for your hedgehog pet. This indicates that if you desire a long and enduring relationship with your pet, a chinchilla has a longer life expectancy, but it still comes down to the care offered to your pet. My first Chinchilla survived for just 6 years since it grew sick but the second one I had lived for almost 15 years.

Physical Appearance

They have very thick fur, with about 60 hairs growing from each hair follicle, making them the softest creatures. Chinchillas have incredibly soft hair that is about thirty times softer than human hair Chinchillas have hairs developing from a single follicle, but hedgehog, on the other hand, has quills covering its body. Chinchilla teeth develop continually throughout their lives and must be worn down and kept at the proper length/shape by consuming grass/hay/grass-based chinchilla pellets. Eating the wrong foods can lead to significant tooth problems. The teeth of a hedgehog do not grow throughout its lifespan; it should have its teeth completely grown in its first year


It is critical to understand the chinchilla Behavior section’s distinct personality.  A high level of control is not to be expected. They are incredibly clever, complicated, independent, and curious animals, and creating a healthy connection with your Chinchilla will need time and care.  It is common for chinchillas to be hesitant or wary of change or anything new or unusual and can be more unpredictable than your hedgehog pet. This might be a nutrition change, a new cage accessory, or a bonding strategy. Self-anointing, which occurs when hedgehogs spit on themselves, is one of the hedgehog’s distinct behaviors; the Chinchilla does not have this inclination.


Chinchillas are mountain dwellers with thick hair that overheats rapidly. They are not accustomed to humidity and need chilly temperatures – they are most comfortable between 55-65 degrees, but anything beyond 70-75 degrees (depending on humidity) necessitates the usage of an air conditioner in their room. Chinchillas are native to South America. They dwell in the Andes mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina at elevations of up to 5000 meters. A hedgehog pet may live in many areas on all continents, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and the rest of the world. It means they dwell in most parts of the world and not on mountains like the Chinchilla

Bathing Options

The chinchilla has only one bathing choice, which is sand bathing, whereas hedgehog pets have at least three bathing possibilities. Chinchillas should never bathe with water because they have incredibly thick fur, and if it does not dry correctly, they will become ill and die! You may, yet, give them a dust bath at least once a week, or more if you don’t mind cleaning up the dust. Hedgehog pets can however bathe with water at least once a month and can also enjoy sand bathing as well as foot bathing. For the best baths for your hedgehog pet, kindly read my article on hedgehog pets taking a bath Chinchillas are susceptible to pneumonia if they get wet. The hedgehog can get wet and not have pneumonia.


Chinchillas should avoid eating anything that has a lot of sugar because their stomachs are extremely delicate and have difficulty digesting sugars and fats. so carrots are acceptable but strawberries are not. Fruits should be avoided in general, while vegetables are okay except cabbages. Chinchillas are herbivores with a highly specialized diet that must be closely regulated. Chinchillas consume grasses, leaves, and twigs naturally.  Cabbage is not a suitable diet for chinchillas since it can make them fat, create digestive difficulties, and possibly make them sick. Hedgehogs, on the other hand, can tolerate fruits better than Chinchillas. Please see my post What fruits can/ can’t hedgehog pets eat for the finest fruits for your hedgehogs. chinchillas only eat pellets, hay, and treats from the pet store. Hedgehogs are good at eating both plants as well as animals. Ensure the snacks given to your hedgehog pet which are insects and worms are best purchased in a pet store to avoid toxicity in the consumption of insects in the garden if you have one.


Human Interaction

Chinchillas are gregarious creatures who thrive on contact with people. They also get along well with their fellow chinchillas. If you just have one chinchilla, make sure to give it at least an hour of playing every day and try to connect with it as much as possible because they still thrive on physical love and human interaction. A hedgehog pet is a lonely animal that prefers to be alone, unless during breeding season. Interaction with a hedgehog is not as simple as it is with a chinchilla. However, once you grasp your hedgehog pet’s characteristics, interacting with you will become simpler.


Chinchillas are classified into two “types”: long-haired and short-haired. They do, however, come in a plethora of colors. Grey, ebony, white, beige, violet, sapphire, and black velvet are the most prevalent colors.

Brown velvet, beige sapphire, blue diamond, white mosaic, tov mosaic, pink white, tan, dark tan, light pastel, fading white, white violet, silver mosaic, royal Persian angora, and charcoal are some less frequent colors or blends of the ones listed above.

The gold bar is one of the rarest chinchilla colors. a white/light gold chinchilla with a warm golden ‘bar’ on their back and crimson eyes. Very attractive, but incredibly difficult to obtain.

Hedgehogs on the other hand have several types of hedgehogs found throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa. Many families have kept decorative offspring of African pygmy hedgehogs for almost thirty years. This humorous animal still has at least twenty-four species. Hedgehogs come in a wide range of species from Europe to Africa. Pygmy, Albino, and Cinnamon, as well as Salt and pepper, come in a variety of flavors. Reproduction

Similarities Between Hedgehog Pets And Chinchilla Pets


They are both nocturnal animals, meaning they are more active during the night than during the day Both animals are quiet yet curious creatures who need a lot of time and care. They dislike being petted for too long but as time goes by, will interact more with you if you do. They may become accustomed to being held, but they cannot be pressed and are both delicate creatures. They are both comparable in size and weight, and because of this, they are both wonderful pets that can be maintained at home. This makes both creatures appealing to be kept as pets since they are adorable and have unique personalities. They both require extra attention and patience to bond properly with them. They are both at risk of becoming obese if they do not exercise consistently.

Can Hedgehogs And Chinchillas Live Together

Both creatures cannot coexist; it is advisable to maintain them in separate cages because if a chinchilla naps off, it might be poked by the hedgehog spikes, and they consume different foods. Chinchillas require a large cage with platforms to climb on and do not like the temperature to be too hot, Hedgehog pets on the other side, require a vivarium with a heat lamp, while hedgehogs consume entirely different diets and require different bedding. For the best bedding for your hedgehog pets kindly read my post on hedgehog pet bedding needs So, if you want to maintain both, you must create an atmosphere that allows both to thrive.


Comparing the two creatures demonstrates that they are both distinct and different, and the decision is ultimately yours. But the way I had them as pets, they are terrific friends I cannot tell you which one is better but I can tell you both love to be genuinely cared for and need patience, love, and attention I propose that you read my essay on how to organize a travel with a hedgehog pet, which will help you plan your vacation with your pet. If you are unsure which one to choose, you may read my post-Hedgehog Pets Vs Groundhog Pets.