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Hedgehog Sleep

Hedgehog Sleep

Would you like to learn more about hedgehog sleep?

I was overjoyed the first time I saw my hedgehog sleep since I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to provide the best attachment to my pet as a first-time owner. I realized that because my pet was in a new setting, I had yet to comprehend its sleeping habits fully. I was able to comprehend my pet’s sleep routine with patience, sincere love, and care. I’d like to share this with you and encourage you to read Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners because it’s enlightening

Let’s get started,

How Long Does A Hedgehog Sleep

As nocturnal creatures, if you anticipate playing with your pet throughout the day, don’t be shocked; your buddy will most likely be sleeping for the majority of the day.

Hedgehogs will most likely sleep until the sun has set and daylight has disappeared, which is usually in the evenings. Most hedgehogs sleep between 18 and 20 hours every day.

Because young hedgehogs can sleep more than 20 hours each day, it is essential to wake up your baby hedgehog to play if he has been sleeping most of the time.

Unless your hedgehog gets hungry during the day, your cutie will spend most of his time in his hiding area, napping and only getting up at night to play and feed.

What Position Do Hedgehogs Sleep In

Hedgehogs have been observed sleeping in a variety of postures, depending on their comfort and environment.

They may curl themselves into a tight ball as a sort of self-defense, with their spines protecting them.

Hedgehogs commonly sleep in this posture when threatened or wish to sleep undisturbed. On the other hand, your pet may sleep in a variety of postures when they are safe and relaxed, such as spread out on their side or even on their back with their feet in the air.

The hedgehog can also curl into a ball and crush its paws and nose closely against its midsection, while its tail is squeezed against its skull.

This posture allows you to limit the risk of heat loss. The region of the body that comes into touch with chilly air is minimized.

Hedgehogs will ultimately select a resting position that permits them to feel safe and comfortable.

How Do You Know If A Hedgehog Is Asleep

Hedgehogs frequently display specific behaviors when sleeping. Here are several signs that a hedgehog is sleeping:

  • Lack Of Movement: While sleeping, a hedgehog will remain relatively motionless and will not engage in their typical activities. They may not be exploring, walking, or running on their exercise wheel.
  • Closed Eyelids: Hedgehogs, like humans and many other animals, close their eyelids while they sleep. If you look at their face and notice that their eyelids are closed, it is a good sign that they are sleeping.
  • Reduced Responsiveness: Hedgehogs are less receptive to external stimuli when they are sleeping. When they are awake, they may not respond to modest touches or sounds that would normally elicit a response.

Always respect your hedgehog’s sleep and avoid disturbing them whenever possible, since sleep is essential for their health and well-being. To prevent disturbing your hedgehog’s sleep, attempt to handle or engage with them during their busy hours.

How To Make Your Hedgehog Sleep

Hedgehogs frequently sleep in a curled-up posture, especially when they are safe and relaxed. They will tuck their heads and limbs within, forming a tight ball with their spines protecting them.

  • Play a gentle, rather than a loud, instrument
  • Play soft classic music, such as True Colors by Phil Collins
  • Take advantage of your sleeping time.

It worked for me, but if you don’t want to touch anything or don’t know how, play music in your hedgehog’s ear, but be careful, put it to a moderate volume, and hope it works for you, this is how I make the hedgehog sleep without me doing things to my hand.

Hedgehogs Do They Sleep At Night

No. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures. They will slumber at night, although not as soundly as they do during the day. They are most active at night.

They are solitary creatures who are heavy sleepers, sleeping up to 18 hours every day. They will become anxious and ill if they are always out during the day.

Allow them to sleep as hedgehogs do. Being out and active on occasion is OK, but don’t force them to follow a human’s sleep schedule.

Hedgehogs will participate in a variety of activities throughout the night, including foraging for food, investigating their surroundings, and engaging in social behaviors if they are in the company of other hedgehogs.

They have highly developed senses, including acute hearing and a great sense of smell, which aid in navigation and food discovery in the dark.

Do Hedgehogs Sleep In The Same Place Each Night

Hedgehogs may not always sleep in the same place every night, although they do have favored sleeping sites or regions within their environment.

 These locations are frequently chosen for their comfort and safety. Although they may have dedicated sleeping rooms or hiding nooks within their enclosure.

These might be comfortable hideouts, tunnels, or igloo-like constructions that provide seclusion and security.

While hedgehogs have favorite sleeping locations, it is not uncommon for them to explore and sleep in other regions of their environment on occasion.

 To maintain their body temperature, they may seek for cool regions in hot weather or warmer ones in cold winter.

Why Is My Hedgehog Still Sleeping

There might be a few reasons why your hedgehog is still sleeping

  • Hibernation: In some situations, hedgehogs may enter a hibernation that is more prevalent in wild hedgehogs and less likely in pet hedgehogs, especially if maintained in a regulated and heated environment.

Feeling your hedgehog’s tummy is the most apparent and quickest way to know if your pet is preparing for hibernation

  • Be on the lookout for indications of lethargy/lethargy, nearly total lack of appetite, not drinking much water, inability to straighten up, shaky movements, or if he is breathing heavily.

You may notice hedgehogs going into deep slumber during specific seasons, either due to climatic changes or because their environment is deceiving them into thinking they need to endure cold conditions that are not favorable for them

If you’re worried about your hedgehog’s sleeping habits, keep an eye on them and visit a veterinarian if you observe your hedgehog sleeping abnormally

Can You Train Your Hedgehog To Sleep

Assuming your hedgehog sleeps on a schedule, let’s suppose mine goes to bed around 6 to 7 a.m. and doesn’t wake up until about 8 p.m.

Make little adjustments gradually, for example, if you work throughout the day and only come home around 6-7 p.m., go out to dinner and your bonding time with your hedgehog may begin immediately after lunch, say a good 2-3 hours playing with him would enough on weekdays.

If your hedgehog is still sleeping when nightfall arrives, try gently waking him up and gradually luring him with food and goodies.

For the best food and goodies for your pet, kindly read What Do Hedgehog Pets Eat And Drink

If you have a pet hedgehog but are only knocking during the day and working at night owing to job obligations, here is how you can adjust your hedgehog’s sleep cycle, but it must be done carefully or it may create unneeded anguish for your pet hedgehogs.

  • Gently begin to lower the lights or close the curtains to ensure that no daylight enters his cage and the space surrounding it, depending on where your hedgehog’s cage is positioned.
  • Following that softly wakes him awake while watching his reaction to determine if he reacts positively or negatively.
  • Give him 2 to 3 hours of socializing/playing time every day, and based on his behavior, adjust this time to increase or maintain it.


Hedgehogs spend the majority of their time sleeping because they are nocturnal species. In a perfect scenario, you would not upset his sleep routine at all, but rather inculcate new habits in your hedgehog by making minor modifications and keeping them constant. The key to developing this habit is consistency; do specific things in the same way over time, and you will see your hard work pay off when she gets up a little earlier. If hedgehogs were to enter deep sleep to hibernate, you should try to prevent this For more on hibernation, read Hedgehog Winter Care