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Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners

Do you want to know if hedgehogs are ideal first-time pets?

I’ll never forget my confused thoughts the first time I touched this creature. I was both delighted and terrified that I might get wounded. But I can assure you that owning a hedgehog as a pet is not a terrible idea at all if you have patience and real understanding and care. I’d like to show you how to enjoy its company as a beginner, and I’d like you to read my post on Types of hedgehogs, which will tell you more about the sort of Hedgehog you may have as a pet.

Here we go

Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets

You may have asked if hedgehogs are good to be kept as pets. The answer is straightforward: Absolutely. As long as you strive to learn your pet’s likes and dislikes, its conduct, as well as the proper diet and beverages

Additionally, keep in mind how to make the surroundings as pleasant as possible in terms of the setup of its cage, beddings as well as the holes to be dug, toys to keep your companion as active as possible, and guaranteeing it exercise to stay fit and prevent obesity, and your pet will undoubtedly make a nice pet when all of these things are addressed.

Do Hedgehogs Pets Cuddle With You

Each hedgehog has a distinct level of comfort with being held or caressed. The location is determined by the characteristics of each hedgehog and how many shares the hedgehog has previously held. Some hedgehogs enjoy snuggling with their human friends, while others are shy and prefer to wander free and explore, or choose a quiet corner of the sofa to slumber.

Hedgehogs pet may become highly tame and friendly with the appropriate attitude. They are unafraid of people and can even eat out of your palm. These little creatures are sensitive to loud noises and strong scents, any abrupt change in their surroundings might stress them out. As a result, keeping them in your hands for an extended period of time or continuously is not recommended. This can result in major health issues and even death.

Can Hedgehogs Pets Hurt You

Hedgehog pets seldom attack their own except if the hedgehog pet believes you intend to harm or kill it, it will defend itself. You must remember that the hedgehog will not hurt you if you do not approach it.

The spines of domestic hedgehogs range from 5,000 to 6,000. It will prick you if you have a hedgehog. The needles are a form of defense. When it senses danger, your hedgehog flinches.

In reality, they are not powerful enough to cause skin injury. It’s like putting your palm on the end of a lot of toothpicks when you touch a crushed hedgehog.

Do Hedgehogs Love Humans

The hedgehog is an incredibly cute animal. It has a wonderful, dazzling nose and a touching, pointed snout; he puffs amusingly, rumbles, snorts, and stamps his comical paws, and loves humans that are intentional in showing it genuine care.

Many individuals who have never held a hedgehog as a pet worry if they are truly spiky and if they are soft enough to be caressed. Hedgehog lovers everywhere know that these lovely creatures can be managed properly.

Touching your hedgehog pet excessively might create stress and other bodily problems, so if you maintain it as a pet, you must be familiar with its normal behavior.

Do Hedgehog Bites Hurt

To begin with, biting is not a routine action among hedgehogs, even while defending themselves from potential risks. If your hedgehog begins to bite you, whether it hurts you or not, you must learn why in order to detect potential diseases, better understand them, or perhaps avoid future undesired actions. For example, Intense scents might cause a bite.

Juveniles bite more frequently than adults because they examine everything and want to taste everything.

If you sense a bite coming on, try not to drag your hands to the hedgehog’s face; instead, alter their posture.

If you are bitten by your hedgehog pet, you may gently grasp him by the scruff of the neck, blow into his muzzle, and sprinkle with water.

Do Hedgehogs Recognize Their Owners

Hedgehogs are excellent pets when kept alone. Most significantly, they, like other pets, identify their owners by voice and scent

It depends on whether the animals are used to the owner from an early age and their specific personalities. Your hedgehog pet may develop a strong sense of trust for you as it gets accustomed to your presence.

Nonetheless, you should not push it. Avoid excessive physical contact if the animal coils up when you try to pick it up or bite you. Such behaviors are always an indicator that the animals are stressed.

Hedgehog pets adapt well to confinement and rapidly become used to people.

Do Pet Hedgehogs Bond With Their Owners

The ideal hedgehog owner is someone over the age of 18 who is willing to devote a lot of time to the animal, follow the basic rules of keeping, be balanced, responsible, and patient, and understand that a hedgehog is not a cat or a dog, but a rather intimate and personal animal, giving all of its love and trust to its owner.

Hedgehogs, like people, maybe quite sociable, like being caressed, and even know how to show their affection.

 Nevertheless, when they are afraid, they express it. When hedgehogs are feeling defensive, they may hiss, leap, or curl up.

Hedgehogs frequently hiss and pounce on items in their new fearful habitat. If you have a new hedgehog, don’t be shocked if it takes some time for him to adjust to you and his new surroundings. They will let you know if you disturb them throughout the day when they like to sleep.

Hedgehogs are caring and gentle pets because they are adorable, kind, and affectionate. To form a close bond with a hedgehog, get a 6 – 8-week old hedgehog. Select a curious, lively hedgehog with bright, intelligent eyes and a well-formed physique. A hedgehog, like any other pet, must be cherished, and his routines, particularly his eating patterns, must be considered. The pet will then be healthy and happy, responding to the owner with love and compassion.

Are Hedgehogs Pets Messy

Hedgehogs are not filthy creatures. A hedgehog will naturally clean itself on a regular basis and is quite adept at it.

The problem with hedgehogs being deemed unclean is that they are frequently kept in a dirty environment. A filthy cage can therefore make your hedgehog dirty, making hedgehogs feel that they can be untidy.

Although hedgehogs are not typically messy creatures, they are known to carry illnesses that cause them to appear messy

Hedgehog pets can contain a few zoonotic illnesses that can pass to people and make us sick, such as Salmonella, but appropriate feeding and grooming can help limit the spread of this disease. Pet hedgehogs require weekly cage cleaning and a wash every two months to be as clean as possible. Feces and urine should be removed from the cage on a regular basis since they greatly contribute to a dirty hedgehog.


Aside from the fun natural beauty that these creatures possess, hedgehogs generally adapt to just about any schedule and lifestyle. In addition, they hardly need vaccinations and are disease resistant, and with genuine care and love, they make the perfect pet.

I’d like you to read my article What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink , which informs you on the finest food for your pet and how long do pets live, and informs you the best way to assist your pet live a longer life. I can tell you that if you follow all of the instructions, you will have good company with your pet.