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Are Hedgehogs Pets Good With Other Pets

Are Hedgehogs Pets Good With Other Pets

Would you like to know if hedgehogs are good with other pets?

If you are considering introducing a hedgehog to your existing pets, you should conduct a thorough study to verify that the animals get along. It was great the first time I introduced my hedgehog pet to my cat, and this was done successfully because I understood my pet’s behavior and, with patience, they became inseparable. I invite you to read my post, Types of Hedgehogs, which will inform you about the unique personalities of hedgehogs and help you decide if they will get along with your pet.

Let’s go,

The Unique Personality Of Hedgehog Pet

The hedgehog can live with other pets like dogs and cats, although it is a rather solitary animal. However, he will need space to move around, as it will be difficult to get him used to an enclosed space. To properly educate it, it is important to socialize it from an early age. It is a shy animal but has a gentle character.

Not all hedgehogs are social; on the contrary, some are constantly terrified of the humans with whom they live: bear this in mind while selecting a hedgehog pet with other animals and it is important you know its personality

Hedgehogs are busy, especially at night, and make excellent companions for someone who works. They are lonely creatures who do not require human connection or cuddling. They require time to adjust to humans, but with persistent, careful touch and engagement, they may be tamed.

What Animals Do Hedgehogs Get Along With

The animals that hedgehog pets get along with include the following:

Are Hedgehogs Friendly With Other Hedgehogs

You’re in luck if you already have a hedgehog and want another. Hedgehogs appear to get along well with their canine companions, but personality and temperament are two key considerations.

Keep your hedgehogs in separate cages until you’re confident they get along. Place their cages near together so they may become acclimated to each other’s presence (safely).

Are Hedgehogs Okay With Dogs

Things get a little trickier when it comes to dogs. Despite the stinging needles, the dog’s energetic disposition allows him to see the hedgehog as a toy to play with and pat. The response to the hedgehog is frequently accompanied by loud barking and efforts to jump on it. In 100% of circumstances, such an impact on the part of a dog will have a detrimental influence on the neurological system of a prickly pet, putting it under protracted stress. Some dogs will be delighted by the spiked ball, while others may want to play with it, yet others will be skeptical or even terrified of it. Extensive socializing while your dog is still a puppy will aid in the training of an animal that is confident and calm in new situations. Dogs and hedgehogs can get along, as seen in several incredibly lovely YouTube videos, but their personalities must complement each other. Dogs, on the other hand, dislike his presence around his dish.

Are Hedgehogs Okay With Cats

Yes, they can coexist, but only if you carefully control their acclimatization and continuously monitor their relationships. Cats are naturally lively and inquisitive creatures so don’t be shocked if your feline pal is captivated by the newcomer.

A domestic animal, such as a cat, may display predatory curiosity in a hedgehog upon initial contact, mistaking him for a prospective prey. However, faced with sharp needles and being a prudent being, well analyzing all the dangers for themselves, Cats soon develop a healthy fear of hedgehog quills and stay a safe distance from them the cat will no longer contact the hedgehog and will assume the role of the spectator, without burdening itself with its probable message

 The good news is that cats are known to be quick learners when it comes to hedgehog quills. They’re typically delighted if they don’t push the bounds too much once they realize how painful these spikes may be., at the next meeting.

It’s better to hold the hedgehog while the cat learns to know it. This was why I had a great encounter with the pets when they met for the first time. The cat will take a look at the hedgehog, then approach closer to sniff it. If the cat gets hostile, we must remove the hedgehog and allow it time to adjust. We can continue the procedure until the cat no longer reacts negatively.

While introducing your hedgehog to your cat, be patient. It’s probable that both animals are experiencing something new and strange, so don’t hurry into it. Going slowly and gently will allow your two pets to become acquainted with one another and, perhaps, live peacefully together in the same home.

With all breeds of cats, a harmonious coexistence is usually established. He has a respectful relationship with them and is not scared of them. So, if you have a cat, the hedgehog will appreciate his companionship and its leftovers.

Are Hedgehogs Okay With Rodents

Communication between a hedgehog and a ferret, rat, or other mobile predator is likewise unfavorable. A ferret or rat, for example, being curious and occasionally aggressive creatures, might severely cripple a hedgehog in a fit of rage by biting it. By exposing the hedgehog to communication with a predator, you will once again put him under intense emotional stress.

Ferrets can be more tough and persistent when attempting to approach a hedgehog, but they will likely respect the quills

How to Socialize Your Hedgehog with Other Pets

Hedgehogs are generally amiable and non-aggressive, which, along with their great defensive mechanisms, makes them good companions for other pets.

You should also not allow other pets to bother your hedgehog while it is in its cage. Introduce yourself carefully, especially while holding the hedgehog.

In as much as hedgehog pets can get along with other pets, it’s important to remember that this is greatly dependent on the personalities of the two creatures in question. As a result, it is critical that you constantly monitor interactions until you are certain that all of your dogs are comfortable with one another.

When introducing one animal to another, safety always comes first. Remember that hedgehogs are loners by nature and may be resistant to befriending another species, even if they can accept it.

Before exposing your hedgehog to other animals, make sure it is at ease with you. In this manner, you may hold your hedgehog safely in your arms during his initial meetings, providing both him and you with much-needed security. Begin with tiny interactions when your companion animal is friendly and calm.

Necessary Supervision Of Hedgehog Pet With Other Pets

To guarantee that other pets and the hedgehog get along in the long run, you must properly introduce them. Always monitor their interaction until they are accustomed to one another and can live in the same room without incident. If your pet exhibits aggressive behavior toward the hedgehog, you should be present to reprimand it.

As a general rule, if your hedgehog appears agitated while interacting with other pets, such as urinating or defecating in fear, you should limit interaction with the other pets. You should also not let other pets bother your hedgehog while it is in its cage. Introduce yourself carefully, especially while holding the hedgehog.

Overall, hedgehogs are extremely friendly and non-aggressive, which, along with their good defensive mechanisms, makes them a rather enjoyable pet companion.


Hedgehog pets can become accustomed to living with the family; it is a shy animal that requires time to adjust to their new surroundings; and, if reared properly, hedgehogs become accustomed to contact with people and other pets; and, despite their shy character, they learn to trust the human touch. Please read my articles, Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners, which will offer you ideas on how to handle a hedgehog as a beginner, and What Do Hedgehog Pets Eat And Drink, which will provide you with the best food and drink recommended to ensure your pet has a healthy life.