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Discover The Benefits Of Exercise To Hedgehog Pets

Discover The Benefits Of Exercise To Hedgehog Pets

Do you want to learn about the benefits of exercising for your hedgehog pet?

When my first hedgehog died, I was devastated. My vet performed an autopsy on him, and it was determined that my pet was fat, which I did not realize because I thought I provided it with the proper quality food and activity. My vet, on the other hand, educated me on the best exercise for my hedgehog. I’d want to share it with you, and I also encourage you to read my piece on a Hedgehog pet’s death and how best to grieve.

Let’s get started.

Do Hedgehog Pets Need Exercise

Yes, absolutely. It is beneficial to their physical and mental well-being. Make sure you have lots of engaging toys for your pet to play with alone or with you if you want to give them meaningful exercise. Hedgehogs are quite active at night and will run many kilometers on their wheel or in an indoor playground if confined. If they do not get enough exercise, they may grow unhappy, acquire weight, and develop foot infections. For the best tips to heal any injuries on your pet’s legs, kindly read Hedgehog Pet with Injured Legs Hedgehogs need a lot of space for exercise, so potential owners should be able to provide it.

Exercise Equipment For Hedgehog Pets

Exercise is very important keeping hedgehogs fit and increasing their agility. As an alternative, putting a wheel or sphere into their environment is a great idea. The following are the best exercise equipment for your hedgehog pets:

1. Exercise Wheels: Select a wheel that is of suitable size and does not have any wires that can cause harm to your hedgehog. Also, ensure that the surface is level and non-slip. The hedgehog sleeps all through the day and goes for a wander at night. After sundown, they spend most of their time awake. To keep the form, you’ll need a running wheel that has a solid surface that’s at least 28 cm in diameter. The bottom should not be mesh and should not have crossbars. The noiseless running wheel for rodents is ideal.

2. Exercise Spheres: Hedgehogs may move, explore, and exercise in a safe and regulated environment with these plastic spheres.

3. Climbing objects Stairs and ramps which are made of wood or plastic and provide a fun and safe challenge for hedgehogs that want to help their abilities and also

Ropes hang low to the ground, allowing the hedgehog to rest and move about in a 3D environment.

4. Hedgehog Workout Ball; These spheres or balls, which come in a variety of sizes, are mainly to allow your pet to roam outside its cage in perfect safety, exercising and exploring its surroundings without hiding in a corner or fleeing. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep an eye on it while it rolls about the home Similarly, if your property has many stories with stairs, ensure you place some impediment so that it does not fall and injure itself, or leave it on the first floor, where this risk does not exist.

How Do I Exercise My Hedgehog Pet

A wheel is the finest way to exercise your hedgehog. When they enjoy a wheel at night, it helps them shift their mindset, always for the better. Keep in mind that not all wheels will work; those with bars should not be used since their legs might get stuck, resulting in injuries or amputations. Furthermore, these wheels can be so tiny, forcing the animal to adopt an unsuitable position for its spine. There are several wheel alternatives available in a variety of sizes, but not all of them are suited for hedgehogs. The best wheel to use must reach the following criteria:

•It must have a smooth surface: hedgehogs, unlike rodents like hamsters, should not use wheels with holes for example wire wheels.

•To avoid getting nails to get harmed, the surface must be smooth.

•It must have a diameter of 28-30 centimeters: lower diameter wheels will force your back to bend too much, creating potential spine issues. Remember that 30 centimeters is the absolute minimum; the greater the wheel, the less the hedgehog’s back will bend.

How Do I Keep My Hedgehog Active

  1. Ping-pong or rattling balls: They are good for hedgehogs owing to their weight, since they can push them about with their little snout. Many hedgehogs enjoy rattling balls because of the sound they generate. They may be shy at first, but it has been established that it lessens their tension, so they will rapidly adjust to them.
  2. A hedgehog tunnel: Hedgehogs enjoy tunnels because they enjoy exploring and hiding in various nooks. Your hedgehog could even fall asleep within it. It keeps them busy while also assisting them in losing weight. Purchasing one or more tunnels for your pet is thus always a smart idea, as long as they are large enough for your hedgehog to enter and depart without difficulty.
  3. Platforms and stairs: Adding surfaces with varying heights to your hedgehog’s cage and steps for him to go between them is one approach to keep him in shape. Furthermore, it is advised that the food, water, booth, and other accessories be scattered throughout the cage so that your hedgehog needs to walk to reach there and therefore keep active. There are cages in stores that are already created with this goal in mind, with different platforms that stimulate the hedgehog to move. However, if you buy steps for your hedgehog, make sure they are resistant, proportional to their body and weight, and, of course, solid and safe for your pet.
  4. The use of food-dispensing balls: This has holes through which hedgehogs can get food or snacks whenever they push it up or down. Fruits can be given as a good treat for your pet. I recommend you read my post on What fruits can/can’t hedgehog pets eat. You may almost certainly find some in stores that will give the stimulation for which these toys are intended, as well as satisfy their curiosity.

Avoiding Mistakes When Exercising Your Pet Hedgehog

Exercising your hedgehog pet definitely has its advantages which include helping your pet to maintain a healthy lifestyle, increasing the general well-being of your pet as well as making it active, there are certain mistakes to avoid when exercising your hedgehog pet which include the following

  • Feeding your pet too much food might cause it to gain weight and develop health concerns.
  • You should avoid cramming your pet into a small place so that it does not hurt or harm itself in any way.
  • You should also be observant and grasp your pet’s characteristics to know when it is in the mood to exercise or not.


Hedgehogs Pets can get overweight as a result of a lack of activity exercise not only helps your hedgehog maintain a healthy weight, but it also relieves tension and anxiety. Hedgehogs require a lot of daily activity to grow healthily, so try to give them at least two hours a day outside of their cage in a safe environment where they may freely explore without escaping or injuring other pets. I will recommend you read my post on How long pet hedgehog lives which will give the best tips on how to give your pet a long and healthy life