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Discover The Different Color Of Hedgehog Pets

Discover The Different Color Of Hedgehog Pets

Do you wish to learn about the many colors of hedgehog pets?

I recall well, having my first hedgehog pet. As a beginner, I did not think the color of my pet was important because I just wanted any shade of brown, my favorite color but when I met with my breeder to choose the pet to take home, I realized that the colors meant a lot. I would like to share what I learned with you and recommend you read my post on Types of Hedgehogs, which is also mind-blowing as the color of hedgehog pets

Let’s get started,

Can Hedgehog Pets Be Different Color

Absolutely yes, hedgehog pets can be of different colors: For this article, I will talk about five types of hedgehog pets’ colors and their unique features

Hedgehog With Salt And Pepper

  • The spines are white with a faint brown border around them.
  • Only around 5% of the spines are completely white.
  • Without a mask, the face is white.
  • The belly and legs have entirely white hair.
  • The bottom half of the belly should be free of mottling.
  • Pink flesh covers the shoulders.
  • The nose is a reddish-brown color.

The Albino Hedgehog

  • The spines are white without a band; it is the only one with no coloration at all.
  • Without a mask, the face is white as well
  • The belly and legs have entirely white hair.
  • The bottom section of the belly has no mottling.
  • The skin is blushing.
  • The nose and eyes are pink and red, respectively.

Hedgehog Of Apricot

  • White spines with a faint orange-beige border.
  • Only around 5% of the spines are completely white.
  • Without a mask, the face is white.
  • The belly and legs have entirely white hair.
  • The bottom section of the belly has no mottling.
  • Pink flesh covers the shoulders.
  • Pink is on the nose, and dark ruby red is on the eyes.

Pinto hedgehog

Pinto is a distinct color pattern. 95% to 97% of the spines are completely white. The rest have a band that matches one of the hedgehogs’ base colors.

  • Patches or moles cover the skin on the sides of the back.
  • It has white skin and quills on its lateral patches. These lateral white spots on the hedgehog’s flanks should be symmetrical.
  • The belly and legs have entirely white hair.
  • The features of mottling, belly and shoulder skin color, eyes, nose, ears, and face mask will vary depending on the color pattern to which it belongs.


  • Straw and light tan spikes
  • Skin and nose are of light pink color
  • It has a dark fur
  • White Mask: None


  • Spikes are a honey color.
  • Light pink on the nose and skin.
  • Dark eyes.
  • The fur is white.
  • Faint mask.

Chocolate Spikes Brown (chocolate)

  • It has a white color scheme
  • Nose is of very pale brown
  • The eyes are black.
  • Mask is Light

What Other Possible Colors Can Hedgehog Pets Have

 Hedgehogs may have a remarkable variety of distinct colors, and the number may surprise you. Over 90 distinct hedgehog color variants are seen in nature and pet hedgehogs. Even though there are so many colors, some of these hedgehog colors are uncommon, but others are popular and simple to locate.

Most hedgehog color variants can be difficult to get in your local pet store, but if one of the color variants catches your eye, especially one of the uncommon ones, you should be able to find a breeder that can assist you in obtaining the hedgehog in the color you like. You should also bear in mind that the rarer the color, the more expensive it is, so you should plan your budget accordingly.

Although there are over 90 distinct hedgehog colors, they may be divided into numerous groups. One of the most popular categories is salt and pepper. Hedgehogs of this color are the most frequent and may be found while looking for hedgehogs online.

Which Hedgehog Pet Color Is Better

It all depends on what you’re searching for. For example, albino hedgehogs fascinate me with their red eyes which I love, however, they also have their health challenges, You can read this on Hedgehog pets with red eyes (why), Cinnamon hedgehogs have the most beautiful pink nose, and salt and pepper hedgehogs have the most interesting spikes of all. It also depends on what your seller has available; no one can come and tell you which color is better or prettier, because that is one’s opinion, and it may differ from yours. The best part is that you may look at color reference photographs yourself and choose the one that appeals to you the most. Finally, the color brings beauty to the world because your buddies are the cutest and you end up adoring them as if they were your own.

What Is The Rarest Color Of Hedgehogs

The Algerian Black hedgehog is the most uncommon hedgehog pet. The hedgehog is relatively big in comparison to other types of Hedgehogs, with a length ranging from 20 to 27 cm. It has a 1.5 to 3 cm long tail that is hardly visible. The majority of the needles are black and silky, with a few white ones interspersed. The abdomen is pale, with some black patches, and the head is likewise whitish. It is widespread across North Africa, most notably in Morocco and Algeria, but it may also be found in the wild throughout Europe’s Mediterranean coast, particularly in the Valencia and Catalonia areas

What Color Are Baby Hedgehogs

Newborn hedgehogs are white-pink, with scant white soft spines, or hairs. The infants’ spines turn color day by day, and there are more and more of them. It is pink at birth, has no quills, and is blind. The first all-white quills develop within 24 hours of birth, followed by additional colored quills around 36 hours. Fur appears in the second week. Around the sixth week, mature spines will take their position. The newborn has quite a captivating appearance and I will recommend you read my article on How much a baby hedgehog pet costs which will inform you more about the requirements necessary to take care of a baby hedgehog


When selecting a hedgehog, there are four primary patterns to consider: white-bellied, Algerian, pinto, and albino. Each has different types within its category, but the key thing you should know is these four categories, and based on them, you can now know what hues and colors each one has and select the one you like most. It is also good to know that the rarer the color, the more expensive it is.

I would like you to read my article How Long Pet Hedgehog Live which will give you the best tips to give your pet a long healthy life