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Do Hedgehogs Pets Like Car Ride

Do Hedgehogs Pets Like Car Ride

Do you want to know if hedgehogs like car rides?

I remember having mixed feelings the first time I took my hedgehog for a vehicle ride since I wasn’t sure if my pal would enjoy the ride or not. I promptly phoned Susan, my neighbor who keeps hedgehogs as pets, and she informed me I had to cancel my plans to take my pet for a ride. I am glad I listened to her. I’d like to share what I’ve learned and encourage you to read my post. How to Plan a Trip With a Pet Hedgehog

Here we go,

Can Hedgehog Take A Car Ride

In general, yes, as long as the hedgehog is in a capacious carrier in the vehicle’s passenger compartment, in a location that minimizes turbulence. They are decent little passengers, however, depending on the type of hedgehog, a tiny proportion of them will feel carsick approximately 15 minutes into the voyage, scream, and vomit. As a result, it is recommended that they remain in a dark little container/area where they cannot see the action, otherwise, they may vomit. Hedgehogs, like humans, like taking breaks and stretching their legs along the road and making sure he’s comfortable and has a place to hide out of the sunshine.

How Do I Know My Hedgehog Is Car-Sick

It might be difficult to tell whether a hedgehog is car sick since they are unable to express their distress vocally. Here are some of the signs of car sickness in your pet:

1. Vomiting: During or soon after automobile journeys, keep an eye out for any indications of vomiting or regurgitation. This may be an obvious sign of vehicle sickness.

2. Loss Of Appetite: automobile sickness may be indicated if your hedgehog habitually declines food before or after automobile journeys.

3. Lethargy Or Odd Behavior: Your hedgehog may be suffering from vehicle sickness if it seems abnormally drowsy, or anxious, or if it engages in unusual behaviors like excessive yawning, excessive scratching, or excessive drooling.

4. Immobile Or Curled Up: Some hedgehogs may exhibit signs of pain or anxiety in reaction to automobile driving by becoming immobile or tightly coiled up.

Hedgehogs’ Fitness For Travelling With Their Owners

The most important thing is to provide your traveling pet with the necessary circumstances and time. It is important to keep in mind that hedgehogs are mostly nocturnal creatures. He is awake and searching for food at night. It is thus best to plan your journey for the day when your pet will be content to sleep soundly in a box or other specific mode of transportation. Depending on how long the trip will take. It is advisable to take care of the carrier ahead of time if you will be traveling for an extended period of time. This way, the hedgehog will feel comfortable in it and you won’t have to worry about him gnawing through the cardboard box

Tips To Give Your Hedgehog A Good Car Ride

  • Introduce your hedgehog to the carrier in a happy and quiet setting prior to the automobile travel. Allow them to explore and become acquainted with it by placing familiar bedding or an item of clothing scented with your fragrance inside.
  • Purchase a tiny, hard-sided cat carrier or a fabric/mesh one. They’re safer and simpler to sterilize. Place the carrier in a sturdy position to prevent it from sliding or tipping over during the drive. Seat belts or other appropriate restraints can be used to keep the carrier in place.
  • Line the carrier with comfortable bedding and make sure you use blankets and a cozy snuggling sack. For the best bedding for your pet, kindly read Hedgehog Pet Bedding needs
  • Keep an emergency kit containing hand warmers and baby socks in case the weather turns chilly.
  • Leave some food in the carrier for her in case your buddy becomes hungry, and consider ahead of time what you will feed your pet while on the road. A hedgehog’s true meal is insects. Hedgehogs eat beetles, ants, and occasionally even carrion or nest-dropped eggs. Lean beef works well at home, either cooked or raw. Avoid feeding your hedgehog immediately before the journey: To reduce the risk of car sickness, avoid feeding your hedgehog right before the trip.
  • Provide water every couple of hours in case your car gets too hot on the journey.
  • Make sure the automobile is at a comfortable temperature, which should be between 72-80°F (22-27°C). Avoid being in direct contact with chilly draughts or hot air vents.
  • Avoid loud music, rapid motions, and uneven roads as much as possible. Hedgehogs are sensitive to noise and vibrations, which can make automobile journeys uncomfortable for them.
  • Check on your hedgehog while driving to ensure they are doing okay. However, do not open the carrier while the vehicle is moving.
  • Provide familiar odors Hedgehogs seek solace in familiar scents and sounds. You may offer a sense of comfort and familiarity by placing a familiar object, such as a worn t-shirt, inside the carrier. This gives your pet a sense of trust and assurance

Things Needed to Transport a Hedgehog in a Car

  • Vehicle: a cab or a private vehicle. Public transit and the metro are not recommended, particularly during the winter. There are a lot of strange smells, and it is really noisy. The animal will experience excessive nervousness and discomfort.
  • The car’s air conditioning should be the same as what you get at home—not too hot, nor too cold. We keep the animal indoors and away from draughts, preventing it from getting a cold. If you smoke, cut back on your intake while the animal is around.
  • Large and secure container with a tight-fitting cover that is well-ventilated, ideal for big rodents like guinea pigs and rabbits is appropriate for your pet. The container may be filled with warm fleece fabric at the bottom so the hedgehog can burrow under it, fall asleep, and stay warm. In order to prevent the animal from being entangled in the air, wrap the exterior of the carrier with a warm cloth if the journey is scheduled during the colder months.
  • A dish and bottle filled with fresh water so the animal may take a drink. It is not necessary to place a bowl inside the carrier; simply open it, fill the hedgehog’s designated container with water, and allow him to drink. You can bring food with you and feed the animal as you go if the trip is lengthy.


A hedgehog traveling a great distance in more than a day or two will be under stress the entire time. If you appropriately adhere to certain guidelines and subtleties when traveling, a hedgehog might end up stressed. To avoid stress read Hedgehog Pet Stress. Hedgehogs don’t need to be walked every two hours when traveling, unlike dogs and cats, and they won’t scuff or soil the car’s upholstery. They also require little care when being transported and take up little room. The hedgehog’s ability to sleep through the day and not bother you for any reason is another unquestionable benefit.