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Do Hedgehogs Pets Smell

Do Hedgehogs Pets Smell

Do you want to discover if hedgehogs have a distinct odor?

My first hedgehog was a female, and she had no smell. I just fed her dry cat food. I clean her fleece blanket and wash her wheel regularly. Because wood shavings absorb urine and cause the cage to stink, I use fleece cloth instead. It is also a lot less expensive.  Here are some additional suggestions to keep your hedgehog from stinking and I will recommend you read my post Hedgehog Pet Litter Requirement which will give you the best tips for keeping your hedgehog clean

Let’s get started,

Do Hedgehogs Smell Bad

Hedgehogs, like most other animals, have a distinct odor that is exclusive to their species. Some people may find this odor unpleasant or “bad,” while others may not find it at all annoying.

Hedgehogs’ skin has scent glands that emit a musky odor, which is more visible when they are anxious or terrified.

Hedgehogs do not smell, but because they are generally kept in cages, their cages do if they are not cleaned regularly.

Paper pellets are my preferred alternative to wood shavings or fleece. Hedgehogs should be washed as needed, but not too frequently because their skin is delicate.

For the best bath to give your pet, kindly read Hedgehog Pet Taking A Bath Their waste will be affected by their diet as well.

Kitten food with fruits and vegetables is great for fragrance and because it supplies hedgehogs with the necessary nutrients.

Why Do Hedgehog Pets Smell

Smell Glands: Hedgehogs have musky-smelling scent glands on their skin. When hedgehogs are anxious, terrified, or marking their territory, these glands become more active.

When a hedgehog is scared or threatened, the fragrance becomes more obvious.

Diet: The food hedgehogs eat may contribute to their odor. Certain foods or treats may trigger changes in their body odor or waste, affecting the overall aroma.

Waste: Hedgehogs, like all animals, generate waste, including urine and feces. Waste can contribute to an unpleasant odor if the enclosure or litter box is not cleaned regularly.

Inadequate Hygiene: In hedgehogs, poor hygiene might contribute to a greater odor .To keep odors at bay, keep their enclosure clean regularly, including removing waste and replacing bedding.

Health Concerns: Certain medical disorders might have an impact on a hedgehog’s fragrance. If you observe a substantial change in your hedgehog’s odor, or if the odor becomes especially strong, you should visit a veterinarian.

The odor shift might be caused by an underlying health condition, such as a skin infection or digestive trouble.

Do Hedgehogs Smell Like Pets

As pets, hedgehogs have a slight natural odor, but with good care and hygiene, you can minimize any possible odors.

Baths are also beneficial to hedgehogs in terms of keeping them clean and reducing odors. It is crucial to remember, however, that frequent bathing can remove their skin of natural oils and cause dryness, so bathe them only when required or as directed by a veterinarian

A well-balanced diet might also help to reduce any unwanted odors. A high-quality, suitable hedgehog diet, as well as avoiding items that may cause digestive disorders, will help maintain their digestive tract healthy and reduce odors in their waste.

Do Hedgehogs Smell When They Die

It is natural for a hedgehog’s corpse to decompose after death, which might result in a pungent odor.

 The decomposition process, like that of any deceased animal, involves the disintegration of tissues and the release of gases and chemicals that can cause a disagreeable odor. For the best ways to cope with your hedgehog death, kindly read my post-Hedgehog Pets death.

It is critical to treat the situation with care and respect if you have a deceased hedgehog. To avoid any potential health risks and to regulate the odor, the body must be properly disposed of.

For advice on proper disposal techniques, contact your local animal control or veterinary services.

It’s important to note that the intensity and length of the scent will vary depending on a variety of things, including the atmosphere and how the hedgehog has been dead.

 If you have any concerns or want assistance with the issue, it is preferable to seek the advice and support of specialists.

Do Hedgehogs Smell Like Hamsters

Hedgehogs and hamsters each have distinct odors that are exclusive to their species. While both might have a natural odor, their fragrance profiles differ.

In comparison to hedgehogs, hamsters have a less prominent fragrance. They contain smell glands as well, however, their odor is often regarded as softer and less musky.

Individual differences in fragrance perception might exist, and what one person finds pleasant or bearable, another person finds unpleasant.

 Furthermore, good care and hygiene practices are critical in minimizing any possible odors related to keeping hedgehogs or hamsters as pets.

 Cleaning their enclosures regularly, giving clean bedding, and keeping excellent general hygiene may all help to reduce undesirable odors.

Do Hedgehogs Make Your House Smell

At first, our pet will find it difficult to go to the latrine that we have assigned him to do his business in, so he will sometimes do his business in his shelter or other areas of your house Although this also depends a lot on the hedgehog’s character which can make your house smell

As a result, it is critical to keep the shelter, the home, and the toilet clean at all times.

To avoid your house smelling, you must remove feces and wet substrate every day to prevent bacteria multiplication, replacing removed substrate with fresh substrate; this will help you extend the life of the substrate and save money.

 Removing feces also prevents them from walking on it during their daily wanderings, which would otherwise spread it across the enclosure and inside the shelter.

Furthermore, this will assist in preventing undesirable odors from forming wherever our hedgehogs are.

Remember that urine and feces are the same temperature as the rest of the cage, and the greater the temperature, the faster they degrade. If it stinks to you, it will always stink to the hedgehog.

Removing Hedgehog Pet Smell

The following are ways of removing hedgehog Pet smell:

  • Change the liners more frequently. The average hedgehog needs it every three days or so, but some require it more frequently.
  • Change to a more absorbent litter. There are several absorbents available that are effective for odor control. Please see my post-Hedgehog Pet Bedding Needs for the finest ones.
  • Some meals, such as those containing fish as the major protein, just produce smelly feces. If the excrement is softer, it is typically smellier, and it frequently indicates that the food they are eating isn’t the ideal fit.
  • Keep the cage clean at all times. Weekly complete cleans are ideal, but you may spot clean regularly to reduce odors even more. If your hedgehog has a wheel and travels frequently, daily wheel cleaning is virtually mandatory.
  • This may be severe, but acquire a pet air purifier.

How Strong Is A Hedgehog’s Sense Of Smell

Hedgehogs have an excellent sense of smell, albeit it may not be as developed as that of other animals.

 Hedgehogs have an acute sense of smell, allowing them to detect the presence of food even when it is concealed or buried.

They have a specialized olfactory system that helps them traverse their surroundings and identify food sources like as insects, worms, and spiders.

While hedgehogs’ sense of smell is not as acute as that of certain other species, it is nonetheless important to them.

 It assists them in locating food, communicating with other hedgehogs via scent marking, and navigating their environment.


Although hedgehogs have a natural aroma, good care, and hygiene practices may assist in controlling and minimizing any possible odors.

Individual differences in odor perception must always be considered, as some persons may be more sensitive to the natural aroma of hedgehogs than others.

 If you are concerned about your hedgehog’s odor, it is always a good idea to contact a veterinarian good with hedgehog pets who can offer advice and safeguard your pet’s health and well-being.

 For the best tips on how to care for your hedgehog pet by a Vet, I recommend you read my post-Hedgehog Vet Care.