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Do Hedgehogs Stay In Cages

Do Hedgehogs Stay In Cages

Do you want to discover whether hedgehogs are kept in cages?

It’s a wonderful feeling to have a pet as a buddy. When my dog died, I was sad and was willing to try another pet for a change. I settled on my hedgehog and reasoned that I could utilize my dog cage. I was mistaken, and I had to conduct extensive research. I want to share what I learned and propose that you read my post Hedgehog Pet Bedding Needs, which will provide you with the greatest alternatives for bedding to use for your pet’s comfort.

Let’s get started.

Do Pet Hedgehogs Live In A Cage

Instead of a regular cage, hedgehogs are usually given an appropriate enclosure or habitat. These enclosures are sometimes called hedgehog cages. While some pet owners may have cages for temporary habitation or movement from place to place, it is generally advised that a bigger and more enriching environment be provided for the hedgehog’s long-term well-being.

An ideal hedgehog habitat usually consists of a solid-bottomed enclosure with lots of room for the hedgehog to wander about and explore. It should have a sturdy lid or cover to keep the hedgehog in. The habitat should have appropriate bedding, like liners or paper-based bedding, hiding spaces, an exercise wheel, and a variety of toys to keep the hedgehog entertained.

What Kind Of Cage And Size Should A Hedgehog Have

The hedgehog should have as much space as possible. In this regard, it is important not to skimp and to provide it with a big and pleasant habitat, with dimensions of at least 175 x 70 x 50 cm. You can rarely locate particular cages for these creatures; therefore, you must buy a cage that satisfies the needed specifications. It should ideally have numerous levels and the bars should be no more than two centimetres apart.

Size determines whether a hedgehog is happy or dissatisfied. There are three sizes to choose from: small, medium, and giant. When you only have one hedgehog, tiny cages are preferably better because they save cost.

Consider that hedgehogs reside in regions ranging from 100 to 500 square meters in size. As a result, it is advised that the cage be as spacious as feasible. This is because the hedgehog requires adequate space in its cage to move about, sleep, and play to be comfortable. As a result, even if the hedgehog is small, a medium-sized cage is preferable.

The cage should be at least 50 by 65 cm in size, but the larger the better. It is preferable to get a cage that is 70 x 85 cm or bigger. 

What Is The Ideal Temperature For A Cage

The temperature of a hedgehog’s cage should be between 24°C and 30°C. To achieve this temperature, place a thermal blanket that covers one-third of the cage or terrarium. Put the nest in the area where the blanket is to allow your hedgehog to sleep and rest.

Cover the walls to prevent draughts that can make your hedgehog sick during the winter months if you want to keep your hedgehog warm. So, in the winter, it must have separate heating; otherwise, it may overwinter, which is not recommended.

Your pet must stay in habitats with appropriate and dimly lit situations. They demand a warmer room temperature than ordinary houses, and because of this, it is critical to ensure the enclosure is well-ventilated because temperatures above or below their requirements will have catastrophic implications. If the temperature is higher, it may cause heat stress, and if it is much lower, the animal may fall into “hibernation” mode, which may cause pneumonia and death

How To Select The Best Cage For Your Pet

The most, critical elements for any hedgehog cage are size, security, ventilation, and simplicity of cleaning. 

Size: hedgehogs require a lot of space to move around. Two square feet is commonly mentioned as the minimal floor area for a hedgehog, but this should be considered an absolute minimum; only use this measurement if you have a wheel that allows your hedgehog the appropriate opportunity to roam outside the cage for exercise. Better still, strive for at least 6 square feet.

Security: A hedgehog cage should have a solid floor; avoid cages with wire since these can trap and injure hedgehogs’ legs or feet. Cages should not have sharp edges because your pet may get trapped. To prevent escape, the cage should have a lot of security

Good ventilation is necessary to keep humidity levels low and to avoid ammonia (from urine) and odors from accumulating in the cage. The finest ventilation is provided by wire cages.

Cleaning Ease: Your hedgehog’s cage will need to be cleaned regularly, and a cage with weight, or an uncomfortable cage will make this process quite difficult. Don’t undervalue the importance of this; cleanliness is crucial. You don’t have to bathe your hedgehog, but you should clean the surroundings to keep infections at bay.

Can A Hedgehog Live In A Bin Cage

Yes, a hedgehog may live in a bin cage if it satisfies their needs. Bin cages are enclosures formed from plastic storage bins or containers. It may be a good home for a hedgehog if it has enough area, ventilation, and enrichment.

When constructing a hedgehog bin cage, it is critical to select a bin that is large enough to allow the hedgehog’s movements. A hedgehog cage should have at least 4 square feet of floor area, although more is usually ideal. To prevent the hedgehog from getting out, the bin should have high edges.

Provide appropriate bedding, such as fleece liners or paper-based bedding, inside the bin cage to provide a pleasant and clean habitat for the hedgehog.

Can I House More Than One Hedgehog In Each Cage

Cohabitation, or housing many hedgehogs in the same cage, may be difficult and this is not a good option to have for your pet. Hedgehogs are loners who prefer a solitary life, only joining up for mating. If you wish to keep more than one hedgehog, keep them separately. If they are in the same cage, they may fight; if they are males, they may fight until the battle is over or one of them is injured. Don’t buy a large cage just to house two hedgehogs. It’s a bad idea since hedgehogs are solitary creatures, and two males can murder each other. If you combine a male and female hedgehog, you may get baby hedgehogs in a short period.

If you do decide to keep numerous hedgehogs together, you must constantly monitor their behavior and offer a much bigger cage with various hiding locations, different feeding stations, and plenty of room to limit the probability of confrontations. Even with these measures, however, there is still a danger of violence and stress.

How Often Should I Let My Hedgehog Play Outside Of Its Cage

It is best to take them out and handle them daily. Play depends on how much the hedgehog enjoys being outside. Some hedgehogs will roam about and look at things while others will dig, rearrange objects, and bite on covers, garments, and sometimes your fingers. It will be absolutely good to know the type of hedgehog you have and try your best to understand its personality. Spend as much time as you can with your hedgehog at least multiple days a week if they are engaging. If they’re not too busy, you may put them in a snuggle bag on your lap while you watch TV or do anything else.


There are pros and cons to many types of cages; pick one that satisfies your hedgehogs’ specific needs while it also fits your budget and tastes. You should not use any type of cloth since its spikes can easily become tangled in the threads. Instead, use kitchen paper that is easy to shred and use. For the best fabric to use for your hedgehog cage, kindly read my post-Hedgehog Pet Litter Requirement. A big and suitably built enclosure is a requirement for a hedgehog’s well-being, health, and pleasure, and in any sort of enclosure, correct care and standards are needed.