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Have You Heard Of Where Hedgehogs Native Are

Have You Heard Of Where Hedgehogs Native Are

Do you want to discover where hedgehog pets are native?

When I was interested in owning hedgehogs as pets, I research to learn more about this amazing species and where it came from. Breeders, internet pet stores, and even the nearest clinic in my area were among the places I inquired about. In all of my discoveries, the finest source of illumination was my hedgehog breeder, who had extensive experience and helped me on the right path to go.  I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you and invite you to read my post The Oldest Hedgehog.

Let’s go

Where Are Hedgehogs From Originally

Hedgehogs are a kind of mammal that was once found only in particular parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Some species, however, have been transported to other locations, such as New Zealand, where they have caused issues due to their uncontrolled development, creating considerable disruption to the indigenous wildlife due to high levels of predation. They have also been transported to the United States.

On the other hand, several varieties of land urchins have grown popular as pets in various countries, resulting in crosses to promote them in this type of market. Nonetheless, certain jurisdictions have restricted this trade, and keeping hedgehogs as pets is illegal.

Where Are Hedgehogs Pets Found

The hedgehog ranges from Europe through the Near East and into eastern China. The hedgehog may live in any location as long as the climate is not too hot or cold for him. The European hedgehog is found in all southern and central Europe. It is found not just in the plains, but also in higher places, including the highlands. Many hedgehog species have adapted to different settings in Europe, Asia, and Africa, where these animals are found natively. They may be found in a variety of habitats, including scant woods and grasslands, scrublands, mangroves, other semi-arid forest steppes, mountains, alpine meadows, sandy and stony deserts, agricultural lands, and suburban parks and gardens. The European hedgehog may be found in woods with appropriate food and ground grasslands, particularly if they are near woodlands or scrub. Common in parks and gardens, and also habitats between open spaces and heavier vegetation.

How Do Hedgehog Pets Live

The hedgehogs love to understand their environment more at dusk and night although as loners, they like to walk slowly, they climb, swim, and run as well however when hedgehogs are being threatened, the hedgehog fence themselves by raising their spines and rolling up into a ball. This prickly ball is difficult to break. Hedgehogs rely heavily on their noses when looking for food as well as their whiskers. For more on the use of its whiskers kindly read Hedgehog Pet Whiskers Hedgehogs can sleep more during the day to be attentive at night. They sleep in a nook, cave, or thicket refuge. They meticulously cover their bed with leaves, moss, and grass. Because the next winter will undoubtedly arrive.

What African Countries Do Hedgehogs Live In

It is endemic to numerous nations in West (Gambia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo. Benin, Liberia, Mali, Niger, and Senegal), Central (Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe Equatorial Guinea, Angola Cameroon), and East Africa (Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi, Djibouti, Comoros) including Chad, Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. It dwells in savannahs, grasslands, and scrub, but not in such dense vegetation. They live in a diverse range of temperatures and terrains in all these countries. They require dry shelters on well-drained soil, as well as a plentiful supply of ground-dwelling insects and other invertebrates. They are said to be plentiful in Suburban Nairobi, which satisfies these habitat requirements.

Types Of Hedgehogs That Live In Africa

From Kenya to Senegal, the African white-bellied hedgehog is at home. It is mostly found in the savannah and scrubland there. It is active at dusk and at night, the same as the other hedgehog species. The animals sleep in burrows during the day since it is quite hot

In Africa, there are four distinct varieties of hedgehogs.

1. The Moorish hedgehog, which is native to Morocco and Libya. It’s a bigger African hedgehog. It has white spikes with narrow darker stripes. The ventral section might be white or brown, while the head and legs are brown. It is naturally positioned between Morocco and western Libya, as well as the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Spain, and south-eastern France. It is said to have been brought to Europe and the islands.

2. The African Pygmy hedgehog, also known as the White-bellied hedgehog lives in Africa’s Sahel region. From Senegal and Mauritania through Sudan and Zambia, the African pygmy hedgehog may be found in southern Sub-Saharan Africa. These animals prefer arid biomes like savannahs and agriculture fields to wooded places. Because of their physiological adaptations, they can survive extreme temperatures with little difficulty

3. The Somali hedgehog is found in Somalia. This hedgehog is extremely similar to the African pygmy hedgehog, except it has five digits on its rear limbs instead of four. It has a brown abdomen with brown or black legs.

4. The South African hedgehog, which is found in southern Africa. It may be found in southwestern Angola, eastern and western Botswana, Zimbabwe, southern Zambia, southern Malawi, and central Mozambique, in addition to South Africa.

Do Hedgehogs Hibernate In Africa

Hedgehogs do not hibernate in Africa because the weather conditions are not similar to that of Europe. It requires a temperature of around 25°C to survive. If the temperature falls below 15°C, the hedgehog enters a state known as hypothermia since our hedgehogs do not hibernate. If this occurs, it is critical to raise the hedgehog’s temperature as soon as possible since it can create irreparable damage in the pet, including muscle loss, renal difficulties, brain damage, paralysis, and later necrosis of its extremities.

Hedgehogs in Africa may, however, hibernate if the temperature lowers and remains low mostly during the harmattan season which is the cold season in West Africa


Regardless of where your hedgehog comes from, if you want them as pets as I did, it is best to conduct an extensive study and determine whether you truly want them as a friend. I can tell you that with care and attention, you will enjoy bonding with this amazing animal. I propose that you read my post on Hedgehog care and maintenance as well as What hedgehog pets eat and drink, which will provide you with the finest advice on how to care for this exotic pet as well as give it the best food for a healthy life.