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Hedgehog Pet Care Packages

Hedgehog Pet Care Packages

Do you want to learn more about hedgehog pet care packages?

When I first got my hedgehog pet, I was eager to learn everything I could about my new buddy. I was able to receive all of the essential care packages for my pet with the aid of my distant cousin who is a breeder, and I’d like to tell you all you need to know to enjoy this creature’s companionship. I invite you to read my post on How Long Do Hedgehog Pets Live, which provides firsthand information and tried-and-true techniques for giving your pet a long life

Let’s go

Why Are Hedgehog Care Kits Necessary

The popularity of keeping hedgehogs as pets are growing, but many people are still unaware of the traits and care that this lovely and unusual species need. As a result, there are certain fundamental products that a hedgehog needs for care. Having these kits helps keep your pet much easier and it also makes the environment more conducive and accommodating to your pet. Hedgehogs are strange creatures that demand more attention than your typical household pet. Your pet comes with lifetime breeder support, advice, and assistance which go a long way to make you enjoy your pet. These are a few of them:

Workout Wheels

Initially, the hamster toy is what springs to mind when considering a wheel for hedgehogs. The wheel is a very well-liked toy that enables your hedgehog to run and exercise, especially at night when he is typically most active and you have a lot going on and can’t offer your pet your full attention. Make sure the wheel you purchase for your pet is adequate in size. Make sure the wheel you purchase for your pet is large enough because hedgehogs value their space. Since hedgehogs are not particularly common pets and it can be challenging to find a large one, you might want to consider buying a wheel for rats instead. Make sure the wheel is made of solid material and not ropes or cables as these can harm the animal’s paws. The surface of the wheel shouldn’t have mesh. Get a wheel with a smooth surface and a diameter of 10.5′′ or 12′′ so that the pet won’t suffer any harm, such as back, leg, or foot problems. Due to their high level of curiosity and activity, hedgehog pets should have access to balls to play with as well.


Hedgehog feed of high quality is by far the finest choice for this animal. The hedgehog must be fed in moderation, and additional foods must be added to the menu. Avoid using feeds of lower quality for your pet

The meals are completed with fruits, vegetables, and a variety of insects (mealworms, locusts, silkworms). It must be assured that the insects are bred, not captured in the wild.

A medium-weight hedgehog’s basic diet can include 1-3 tablespoons of feed, 1 to 2 tablespoons of fruits and vegetables at the table, and 3 to 5 insects three to four times per week.

Hedgehog dry food, high-quality wet food for cats or dogs, oat flakes, wheat bran, boiled or fried eggs, boiled or fried fish, boiled or fried meat and water are all examples of healthful foods that these pets can eat.

Hedgehogs should avoid eating unhealthy foods including milk, raw meat, fish, eggs, spices, fruits, vegetables, nuts, earthworms, and snails

Hedgehogs are predatory creatures, thus protein should form the foundation of their diet. These pets enjoy insects, although you may occasionally feed them meat. However, you must ensure that these goods will not be harmful to the pet’s health, such as being a source of parasites.

Hedgehogs should also be fed plant food daily as a source of vitamins. You may occasionally indulge your pet with snacks made of dried fruits and vegetables.

Feed the hedgehog twice daily. It takes him roughly 7 minutes on average to fill up. After that, the food residues must be removed from the cage.

Also note that food consumption varies with growth rate, activity, ambient temperature, and life stage.

  • Feed with clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Soaking Hedgehog feed in water can aid in the adjustment of animals habituated to soft/moist meals.
  • After 1-2 weeks on a soggy diet, gradually reduce the amount of water used and finally provide a dry diet.
  • Complementary foods, such as insects, vegetables, and fruits, may be consumed at a rate of 50% or less of the entire diet.


The daily usage of a vitamin and mineral supplement for hedgehogs is acceptable. It is especially advised for growing hedgehogs when their needles and teeth are changing and growing rapidly, as well as during stressful circumstances like travel or shifting from one home to another. Hedgehogs do not require supplementary vitamins if their diets are balanced and diverse. You can still talk to your veterinarian about this though. Several multivitamins, including Omega-3s and Hedgehog Booster, can be given to this pet.

Natural Remedies

Natural foods that a hedgehog can consume shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities. Organic baby food is one of the pleasures because it is pleasant on the stomach. Apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, mangoes, peaches, watermelons, and raspberries are additional healthy pleasures.

However, some natural treats should not be given to hedgehogs. These include grapes because they are toxic to hedgehogs and can result in kidney failure, oranges or any citrus fruits because they can upset the pet’s tiny stomach and result in digestive issues, pineapples, and raisins because they have a lot of sugar and are acidic, which can irritate the stomach, and raisins because they contain a lot of sugar and are acidic

Hedgehog Fortress

A hedgehog castle is a leaf and branch structure resembling an igloo. This pet’s castle was constructed out of brushwood, leaves, and roots.

The end product should be about 1.5 m x 1.5 m and 1 m high. Although this can change and must be adjusted to the local conditions, the cavity itself should be roughly 0.5m square or in diameter. Once a year, right after hibernation, the hedgehog housing needs to be completely cleaned and new nesting materials should be added. Given that most hedgehogs contain fleas, ticks, and worms, handling the pet should be done with hand gloves to avoid any transmission of disease


The cage needs to be big enough for the hedgehog to move about comfortably. The area must be at least 61 by 91 cm (2 x 3 feet). Hedgehogs are adept climbers; therefore walls should be high enough to keep them from escaping. For many owners, a cage with smooth sides or a glass tank is a reasonable option. The cage should also be kept clean at all times, this will avoid a lot of diseases  like fleas, ticks, and mites also diseases that can affect your pet’s respiratory organs in relation to lungs, kidneys and liver that your hedgehog pet can have

Care And Hygiene

It is simple to care for a hedgehog at home. The following are the primary recommendations:

  • The filler should be changed twice a week; cells should be washed; and water should be changed.
  • Hedgehogs can be bathed once every 2-3 months (or more frequently if the pet gets particularly filthy).

You will need the following items for water procedures:

Shampoo (suited for rats or rabbits)

 Warm water

 Small bowl



The following steps should be followed to bath your hedgehog pet:

  • Pour water into a clean sink at the same temperature as a baby bath (neither hot nor cold on the wrist) to wash your hedgehog.
  • After that, add some soap and the hedgehog to the water.
  • Pour water on the hedgehog but avoid getting it in the face
  • Brush the spines gently.
  • Finally, carefully rinse and towel dry it. 

Bear in mind that Hedgehogs are susceptible to colds and should be kept away from drafts and moist environments.

Also, your Hedgehog pet claw must be taken care of. If your hedgehog’s claws are excessively long, trim them. The cut is critical since the pet might shred its claws while playing in its wheel.

Manicure scissors or a little nail clipper can be used.

To avoid bleeding, merely cut the tip of the claw.


Making your pet as comfortable as you can and ensuring that it has access to all it needs to enjoy its surroundings is crucial. With this, you can spend quality time with your pet. If you want to read similar articles to the Hedgehog Pet care package, I recommend you visit What Do Hedgehog Pets Eat And Drink which will give you the best foods and drinks that are appropriate and can give your pet healthy life and Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners which will also give you the best tips to learn as a beginner bonding with your pet