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Hedgehog Pet Eye Care

Hedgehog Pet Eye Care

Do you want to learn more about hedgehog pet eye care?

I was concerned when my first hedgehog had an eye condition. One of its eyes was swollen, and fluid was oozing from it. I had to get it to the vet, who inspected it and gave me medicine. I’d like to share this with you and let you know that with proper care, you have nothing to worry about with your pet’s vision. I’d also like you to read my post on Hedgehog Care Packages, which will provide you with advice on how to care for your pet 

Let’s go,

How Often Should I Clean My Hedgehog Pets Eyes

It is critical to wipe your pet’s eyes if you notice any discharge .Cleaning should be done every 2 or 3 days, or even daily, depending on the breed and or the severity of the discharge. Cleaning the eye contour and debris twice a week is advised in hedgehog breeds prone to severe tearing and brown debris. Regular cleaning helps avoid the emergence of issues in susceptible hedgehogs. If the discharges continue, the animal is in pain or has red eyes, or keeps its eye closed, do well to make an appointment with your veterinarian

How Do I Clean My Hedgehog Pet Eyes

I suggest using a nice eye-cleansing lotion.

Apply lotion around the eye and on the eyelid by lightly pressing the bottle.

Using gauze, gently wipe away any extra fluid. In the event of sensitive animals, a gauze pad can be dipped in lotion and then wiped away dirt without actually contacting the skin.

Ensure you know make enquiries or better still, do it in the presence of your vet

To avoid sending contaminants into the tear duct, clean the eye contour from the inside out. Tea leaves (pure leaf black tea, no additions or flavorings) and chamomile decoction (4 times a day) can be used to cleanse puffy, inflamed eyes.

Do Hedgehogs Pets Have Eye Problems

Hedgehogs can have eye disorders such as conjunctivitis which  is a simple inflammation in which the eye is irritated and secretes a purulent and fluid mucus; the inner face of the eyelids is red; the animal keeps the eyelids closed or half-closed and is reluctant to open the eye, especially in the presence of light; and the flashing body is inflamed and extends more or less on the surface of the eye It appears as a clear discharge from the eyes. It is also conceivable that the inflammatory process might spread to the upper respiratory tract, resulting in serious respiratory diseases 

Early Signs Of Hedgehog Eye Problems

Eye disorders are uncommon in hedgehog pets, and one of the reasons for this is the protection provided by the spikes as they are moved over the head. However, their eyes can be injured as a result of a struggle or contact with the cage’s wires. They are also susceptible to eye illnesses, such as cataracts and glaucoma. It is critical to observe any changes for the worse promptly, such as inflammation of the eye or clouding of the cornea. Any more severe condition usually shown by the hedgehog keeping the eye half-closed blinks often, and attempts to scratch it with its paw, which can further harm itself or introduce more dirt into the inflamed eye. Inflammation can be caused by anything, from irritation of specks to a potentially fatal infectious condition that can be caused by viruses and bacteria.

Why Do Hedgehogs Lose Their Eyes

The main reason why your hedgehog pet can lose its eyes will be due to a cataract. A cataract is a clouding of the lens that causes visual loss up to total blindness Cataracts can occur due to age-related lens starvation, trauma, ocular inflammation, and genetic and breed susceptibility. Cataracts can be a consequence of several prevalent disorders, including diabetes. The number of high proteins in the lens rises as the cataract matures. These proteins are extremely antigenic and poisonous to all of the eye’s inner membranes, particularly the retina. They produce inflammation, which causes the eyeball to die. A sudden increase in intraocular pressure causes discomfort in the eye, followed by an increase in the size of the eyeball and the death of the eye. An eye of this kind must be removed, or a procedure to implant an intraocular prosthetic must be performed.

Do Hedgehogs Pets Get Eye Infections

Hedgehog eye infections are often identical to dog eye infections, and they are treated with the same medications, although in different quantities. With all of this, self-medication is not recommended; not all medications for dogs or humans are safe for hedgehogs. Only a veterinarian can identify the ailment and give the appropriate medications for the animal.

When it comes to young hedgehogs, their eyes should open virtually simultaneously, with a maximum of 1-3 days gap. If one of the hedgehogs has eyes or one eye does not open, there is a concern, and the infant should be carefully inspected, observed, and, if required, a doctor should be called at home.

Treatment Of Hedgehog Pets With Eye Problems

Conjunctivitis therapy begins with a dust-free bedding system for hedgehogs, followed by conjunctivitis drugs, chloramphenicol eye drops, or antibiotic solutions. To remove secretions and the sources of inflammation (dust, irritants, gaseous or liquid products, powders, etc.), the eye and the eyelids are cleansed with an ophthalmic solution with a cotton pad.

Then, over the next eight days, two drops of eye drops are injected four to six times a day. Eye drops should be given under veterinarian supervision and care should be taken to create a dust-free environment

No eye drops can dissolve the cataract or stop visual degradation in hedgehog pets with cataract. Surgery is the only effective method of cataract therapy.


Our lovely pet has a sensitive organ of sight and we must take care of them. The action of the eyelids and tears naturally cleans the eyes, moving dirt and foreign bodies to the corner of the eye to be removed and avoiding any form of discomfort, if the dirt removed is quite excessive, the attention of a vet is needed. I will like you to read my article on Hedgehog Pet Ear Care as well as Hedgehog Pet Dental Care, which are also sensitive sense organs of your pet which focuses on the best care for your pet’s health.