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Hedgehog Pet Nail Clipping

Hedgehog Pet Nail Clipping

Do you want to learn more about hedgehog pet nail clipping?

I almost lost my gorgeous pet the first time I trimmed its nails because I foolishly assumed it was the same way I cut my fingernails; I was mistaken and nearly harmed my pet; but, thanks to the rapid reaction of my vet doctor, I was able to get my companion back in one piece. I’d like to discuss the finest methods for having my hedgehog pet’s nails clipped, and I encourage you to read my post on Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Beginners, which will help you understand your pet better.

Let’s get started.

Are You Supposed To Cut Your Hedgehog Pet Nails

Trimming your hedgehog’s claws yourself is preferable. It would be best if you always act with caution and attention. It also needs patience and practice, both of which come easier with time. “Life” is in the grasp of your pet’s nail. This is made up of blood vessels and nerve endings. In any case, cutting into it should be avoided.

In most circumstances, cutting your hedgehog’s pet nails yourself is not a problem. However, if you do not feel comfortable doing so, or if the nail or toe is already inflamed, you should see a veterinarian immediately who will then identify and give an appropriate remedy.

Timely nail trimming is essential for your pet’s happiness and health. I recommend lightly steaming the nails before you begin chopping which can be done by Pouring water into a basin or bath strictly up to the belly and letting your hedgehog wander about in it for 10-15 minutes after this is done, you may begin cutting the claws once they have been soaked in the water

Can I Use Nail Clippers For Hedgehogs Pets                                     

To get a hedgehog to connect nail trimming with anything positive, it must be encouraged in every way imaginable. Prepare its favorite insects and feed them after each trimmed foot. This will make the hedgehog feel like a hero and allow it to approach the situation more calmly. Trimming nails is best done with good nail scissors or nail clippers. Animal nail cutters (cats or rats) are less favored since they might cause excessive bleeding. A nail file is not advised since it takes longer to file than to cut. The hedgehog would not be able to remain still for long due to stress.

How Do You Trim A Hedgehog Pet Nails

The first and most important aspect to remember while trimming your hedgehog’s nails is to avoid cutting the blood vessel, which is accomplished by cutting the nail at a reasonable distance, and the second, is to cut the nail at an acceptable angle so that the nail maintains a perfect shape. It is critical that you clip your hedgehog’s nails carefully and patiently since doing so carelessly or in a rush might end up harming your hedgehog’s leg, producing bleeding that can be light or severe depending on how far you have cut the nail

A veterinarian’s services are also an excellent alternative, especially for a beginner, but frequent visits can cost you hefty money while also protecting your hedgehog from travel stress, a lot of unusual scents, and people. Furthermore, the doctor will almost certainly put the hedgehog under anesthesia, which will be harmful to the pet’s health.

How Do I Stop My Hedgehog’s Pet Nail From Bleeding

Don’t panic if you accidentally cut too much, hitting the living area and causing it to bleed, like I did the first time I trimmed my hedgehog nails

In truth, nothing happens if the nail bleeds by accident, but it’s better to be cautious than sorry.

To stop the outgoing blood flow, clean it with a standard wound disinfectant or apply commercially available styptic powders.

Alternatively, if the nail isn’t bleeding severely, use a gauze pad to apply pressure until the bleeding stops. If it bleeds profusely, apply a bandage tightly around the nail for no more than 10 minutes. and make an appointment with your veterinarian if the nail continues to bleed.

How Often Should I Clip My Hedgehog’s, Pet Nails

 There is no clear guideline for determining the frequency with which hedgehog nails are clipped. The frequency with which you must cut your hedgehog’s nails is determined by how quickly they grow and how much they wear themselves down. While some hedgehogs require trimming every two weeks, others just require a little cut every few months. It is usually a good idea to inspect the claws on a regular basis, such as part of a weekly health check. The nails are typically clipped once a month. However, the more regularly they are reduced, the simpler regular regeneration is, and identifying the piece to be removed without touching the life part of the nail becomes easier. Your companion’s nails should be manicured at least once a month, and sometimes every 2-3 weeks, depending on their development pace

7 Great Tools Needed To Cut Your Hedgehog Pet Nails

Tools required for nail cutting are very important.

Taking care of your hedgehog pet and learning how to cut its nails necessitates a few necessary items to provide a perfect manicure.

1. Treats that will make nail trimming easier for both of you

2. Lots of natural light in the room.

3. An old towel or blanket that smells like you which you put your hedgehog in it in such a way that it cannot bite you while also holding it

4. Miniature scissors for trimming the hair around the nail.

5. Various sorts of hedgehog nail cutters, such as little pliers, scissors, and so on.

6. A little nail file for your hedgehog to file rough edges, however, your hedgehog must be calm in order to do so.

7. Hemostatic powder, corn starch, benzocaine, or sodium bicarbonate which can be used if your pet bleeds

Hedgehog Pet Nail Clippers

There are several sizes of nail clippers available on the market, generally large or tiny, and in the case of the hedgehog, they should be chosen depending on the size of the animal and the size of the surface of the nails. It is always preferred to make a clean cut, to prevent flaking the nail itself. Cuticle scissors or children’s scissors can be used to clip nails.

If you are worried about cutting too much, a nail file could be a decent option; however, it should be an electronic file for dogs or cats, as a manual file would take too long. The drawback of these files is that the vibration and loudness tend to frighten the hedgehog, making the treatment more difficult.


Having your pet’s nails trimmed is critical since excessively long nails can bring devastating outcomes ranging from minor pain and adhering to the surface to finger twisting and the danger of going into the eye or nose while curling into a ball. I propose that you read my posts on How Long Do Hedgehog Pet Live, which will provide you with the best advice for giving your pet an extended life and What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink, which will provide you with the finest food and drink options for your companion and in the long run give your pet a long life