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Hedgehog Pet Self–Anointing

Hedgehog Pet Self –Anointing

Do you want to know why your hedgehog pet is self-anointing?

We don’t know why hedgehog pets self-anoint, but the first time I saw my hedgehog pet lick itself, I wondered what prompted the action because it had foams all over its lips and was bending to spread saliva all over its quills. This appears strange at first, yet it is regular behavior in hedgehog pets. I’d like to tell you more about this fascinating activity and invite you to read my post on Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Beginners, which will help you comprehend your pet’s other distinctive traits.

Here we go,

What Does It Mean For My Hedgehog Pet To Self-Anoint

Self-anoint occurs when a hedgehog is aroused to lick and chew on an object while creating thick foamy saliva when exposed to a novel or unpleasant chemical, a specific scent, or flavor. It entails it secretes yellowish, viscous saliva, which is then dispersed by its spikes. Your pet then gently extends this foam with his tongue on his quills. If the hedgehog scents something he loves or something new and strange, he will begin to drool profusely and then fling it on his shoulders and back. Some hedgehogs can twist and bend their bodies into the most extraordinary positions to get the most foam on their bodies. This behavior is so addictive for many hedgehogs that they forget about everything around them. Do bear in mind that it occurs more in males than in females.

Why Is My Hedgehog Pet Self–Anointing

One theory is that hedgehogs are seeking to recollect a scent by combining it with saliva and dusting it on thorns.

Another explanation is that hedgehog saliva can be poisonous or repellent to predators.

Hedgehogs also self-anoint when they are completely safe and comfortable. It’s wonderful to see their reactions as they go through this Hedgehogs lubricate themselves when they feel completely safe and comfortable Male hedgehogs use self-anointing to attract the attention of females as a form of communication.

Whatever the reason for the foaming in the mouth of your pet, the operation is normal and should not cause concern.

Why Is My Hedgehog Pet Spitting

It is fascinating to notice how engaged their expressions are throughout this exercise. So there’s no need to worry; enjoy watching your pet.

It is “Jacobson’s organ” that is present whenever you witness the hedgehog spitting; it has nothing to do with your pet’s upbringing. This is another taste organ of the hedgehog located on the palate. If the animal comes across anything it doesn’t recognize immediately, it sniffs and chews on it until foamy saliva is formed

It sends it to Jacobson’s organ via his tongue, which assesses if his potential prey is a tasty ground beetle or a mushy piece of wood. You should not be concerned if your hedgehog pet shows this behavior as it attempts to become acquainted with its surroundings.

Why Does My Hedgehog Lick His Quills

The animal’s peculiar tendency of excessive salivating should not get you worried. In fact, during the first few times, it will respond to the unfamiliar circumstances by writhing, making an ‘S’ with its body, and lubricating all its quills. It is believed to be protective, as the hedgehog’s saliva contains an irritant that makes its quills considerably more frightening. It is also an anti-predatory strategy: the alien odor can mask the hedgehog’s odor, making it more difficult for an owl or badger to recognize. Or, an animal may use it to groom itself or, as in primates, to keep mosquitoes and ticks at bay.

How Often Do Hedgehog Pets Self Anoint

You should not be concerned about the animal’s unusual habit of excessive salivating. It will respond to the unusual surroundings by writing, creating an ‘S’ with its body, and salivating all of its quills the first few times. It is said to be defensive since the hedgehog’s saliva includes an irritant that makes its quills much scarier. It’s also an anti-predatory strategy: the foreign stench might conceal the hedgehog’s odor, making it harder for an owl or badger to identify. An animal may also utilize it to groom itself or, as in primates, to keep insects and ticks away.

Is Self-Anointing Harmful To Hedgehogs

No negative consequences have been observed by hedgehog owners as a result of their pets’ self-anointing. The conduct is often seen as ludicrous, and it is ultimately harmless and a unique habit of your companion

When you notice your pet hedgehog self-anointing, there is no need to be concerned. Baby hedgehogs tend to self-anoint more than adults because they are starting to understand their taste buds and will want to explore different things to taste. According to the self-defense idea, this might be because the juvenile hedgehog is not exposed to as many odors and may interpret them as threatening.

What Triggers My Hedgehog Pet To Self Anoint

Anointing is a “ritual” that a hedgehog does when it finds a completely new smell, and it consists of smearing foamy slime all over its body. Remember that hedgehogs are incredibly curious animals who like finding new smells, so you’ll notice them regularly. Many odors might cause your hedgehog pet to self-anoint, and the following are some of the things that may cause this behavior. Tobacco, soap, perfume, and nail polish, to name a few. Sour milk; fish; and the feces of another hedgehog. When they sense a new odor, they race to the bathroom, smell it, and bite it, then smear the odorous, white foam from their mouth on their spines. Furthermore, even before they open their eyes, neonates engage in this behavior. The stronger the salivation, the more fascinating the odor.


When you witness your hedgehog pet self-anointing, don’t think of it as unpleasant or bad behavior. Accept it as a unique characteristic associated with your pet and try to appreciate the moment whenever your pet shows this behavior. When this happens, have it in mind that your pet will notice a strong odor and that is why it begins to cover its needles intensively with saliva; I will recommend my article on and also what hedgehogs pets eat and drink, which will give you the best ways to increase your companions’ longevity.