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Hedgehog Pet Sneeze

Hedgehog Pet Sneeze

I was thrilled when I saw my hedgehog sneeze for the first time because it was lovely to observe and was just a gorgeous sight to witness. However, as exciting as this appears, if your pet continues to sneeze, you should be concerned. This could be a sign of illness and necessitate medical attention, which is why it is important to distinguish between ordinary and unusual sneezes. I recommend you to read my post on, How Long Do Hedgehog Pets Live which will inform you on the best ways to ensure your pet lives a long life.

Here we go,

What Does It Mean If A Hedgehog Sneezes?

A Hedgehog sneeze indicates that the hedgehog has dust in its nostrils. Hedgehogs can sneeze, and it’s adorable when you catch your pet doing so. A hedgehog will only sneeze if its nose tickles, much like humans.

Sneezing is common when a hedgehog is looking for food and sniffling about on the ground. If the sneeze is accompanied by coughing and wheezing, it is a sign of something more serious.

When a hedgehog sneezes frequently, it may indicate that the hedgehog has respiratory difficulties. Unfortunately, hedgehogs are susceptible to respiratory infections and can develop them quickly, especially when they are young.

Is Sneezing Normal For Hedgehogs Pet

Hedgehogs sneeze when they are exposed to extremely strong scents. Because hedgehog pets are extremely sensitive, any NEW and STRONG smell causes them to sneeze immediately, even if they are not sick.

Hedgehogs do not sneeze very often. Even if they do, the sneezes are few, and there is nothing to be concerned about. However, if you notice anything out of the ordinary in your pet, you must investigate.

You should not be concerned if they sneeze because of an allergy in their living environment or just from the dust on their mattress

If, on the other hand, your pet is sneezing due to a medical condition, investigate the possible reasons for your pet’s sneeze.

Why won’t my hedgehog pet stop sneezing?

Your Hedgehog may sneeze for a variety of reasons. However, you must be aware that your pet is not sneezing in vain. As a result, if you see your Hedgehog sneezing, it must be for one of the following reasons:

  • They have respiratory problems, such as an upper respiratory infection.
  • Your pet may be allergic to a particular type of food or bedding.
  • Exposure of your pet to dust, smoke, fumes, and so on.
  • Food or dust particles might have been lodged in your pet’s nasal tube.
  • You utilize essential oils or scented candles in the vicinity of your pet’s cage.
  • Your pet acquired a cold after you bathed it.

Why Does My Hedgehog Pet Keep Sneezing

Hedgehogs can sneeze often, because of their surroundings. If they are new to the cage and are not acclimated to their surroundings, they may sneeze for a day or two until they settle in. This is because it takes time for their bodies to adjust and become accustomed to the change in surroundings.

Certain beddings and enclosures can cause irritation and sneezing, similar to an allergy.

Any sneeze that becomes more frequent, is accompanied by excessive nose licking, and does not resolve within 24 hours after switching to cloth liners should be evaluated by a veterinarian without delay.

How Do You Tell If A Hedgehog Has A Cold

Hedgehogs get chilly rapidly and easily. A slight draft, being outside in chilly weather, and he’s already had a runny nose.

A sickness, such as a cold, is usually relatively straightforward to identify. The animal sneezes and coughs, the nose becomes plugged or whistles loudly, and the snot runs.

The hedgehog cannot endure temperatures below 12°C for long because its prickles are useless in combating the cold.

If your hedgehog still gets a cold, it should be taken to a veterinarian for inspection, and ideally, a doctor at home should be called to establish a definitive diagnosis and provide the appropriate medications.

Can Hedgehog Pet Get Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)

Sneezing and shortness of breath are symptoms of a URI, but they might also indicate anything other than a respiratory problem, such as cardiac disease. Hedgehog URI symptoms are not affected by age. Respiratory disorders afflict both young and senior hedgehogs. Your pet’s surroundings and way of life are the primary causes of this bothersome and occasionally fatal illness. Keep a watch out for self-mutilation; when the hedgehog grows frustrated with their inability to breathe, they may attack their nostrils. Pain medication will also be required because this can be unpleasant. This is a somewhat frequent illness in hedgehogs. In the absence of effective treatment, the condition progresses to pneumonia, resulting in the hedgehog’s death

The factors that cause respiratory diseases are typically too low temperatures, to which the hedgehog is extremely sensitive, a dusty and dirty environment (which also causes conjunctivitis), and even nutritional deficiencies, because the mammal’s defenses would be compromised, making it vulnerable to viruses.

What Do I Do If My Hedgehog Has A Cold

Colds are among the most common respiratory disorders that affect Hedgehog pets

It manifests as mucous, chills, loss of appetite, and hence weight loss, sneezing, and other symptoms. The symptoms that hedgehogs experience when they have a cold are identical to ours. 

If you notice your hedgehog has a wet or mucous snout and sneezes, he or she is suffering from a cold. 

 Colds in hedgehogs are more common in the winter, and we must ensure that there is no significant temperature difference or that air currents do not harm them. 

With these symptoms, the hedgehog should see a veterinarian to rule out something more serious, such as pneumonia.

How Do You Treat Cold In Hedgehog Pets

  • Provide your pet with a warm shelter where it will be safe from the cold and wet.
  • It is ideal to use a cardboard box that has been padded with another layer of cardboard. Then put some kitchen towels in the box so the hedgehog can hide there for a while and stay warm.
  • When hedgehogs get a cold, they should drink a poorly prepared tea made from fennel seeds and chamomile petals. Then combine the finished tea with wet cat food and oatmeal.
  • If a sticky liquid separates in his eyes or nose, wipe them with a delicate cloth dampened with a little water. Litter training your pet will assist in preventing excrement buildup in their cage. As a result, some allergic responses are avoided.
  • Make a cleaning schedule for your Hedgehog’s cage. Certain allergic reactions in hedgehogs are frequently triggered by waste accumulation or an increase in ammonia levels in the cage.
  • Make sure your Hedgehog’s cage is well-ventilated.
  • Keep your pet away from your home’s kitchen, fireplace, and garage. 
  • Proper ventilation will help Hedgehogs stop sneezing.
  • In the cage of your Hedgehog, use high-quality bedding. The bedding you chose for your pet must be extremely absorbent, odorless, and free of germs.
  • Keep its temperature between 23 °C and 25°C for proper upkeep.
  • Reduce sources of dampness since they may aggravate the cold. 
  • Go to the vet to get a suitable treatment


Hedgehog pet sneezing is natural, but when it becomes abnormal, it might be due to several circumstances, so it is necessary to consider where the hedgehog got the illness in the first place. Also, consider ways to improve your pet’s environment. If your Hedgehog’s sneezing persists for a lengthy period, I urge that you visit a veterinarian to avoid any health problems. I advise you to read my post How Long Do Hedgehog Pet Live, which will provide you with the finest food and drink to assist your companion to live a healthy and long life and allow you to enjoy your pet