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Hedgehog Pet Stress

Hedgehog Pet Stress

Are you interested in learning more about hedgehog pet stress?

We all know that stress is bad for one’s health, let alone our good friends. For us to fully appreciate our pet’s bonding, it must be as comfortable in its home, since we all know it is an exotic pet. With the help of my veterinarian, I was able to determine when my hedgehog was stressed and how to care for and avoid it. I’d like to offer some advice to you, and you might be interested in reading my post Are hedgehog pets easy to care of

Let’s go,

What Effect Does Stress Have On My Hedgehog Pet

Stress in hedgehogs can present itself in a variety of ways, including changes in attitude and/or personality, as well as repeated behaviors and illnesses such as diarrhea, vomiting, and even spine collapse.

Being mistreated may be incredibly frightening for a hedgehog. Your hedgehog may start to see the event as quite distressing and you need to be observant

The stress in each event can accumulate, increasing the hedgehog’s total stress levels. It is possible that different situations of accumulated and future stress can cause your hedgehog to suffer from chronic stress, which can significantly affect your pet’s health and hope in life.

What Stresses Out Hedgehogs Pets

Hedgehogs are delicate tiny creatures that require specific care to live stress-free lives. Some of the most prevalent factors that might impact a hedgehog’s life are:

  • Diet
  • Noise
  • Exercise
  • Separation from the owner; separation from the owner for any pet is the strongest stress. A hedgehog is a wild animal that lives in the forest, as everyone knows. If you take a little hedgehog straight away, he will find it exceedingly difficult to separate from the owner since he has become accustomed to the setting, feeding schedule, and food that has been established for it.
  • Capture; the stress induced by the hedgehog’s capture during interrupted hibernation is quite serious. Also, don’t forget about the hedgehog’s seasonal mode. Hedgehogs, who are accustomed to resting during this time of year, hibernate in the winter, therefore it is best not to disturb your pet, as this can lead to health problems. Summer is the best time to travel since your pet is active, full of energy, and can easily transfer the journey to any distance.
  • Transportation of pet from one place to another; Traveling anywhere, no matter how far, is stressful for any pet, and hedgehogs are not left out. The most important thing is to pick the perfect moment and give the ideal environment for the traveling animal. It is important to note that the hedgehog is predominantly a nocturnal creature. They are awake at night, looking for food. Carrying should be done ahead of time for two reasons: first, the hedgehog will be more comfortable in it, and second, you won’t have to worry about him gnawing through a cardboard box.

What Are Hedgehogs Sensitive To

Small animals of which hedgehogs are an example, are more vulnerable to stress since they are prey and because of this, little animals would naturally experience more worry and anxiety while assessing the safety of their habitat

Hedgehogs are carnivores and can get stressed when environmental and social situations do not match their basic requirements. Furthermore, even the smallest danger might cause stress symptoms in hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are slower to adapt to human environments. Unlike other species, caged hedgehogs are more vulnerable to environmental disturbances. As a result, you need to give them maximum attention to help them be in balance with their new surroundings.

Small animals who live a solitary life like hedgehogs and who do not familiarize themselves with people from a tender age are more likely to suffer stress, anxiety, and trouble adapting to life in captivity. This sensitivity might become worse in some circumstances if you, as a pet owner, are unaware of what your hedgehog requires in terms of surroundings and feeding of your pet

Hedgehogs, on the other hand, are more anxious and experience being friendly with humans, especially if they are not brought into your house at a young age

Stress Symptoms In Hedgehog Pets

The following are 5 frequent stress signals in hedgehog

  1. Appetite loss; If your pet has abruptly lost interest in food or stopped eating entirely, this might be related to stress; in most cases, food intake is lowered to the point where the pet loses weight dramatically.
  2. Diarrhea, constipation, or other gastrointestinal issues
  3. Isolation; Some animals love being alone on occasion. Pets that are frequently separated from other pets or people, on the other hand, might suffer from stress.
  4. Increasing the quantity of sleep; If your pet is sleeping more than normal or appears sluggish, this is cause for concern. Lethargy is frequently the initial symptom of sickness or injury.
  5. Aggressiveness against humans or animals; Aggressive behavior in a pet might indicate stress or disease.

How Can Stress Affect The Body Of My Hedgehog Pet

  • Digestive problems; The animal’s lack of appetite is the first warning indication. Always keep an eye on your pet’s bowl: how much he ate, how frequently he requests food, and if he drinks water during the day. Any change in feeding habits should be investigated by a veterinarian. Vomiting or diarrhea is frequently caused by high levels of nervous stress.
  • Quill loss; Skin sores and bald patches are caused by nervous licking. Your hedgehog pet may suffer itching as a result of continual hostility and adrenaline rushes.
  • Rolling about on the floor in an attempt to alleviate pain.
  • Designation of territory; To combat negative feelings, your hedgehog pet may begin to mark all the corners of the house. As a result, pets define their domain. Unconscious urinating in the incorrect location is another sign of stress.

How Can I Keep My Hedgehog Pet From Being Stressed

Temperature-appropriate habitat

Hedgehog pets require a temperature range of 25 to 27 degrees, hence heating is required in cold weather. Hot plates, lamps, as well as light bulbs are available to meet what they require

Provide A Cage That Can Provide Protection And Comfort.

Every hedgehog needs a cage in which they may feel safe. Furthermore, the cage must have aspects like where your pet can hide, and caverns for when your hedgehog pet wants to relax in the dark and/or feel protected.

 To improve hygiene, absorbent material should be used in your pet’s bedding I recommend reading my post on Hedgehog Pet Bedding Needs for the finest absorbent materials for your pet.

Keep Your Environment Tidy

Hedgehogs often relieve themselves far away from where they sleep. This will also depend on your pet’s personality and the habits he or she already has.

It is preferable to have a latrine or a nook in the cage because these are the commonplace they relieve themselves

Spend Quality Time With Your Hedgehog Pet

Hedgehogs are highly interested; attempt to take it while it is little so that it gets used to it; after a while, release it to examine the region. You must consider the time and manner in which you take your hedgehog; you must do it pleasantly for him to reduce stress.

Choose High-Quality Food

 An animal’s diet is an essential component of good health. Anxiety and tension can be caused by diets that are not balanced for a healthy lifestyle. The following principles must be followed to reduce stress associated with the adoption of a new diet:

  • Smoothly transition to another food; the procedure normally takes 7 – 10 days; on the first day, combine 6/7 of the previous diet and 1/7 of the new one in a bowl, then
  • increase the proportions in favor of the new meal; by day 7,
  • only the new food should remain in the bowl.

Don’t disregard your pet’s mood. Constant anxiety can have catastrophic repercussions. Contact a zoo psychologist if you are unable to independently recognize and help your pet’s behavioral aberrations.


You may not be able to control everything that might stress your pet, but if you see any signs of stress, it is important to guarantee that you can avoid your pet from being worried, the bonding between the two of you will be valuable. To enjoy your pet for a long time, read my post on How long pet hedgehog live, which will provide ideas on how your pet can live a long life, as well as what hedgehog pets eat and drink, which provides the best food options and liquids for your pet’s healthy life.