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Hedgehog Pet Vs Dog

Hedgehog Pet Vs Dog

Would you like to learn more about a hedgehog vs. a dog as a pet?

As pet lovers, there is always the desire to have additional animals. Your lifestyle, tastes, and degree of commitment all impact your selection between a hedgehog and a dog, because of their different personalities. It is only natural to conduct extensive study before making a decision. I want to tell you more about these two wonderful species, and I encourage you to read my posts Hedgehog Pet vs. Rabbits and Are Hedgehogs Pets Good with Other Pets which are pretty eye-opening too

Here we go,

Are Hedgehogs A Danger To Dogs

Even though the hedgehog appears to be quite attractive, and some owners of summer cottages even specifically feed the spiky animals, you should not be fooled.

 Hedgehogs are carriers of rabies and leptospirosis, both of which are fatal to dogs (and people). And, whereas most people are aware of rabies, leptospirosis is less widely known, while being no less lethal.

 It’s a bacterial illness that wreaks havoc on internal organs, muscles, and even the brain.

When a dog comes into contact with hedgehogs, it must be vaccinated as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk losing your pet, among other things.

When a dog encounters a hedgehog, it is best to consult a veterinarian since it is not always feasible to remove the thorns that have been lodged in the dog’s mouth on your own, and it is best to entrust this procedure to an expert. There have been several reports of thorn removal from dogs performed under general anesthesia.

Are Hedgehogs Friendly With Dogs

If a hedgehog and a dog encounter in the wild, they respond differently. The same is true when sharing an apartment.

They will get along okay if the dog is tiny and not aggressive, and they will not respond to each other’s presence.

They can cohabit harmoniously despite their close closeness. However, breaching personal space is strictly forbidden!

If there is a huge dog in the house who is used to hunting, the hedgehog may succumb to its hunting impulse while strolling about the flat.

 The dog perceives him as a game that must be slain at any cost, rather than a member of his family.

Dogs frequently like playing with hedgehogs, even if it appears to be a game from the outside – a pet joyously hopping about a spiny ball has its purposes.

A huge dog, in particular, may readily consume it, assuming he can figure out how to properly turn the hedgehog around. The tiny one, on the other hand, will only pick up thorns in its inquisitive nose if it is very persistent.

How Do Hedgehogs React To Dogs

A dog’s reaction to a hedgehog is challenging. Sometimes faithful dogs become envious of their owner’s new neighbor and begin to growl at the hedgehog, driving it away from the person.

The most essential thing is to assist your pets throughout adaptation and getting acclimated to each other, which will be quite tough for them to do.

Hedgehogs will desperately mark everything around them and struggle for their area, which will not be tolerated by any dog.

It is vital to note that not all dogs are compatible with hedgehogs and vice versa. Before keeping them together, examine your dog’s temperament, prey drive, and capacity to cohabit peacefully with tiny animals. If you have any worries or queries, speak with a professional animal behaviorist or trainer for advice tailored to your circumstances.

How Do Dogs Sense Hedgehogs

Dogs have an acute sense of smell and rely on it to detect and distinguish numerous odors, including those of hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have a peculiar odor that dogs can detect.

When a dog detects a hedgehog scent, they may display behaviors such as sniffing the ground, attempting to trail the scent, or exhibiting interest in a specific location where a hedgehog may be present.

In addition, dogs may be able to hear hedgehogs. Hedgehogs produce low grunting or snuffling sounds, particularly when threatened or in distress.

 These noises can be detected by dogs with acute hearing, warning them of the presence of a hedgehog.

It is preferable to take the hedgehog from a dog, whether tiny or large.

An encounter like this can result in both external and internal harm to the dog since needles can pierce the mouth, lips, and cheeks. This is far more dangerous.

Considerations While Deciding Between A Hedgehog And A Dog

  • Connection and friendship: Dogs are sociable creatures who thrive on connection and company from their owners. They require frequent physical activity, playing, and socialization. They may offer emotional support to their human friends and build close ties with them. Hedgehogs, on the other hand, like to be alone and have little contact. They are usually not as engaging or loving as dogs.
  • Care requirements: Dogs necessitate more time, effort, and resources to care for. They require daily feeding, exercise, grooming, and veterinarian treatment regularly. They also require training and socialization to become well-mannered pets. Hedgehogs have basic care needs, such as providing a suitable cage, nutritious feed, and preserving their habitat. They also require frequent veterinarian examinations.
  • Space: Dogs require a lot of area to roam about, exercise, and play. They benefit from having a garden or having access to outside spaces. Hedgehogs, on the other hand, are tiny and may be housed in a smaller environment, such as a cage or terrarium.
  • Allergies: Some people may be allergic to dogs, while hedgehogs are less likely to induce allergies. If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, a hedgehog may be a better choice.
  • Longevity: When compared to hedgehogs, dogs have a longer longevity. Dogs can live for 10-15 years or more, depending on the breed, but hedgehogs normally survive 4-7 years in captivity. For more on this, kindly read How Long Pet Hedgehog Live
  • Legal considerations: It is essential to research local rules and regulations concerning pet ownership. Some localities may prohibit the keeping of hedgehogs as pets, but dogs are often more universally recognized as pets.

Signs That Dogs and Hedgehogs Can Coexist

Although dogs and cats are believed to be mortal foes, we all know someone who owns both a cat and a dog. Many individuals have dogs as well as other pets such as rabbits, rats, hamsters, fish, and reptiles. Owning a dog and a hedgehog should be no different, but several features of dogs suggest they can coexist with hedgehogs.

To begin, when you expose dogs to new things, they are usually interested but kind. Slowly introducing yourself to a hedgehog can lead to a wonderful, unconventional relationship. Second, hedgehogs have quills that they may use to defend themselves. Dogs soon learn to avoid these vexing quills and maintain the required distance to cohabit with a hedgehog.

Dogs who have had basic obedience training and can consistently respond to orders have a better chance of living with a hedgehog. Training can assist in the establishment of limits and control over the dog’s behavior, lowering the danger of violence or harassment towards the hedgehog.

While dogs are gregarious creatures, hedgehogs are not, so be careful of your hedgehog’s requirements. Your dog must learn to respect limits, and you must allow your hedgehog some alone time.

Tips For Dogs Who Live With Hedgehogs

  • Slowly introduce your dog to a hedgehog.
  • Keep an eye on your dog’s interactions with the hedgehog to avoid any assaults or difficulties.
  • Prey drive triggers should be avoided: Some dogs have a strong prey drive, which might endanger the hedgehog. By keeping the hedgehog out of reach and not allowing the dog to chase or hunt the hedgehog, you may avoid stimulating your dog’s prey drive.
  • Allow your hedgehog some alone time away from your dog. Your dog should be taught to respect the hedgehog’s enclosure and personal space. Discourage the dog from pawing, nosing, or harassing the hedgehog’s enclosure. This will contribute to the creation of a safe habitat for both animals.
  • Before beginning the introductions, make sure your dog is weary.
  • Make sure the hedgehog’s enclosure is escape-proof and there are obstacles in place to keep the dog out. Hedgehogs can be hurt if a dog gets into their enclosure, thus safe barriers must be in place.
  • Spend meaningful time with both your dog and hedgehog separately. This will assist in avoiding any envy or rivalry for attention.
  • Plan frequent veterinarian visits for both your dog and hedgehog. This will assist in ensuring that they are in excellent health and that any potential problems are addressed as soon as possible.


It is crucial to emphasize that if you have a hedgehog and a dog, they must be introduced slowly and under supervision. Hedgehogs have a natural defense method of curling into a tight ball with their spines out when frightened, which may harm a dog if they try to interact with the hedgehog forcefully. I propose you read Are Hedgehogs Good Pets For Beginners, which provides you with a deeper understanding of hedgehogs, as well as Types of Hedgehogs, which offers you an in-depth insight into hedgehog personalities and allows you to choose the hedgehog that best matches your lifestyle.