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Hedgehog Pet With Diabetes

Hedgehog Pet With Diabetes

Do you want to know if a hedgehog may get diabetes?

My hedgehog initially developed diabetes when he was 5 years old. It wasn’t as playful as usual, I noticed. I was additionally concerned since I saw it had lost a large amount of weight. I took him to the doctor, who examined him and noted that his body weight had reduced significantly since his last check-up about a year ago. My veterinarian advised me that my pet had high levels of glucose in its blood and urine. I’d want to share what I’ve discovered with you.

Here we go,

Can Hedgehogs Pets Get Diabetes

Hedgehog pets can certainly get diabetes even though diabetes in hedgehogs is little recognized, it is far more frequent than people believe. Unfortunately, most go untreated, resulting in a variety of symptoms and even a shorter lifetime. Diabetes is of two types

Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent) develops when the pancreas decreases or stops producing insulin.

Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) is distinguished by the fact that the pancreas produces insulin in normal or higher levels, but the body’s cells become insensitive to insulin activity. Both forms of diabetes can be present in the body of your pet at the same time

Which Hedgehog Pets Are Most Prone To Diabetes

Diabetes is more common in the following hedgehog pets:

 Elderly Hedgehogs

Diabetes affects hedgehogs of older age more than pups and young adults. As a result, the older your pet becomes, the more likely it will have diabetes.

Overweight Hedgehogs

Obesity is the leading cause of diabetes in hedgehogs. In this regard, controlling the pet’s weight and adapting the food to its demands and guidelines established based on breed, body composition, age, and other factors are critical.

Factors Of Genetic Origin

Genetics, as in humans, have a role in the development of diabetes in hedgehogs. Similarly, some breeds are more prone to illness than others.

Pregnant Hedgehogs

There is a tendency that pregnant hedgehogs to have diabetes than those that are not pregnant

Hedgehog Pets Diabetes Symptoms 

Diabetes is characterized by a disruption in all forms of metabolism, including mineral, water-salt, carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. When you notice that your pet is eating or drinking excessively, then there is a possibility that it has diabetes. Other possible symptoms include:

Increased Thirst: Sugar released in the urine begins to suck water and water out of the blood, causing the volume of urine to naturally grow and the pet to pee frequently. Because fluid is continually expelled from the body, dehydration ensues, causing the animal to be constantly thirsty and drink a lot.

 Frequent urination: High glucose levels in the urine are one of the most common signs of diabetes. In a normal condition, the kidneys never excrete glucose in the urine;  the kidneys lose their ability to perform their primary functions, and glucose begins to be expelled from the body

Weight loss: Because the cells cease eating glucose, the body goes into a state of hunger, and the only way out is for it to keep eating all of its protein and fat reserves as energy, which naturally leads to a drop in muscle mass and the animal losing weight.

The coat is in poor condition, and the rear limbs are weak. There is general body weakness and tiredness and a lack of physical exercise.

Foggy eyes are noticeable which can lead to blindness due to cataract development

Wounds that do not heal properly


Ways To Solve Diabetes In Hedgehog Pets

It is critical to 

  • Keep track of your beloved pet’s weight: excess pounds can complicate compensating and lead to problems or early death.
  • Routine blood sugar levels at least once a day 
  • Feeding with specific foods regularly;
  • Enough physical exercise

Always bear in mind that Insulin must be given to the animal only after it has consumed a certain amount of food. The veterinarian determines the dose and frequency of administration and you should rigorously follow them to avoid causing injury to your pet.

In addition, the specialist may suggest the following drugs:

Antibiotics; antiviral; sedatives; cardiac support; pain relievers; enzyme-containing; antiemetic.

Hedgehog Pets Diabetes Risk Reduction In 7 Ways

Follow the following tips to lessen the chance of the development of diabetes in your pet

1. Ensure that your hedgehog pet is fed high-quality food. In this illness, ready-made nutritional feeds with a high protein content, a high fibre content, and a low carbohydrate content are prescribed. A high fibre intake enhances feelings of fullness while decreasing feelings of hunger. Fibre helps to prevent changes in blood glucose levels, allowing your pet to need less insulin.

2. Do not permit overfeeding at any point in time as obesity constitute a lot of diabetes

3. Maintain control of your hedgehog pet’s weight.

4. Give your pet frequent physical activity.

5. Monitoring of blood glucose levels in animals with diabetes, blood glucose levels must be measured regularly. Use a glucometer for this purpose. There are blood glucose meters particularly created and calibrated for animals.

6. Don’t overlook regular vaccines.

7. Visit a veterinarian regularly for a preventative inspection 

Hedgehog Pets Diabetes Treatment

The repetitive pattern of his life is the key to successful diabetes treatment in a pet: Insulin injections, diet, blood sugar monitoring, and exercise are all options.

 1. Insulin – the precise dosage is critical

A doctor should choose the kind and dose of insulin for each patient. Insulin can be long-acting, short-acting, combination, or veterinary. The doctor determines the initial insulin dose, which is subsequently modified throughout one to four weeks under the supervision of a doctor. You feed your pet, inject insulin at home, test your blood sugar, and notify your doctor. And he already says whether to increase or reduce the insulin dose and by how much.

Doing it yourself is risky because even a one-unit increase in insulin dose can cause hypoglycaemia (a sudden drop in blood sugar levels), which is hazardous to the pet’s health and possibly death

2. Syringe – it is critical not to mix up the gradation.

Insulin is administered subcutaneously. Special insulin syringes are available for this purpose. They are available in a variety of gradations and quantities, such as 100 U/ml, 40 U/ml, 50 U/0.5 ml, and so on. Typically, the doctor at the front desk will explain in detail and show you the precise syringes you will require. You should be aware of this when you visit the drugstore.


Best Food For Hedgehog Pets With Diabetes

Hedgehog pets with diabetes require a particular diet for pets to maintain stable blood sugar levels. It is critical in general to give

  • Grain-free low-carbohydrate food
  • Avoid items with hidden sugars.
  • Wet food is more suitable than dry meals. It is extremely advised to switch from dry to wet meals if your pet has diabetes because dry food, especially special food, has a high carbohydrate content. However, the adjustment should be done with caution.

Diabetes-specific food is also available in supermarkets or via veterinarians. However, because special food for diabetic hedgehogs frequently contains grain, these feeds are not typically more suited than normal, grain-free wet food. Food labels should always be carefully scrutinized while selecting food.


Diabetes may be controlled if it is discovered early. You should constantly be watchful of your hedgehog so that if you see any changes that are not in any way favourable, you can find out how to treat them as soon as possible since it is better to be safe than sorry and a stitch in time will undoubtedly save nine. I propose that you read my post on Hedgehog Pet Care Package, which will provide you with the greatest alternatives for caring for your pet. It is also vital that you strictly follow the doctor’s directions for insulin dose and diet.