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Hedgehog Pet With Dry Skin

Hesgehog Pet With Dry Skin

When I saw my hedgehog pet scratching nonstop, I wondered why it kept scratching and was worried. I told a friend about my concern that having experience with hedgehog pets, she told me it could be due to dry skin and gave me solutions for my hedgehog pet’s dry skin. In this essay, I will discuss dry skin and how to treat it. I do, however, have an article on Hedgehog Pet Skin Infection that will educate you more about how to avoid fleas for your pet’s well-being and, as a result, a healthy life.

Here we go,

What Does Hedgehog Pet Dry Skin Look Like?

Hedgehogs suffer from skin dryness, which causes itching and severe peeling. Dry skin, or xerosis, can be present before birth. It is most commonly noticed in hedgehogs of light breeds or albinos, whose skin is thinner, more sensitive, and quickly inflamed due to temperature stimulation.

Dry skin is classified into two types:

Dry skin is acquired when it is subjected to a variety of exogenous influences like different climatic variables (wind, high temperature, low air humidity), and dry cleaners are among these causes. Thus, increased skin dryness is observed in animals that are constantly in air-conditioned rooms, which are characterized by an unfavorable microclimate for the skin.

 Dry skin might also be caused by therapeutic procedures. Constitutionally dry skin may be linked to various hereditary and physiological factors. It occurs most frequently when the sebaceous glands’ production of sebum decreases physiologically. The dryness of the skin can worsen and become dominant with age. 

Why Is My Hedgehog’s Pet Skin Crusty

The skin of a hedgehog pet can get crusty for a variety of reasons. It might be caused by a mite infestation, ringworms, or other fungal and bacteria-related skin illnesses. Several factors can contribute to skin dryness and peeling, and they include:

Vitamin deficiency: in this situation, you should evaluate your diet and include vitamins from groups “A” and “E” in it.

Bathing on a regular basis: To minimize issues, the hedgehog should be bathed no more than once every three months.

Subcutaneous parasites: a skin scraping is required for examination to ensure that the animal does not have subcutaneous mites.

Improper care includes the use of fat-free products, harsh water, and chapping of the skin after bathing (due to insufficient wiping).

How Do You Hydrate A Hedgehog Pet

The primary features of care for an animal’s dry skin are gentle washing and proper hydration. It is vital to use current cleansers that can provide excellent skin cleaning while also not damaging the lipids of your pet. Film-forming agents, which provide skin hydration by minimizing Tran’s epidermal water loss, are appropriate for hedgehog pets’ skin. This is feasible when a lipid layer is placed on the skin’s surface.

To prevent excessive dryness of the skin, the hedgehog should be washed no more than once a month. After bathing, a few drops of peach or olive oil should be applied to the back of the hedgehog. In addition, you should monitor the level of humidity in the room.

Film-forming chemicals include those found in the oil phase of any cream. Using jojoba oil, oat powder, or liquid Vaseline to moisturize the skin can help hydrate your pet’s skin too. If the dryness resumes after a few weeks, it is vital to determine the reason, which is most likely parasites.

How Do You Fix a Hedgehog Pet with Dry Skin

  • The following oils are suitable for prickly babies: apricot, peach, grape seed, wheat germ, jojoba, coconut, and shea.
  • Vitamins from groups “A” and “E” are included in the diet.
  • Bathing in accordance with the rules.
  • Turning on the humidifier in the animal’s room.
  • Ample water consumption is required for the healthy skin of your pet.
  • Flax seed oil capsules sprinkled over food 2-3 times per week can be really beneficial.

Remember that dry skin can be caused by subcutaneous parasites as well as external or congenital causes.

Make oatmeal baths for them. Place the oats in an old sock, similar to a tea bag. You can momentarily relieve your pet by immersing him in water.

If the animal is aggressively combing and dandruff is oozing from it, a scrape is required to find subcutaneous parasites or fungus. If they are discovered, a veterinarian-recommended treatment regimen should be initiated.

What Soap Is Good For Hedgehog Pets To Avoid Dry Skin

Many people believe that bathing a prickly friend is best done with baby shampoo. However, not all of them are suitable for the animal’s delicate skin. Johnson’s Baby shampoos, for example, are completely unsuitable for a hedgehog because the ingredients in them can severely dry out the skin and cause an allergic reaction.

Speaking of specialized pet products, shampoos for kittens and cats are much safer than shampoos for dogs or other large pets because they contain glycerin, are designed with the fact that the animal licks itself in mind, and have no odors or chemicals that can dry out the skin.

Shampoos for rodents (ferrets, guinea pigs, etc.) are fundamentally acceptable for hedgehogs but are nevertheless less suggested because their composition varies so much.

If shampoo is not an option, use the most neutral and natural liquid soap without scents or strong smells.

Whatever shampoo/soap you use, make sure to thoroughly rinse your hedgehog because residue can itch and attract dirt.

Never wash your hedgehog with human shampoos, dishwashing detergents, and flea and parasite shampoos.

What Oils Are Safe For Hedgehog Pet

The careful hygienic skin care, regular moisturizing, and softening, i.e. therapy with hedgehog-friendly oils (apricot, peach, almond olive oil, grape seed oil) are safe for your pet

Another thing to moisturize your pet’s skin is neutral hypoallergenic Vaseline, such as that used for babies, or jojoba oil, which is applied once a week with a couple of drops on the back and a couple of drops behind the ears, which you can spread with a toothbrush or leave alone, if the dryness is severe, twice a week.

As a preventive precaution, once a week, and once every three days if there are issues, no more than 1-3 drops. If the hedgehog is oiled, it will appear untidy, and dust and dirt particles will adhere to it. It should be dripped on the head parting and the back. In no instance should the hedgehog’s belly be oiled.

To avoid severe skin dryness, the hedgehog should be cleaned no more than once a month. After bathing, apply a few drops of peach or olive oil to the hedgehog’s back. You should also keep an eye on the humidity level in the space.

If your hedgehog has skin problems, such as dandruff or itching from dry skin, it is vital to moisturize the pet’s skin with a specific oil every three weeks to enhance the skin condition.


A hedgehog’s skin is naturally dry; it appears hard and a little dry; this is due to its pores being closed, and it is unable to create fat like other animals. However, your hedgehog’s skin may experience changes in moisture levels and become too dry for a variety of reasons, resulting in symptoms such as red, itchy skin or the development of dandruff, and you should be concerned if this occurs. I’d like you to read my essay on Hedgehog Pet Fleas, which will tell you the best techniques to provide your pet with a long and healthy life.