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Hedgehog Pets Gestation Period

Hedgehog Pets Gestation Period

Do you want to learn more about the gestation period of a hedgehog pet?

I’ll never forget the first time I had a hedgehog pet; after much study, I settled on getting a baby hedgehog pet, who was born a few days before I went to my breeders’ location. It was breath-taking to witness; my breeder took the time to explain the hedgehog’s gestation cycle. I’d like to share this with you and invite you to read my post on How how-much-does-a-baby-hedgehog-pet-cost/Much Does A Baby Hedgehog Pet Cost, which will provide you with the pricing and Hedgehog Types you may choose from.

Let’s go,

How Long Does It Take For A Hedgehog Pet To Have Babies

Pregnancy lasts 30-40 days in hedgehogs and the time is also affected by the amount of hedgehogs. The female requires somewhat different circumstances throughout this phase than she does during her usual existence. She needs a well-balanced and healthy diet.

During the period of childbirth, the female is actively preparing to become a mother. She prepares her home for the arrival of her young.

The following factors should be considered to ensure a good gestation period for your hedgehog pet.

  • Preparing your hedgehog pet to mate.
  • Providing a comprehensive and healthy diet for the female during her pregnancy.
  • Take care of the prospective mother.
  • Quality bedding in sufficient quantities.

In the first two weeks of life, take special care of your child. Ensure that the animal obtains all of the required vitamins; special complexes for adding to food can be purchased at a pet store for this purpose. Increase your pet’s meat consumption, as well as sprouted wheat, dandelion leaves, and, of course, insects.

How Many Babies Do Hedgehog Pets Have At A Time

In a typical litter, the mother gives birth to 5-8 cubs, who are born blind and deaf. They will only suckle on mother’s milk for the first two weeks, thus the female is especially well-nourished during this time. The hedgehogs’ eyes will open after 15 days, needles will begin to develop, and they will begin to investigate the surroundings around them with interest. A female gives birth once a year in nature however, there may be two litters each year in some situations especially if the pet gets pregnant early in the year. Prior to the commencement of labour, the expecting woman actively seeks and prepares the location where her future children will be delivered. She can accomplish this by finding an abandoned badger burrow or digging her own. A shelter of this type can be up to 1.5 metres long. The nesting chamber is typically positioned 30-50 centimetres from the exit.

How Do You Know If My Hedgehog Pet Is Pregnant

The following are ways to know your hedgehog pet is pregnant:

1) Hedgehogs weight increase. Many people weigh the female and notice weight gain to find out if she is she is pregnant. If they eat a lot of food than their usual portion, there is a likelihood they are pregnant

2) Hedgehog behavior may change drastically depending on the hedgehog type. Some are tamer and demand contact with the owner more often while for others, docile female hedgehogs may transform into nasty thorns and may prefer to sit alone in the home and do not want to see the owner except for food and water. As a result, this symptom cannot accurately predict the presence or absence of pregnancy. However, if you see anything strange in your hedgehog pet, this can be regarded as one of the indicators.

3) Hedgehog hunger. The hedgehog requires more nourishing food during pregnancy due to the production and development of hedgehogs in it. Pregnant hedgehogs often come out to feed and drink not just at night because they are nocturnal animals, but also in the morning or afternoon when they were sleeping earlier.

4) The female’s time in the house. Many breeders also noted that females spend more time at home in the last stages of pregnancy. They pull everything they find into the home (rags, straw, etc.), creating a nest into which they barely fit. You can also hear the female digging at the bottom of the cage often

5) Nipples and belly. By the conclusion of the pregnancy, the female’s stomach has tightened and is larger in diameter, however, not all females will notice this, and not everyone can see it. If the pet eats little, the stomach may go unnoticed.

Urine and faeces will have a stronger odor when your hedgehog pet is pregnant

In general, a pregnant woman’s sides should be somewhat rounded, but you don’t need to feel her; otherwise, the kids may be harmed, complicating labor.

What Age Can A Hedgehog Female Pet Breed

Because all nutrients, vitamins, and micro and macro elements will be used to maintain the life and nutrition of the fetus, and the mother is weak, the body will be left without support. A female that is too young may have offspring that are not healthy, problems during childbirth, refuse babies, may weaken and get sick. If, on the other hand, the female is older than two years, it is not advised that she reproduce. Her bones will already be overly rigid, which might create dilatation issues during labor. If she is over the age of three, she should not become pregnant under any circumstances. The first mating of a hedgehog should take place no sooner than six months and it is ideal at 9-10 months.

Can Hedgehogs Pets Have Babies Without A Male 

The answer is no. Ovulation in a female is caused by the presence of a male hedgehog that is near it; that is, ovulation is induced. Oftentimes, female hedgehogs are viable all year, mating in nature happens, on average, during the rainy warm season, when they are provided with food and appropriate temperatures. The hedgehog is brought to the hedgehog for mating, not the other way around. After an average of 7 days of getting to know one other, the female is placed in a cage with the male .In the male territory, he is more assured and relaxed. First, the female is brought in and placed next to the male’s cage. The male courts the hedgehog by circling her for hours on end. The “hedgehog carousel” is the name given to this mating ritual.  The male rushes about the female, snorting, growling, and chirping. The female first dodges, threatens, and snorts. When she’s ready, she smoothers her needles bends, presses to the ground, and reveals her amazing behind in a distinctive manner.  With raised forehead spikes, the female hedgehog first pushes the candidate away. Mating takes place if she submits, with the female putting her spine flat against her body and being mounted from behind by the male In the presence of others, the male may not cover the female who is ready to mate; they require their privacy. Following copulation, a wax is developed in the female’s vagina, preventing her from mating with any other male hedgehog. Following mating, the female chases the male away and begins to construct a secure and adequate “nest” for her offspring. This attitude stems from the male’s potential to murder the infants.

Crucial Factors Before Allowing Your Cat To Go Through The Gestation Period

  1. You must select perfectly healthy specimens, which means they must be free of any motor, respiratory, or skin problems. Hedgehogs spread illnesses to their young quite fast.
  2. Neither the male nor the female must be related by blood. Family hedgehogs have malformed and feeble young. As a result, they must have no blood links that bind them together. Check the origin of the hedgehog with which you will be crossing yours.
  3. Avoid crossing your hedgehog too many times. Despite their high birth rate, they shouldn’t produce several litters since it exhausts the mother.

What Do You Feed A New Born Hedgehog Pet

Hedgehog infants range in weight from 12 to 25 grams. The mother hedgehog suckles her young during the day and hunts for food at night. The eyes and ears open at the age of 14 days. When they are 21 days old, their milk teeth appear, and a few days later they venture to leave the nest and try to obtain food for themselves. Because the young hedgehogs do not catch much at first, they are suckled by their mother until they are 6 weeks old. Young hedgehogs can explore their surroundings freely after around 3.5 weeks of age. Because their mother is seeking food further away from the nest, they are frequently out and about without her. At this age, the baby hedgehogs resemble mature hedgehogs, weighing roughly 150-200g. The mother feeds the babies for another 2.5 weeks until they are fully independent at 6 weeks.


Thoroughly clean the cage 7-10 days before the expected delivery of your pet as you will not be able to do it entirely once the offspring emerges. It is strictly forbidden to disturb the hedgehog with babies. She will appreciate her pregnant adventure as long as you make her as comfortable as possible. Keep in mind that when she gives birth, she should be adequately supplied with excellent food so that she can lactate properly. I propose reading my post What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink, which will provide you with the greatest and tastiest drink for your pet.