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Hedgehog Pets Vs Groundhog Pets

Hedgehog Pets Vs Groundhog Pets

Do you want to grasp the incredible distinction between Hedgehog Pets and Groundhog Pets?

While I was still debating which pet to choose, I went to a pet store and asked questions and was amazed at the information I got. Despite the fact the names of both pets sound identical, there is a significant difference between them, and I’m sure you’re wondering, what that difference is. I’d like to discuss these distinctions and encourage you to read my post Are Hedgehog Pets Easy To Care Of which will help you learn how to care for a hedgehog pet.

Let’s go,

What Is The Distinction Between A Hedgehog And A Groundhog


A hedgehog pet has an average life span of 8 to 10 years, but a groundhog has an average life span of 12 to 14 years. The main reason for this is that tiny animals have shorter lifespans than large animals. This means that the groundhogs have a longer life span than the hedgehog. I recommend reading my post on How Long Pet Hedgehog Lives if you want to offer your hedgehog the best life possible. We’d all like to spend time connecting with our pets, but death is unavoidable. I also recommend that you read my piece Hedgehog Pets Death, which will provide you advice on how to cope if your pet dies.

Physical Appearance

The physical appearance of both pets differs. While the hedgehog pet is covered with quills, groundhogs have those hairs on their body. The claws of groundhogs are stronger than those of hedgehog pets when it comes to their feet. Hedgehogs are tiny, spiky mammals that have conical faces while groundhogs, often known as a woodchuck are rodents that are related to squirrels.

Another physical distinction is that, while both creatures have tails, the groundhog’s tail is bushy, whilst the hedgehog’s tail is not.

Their fur ranges in color from black to yellowish-brown to reddish-brown to grey while the hedgehog pets have a variety of colors from white, black, orange-brown, and many more varieties


A hedgehog pet lives a solitary existence and prefers to construct its house on the earth’s surface except during mating season. A groundhog on the other hand, is not a loner regardless of the mating season and always digs a network of tunnels under the ground. Their particular protective response in the face of predator or dangers differs, hedgehogs roll into balls, but groundhogs simply communicate with their species by whistling if they detect any threats.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures that are more active at night, but groundhogs are diurnal because they are more active during the day. One of the hedgehog’s unique behavior is self-anointing, which happens when they spit on themselves; the groundhog does not exhibit this tendency.


A hedgehog pet can dwell in diverse regions on all continents of the world: Africa, Asia, and all the other continents of the World whereas the groundhog lives in North America and also in some places in Canada. This means the hedgehogs are distributed all over unlike the groundhogs The pet hedgehog uses grass, leaves, twigs, and other materials to make its home above the ground. The groundhog on the other side makes the ground their home. They both dig burrows, which is a comparable characteristic, yet, holes dug by hedgehogs are not as deep as holes dug by groundhogs.


A hedgehog is a smaller pet than a groundhog. From the size of its head to its feet, the hedgehog is smaller than the groundhog. A groundhog’s normal length is 3 to 13 inches, yet groundhogs can grow to be 2 feet or more. The weight of a hedgehog pet is not as great as that of a groundhog. The average weight of an adult hedgehog is between a 1pound and 1.5 pounds while the average weight of a groundhog is between 12 pounds and 16 pounds. This shows a huge difference in their weight. This is why the groundhog’s body is stout while that of the hedgehog is small.


Groundhogs are herbivores, which means they consume plants of different varieties which include berries, tree barks as well and grasses. Groundhogs can be considered a problem sometimes because they have that tendency to destroy a garden in an instant, robbing you of all you have planted if you have a garden, but hedgehogs are omnivores, meaning they consume both plants and animals. They also consume primarily insects which can include beetles, worms, and protein like eggs and meat. If you keep hedgehogs as pets, it is best to give them insects you buy from pet stores so that they will not ingest insects that can be harmful to them for the best food and drinks for your hedgehog pets please read What Do Hedgehogs Eat and Drink

Human Interaction

Groundhogs all dwell in burrows as earlier mentioned, have thick coats, and nearly all groundhogs live in colonies. Groundhogs are rarely seen as pets because of the skill they have when it comes to burrowing and they generally avoid humans but with time can get used to the presence of humans, however, hedgehogs are kept as pets and are not wary of human beings as they are good with scent and that means with care and attention, they can interact well with their owners. Even though they have their unique characteristics, all you need to do is understand the personality of the hedgehog you want and settle for it


Even though hedgehogs appear to be the same, there are different types of hedgehogs, there are different species found in Asia, Europe, and Africa. For almost thirty years, ornamental offspring of African pygmy hedgehogs have been maintained in many households. There are, yet, at least twenty-four species of this amusing mammal. Hedgehogs have different variety of species from European Africa Pygmy, Albino, Cinnamon as much as Salt and Pepper and have different varieties. They all differ not just in appearance, but also in their routines. The groundhogs, but, have about fourteen species and only one type of groundhog


Reproduction in groundhogs begins between the ages of one and three years. Their pregnancy progresses rapidly. Groundhogs mate in early spring, and following a month-long pregnancy, they normally give birth to a litter of two to six blind, hairless babies which can be called Kittens, cubs, and crumpets but, a normal hedgehog may give birth to one to nine (five) offspring. Hedgehogs are born blind, naked, and with brilliant pink skin, but within a few hours they develop soft and white needles that can number up to 150 and hedgehog babies can be called hoglets. I will recommend you read my article How much do baby hedgehog cost if you want to know more about young hedgehog


As much as they have their differences, they both have some similarities, including hibernating and eating insects. While groundhogs and hedgehogs have similar names, they are separate species with their own set of distinguishing features and behaviors. Understanding these distinctions not only clears up any uncertainty but also improves our appreciation for the animal kingdom’s richness. I urge you to read Types of Hedgehog, which provides you with a selection of various hedgehog species and their behaviors, which will finally give you the one you can pick if you want to keep a hedgehog as a pet, as I did.