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Hedgehog Pets With Swollen Anus

Hedgehog Pets With Swollen Anus

Do you want to learn more about hedgehog anus?

I noticed something strange about my hedgehog’s rear end a few years ago. It was crimson ring, red and swollen. It had diarrhea because I altered its diet. I was concerned, and blamed myself for the change in diet, believing that it was the underlying reason. I had to get my pet to the clinic because I was terrified of witnessing this for the first time. I’d like to discuss how my pet healed and let you know that the Hedgehog Pet litter requirement is essential when it comes to swelling anus 

Let’s go.

What Causes Swelling Of The Anus In Hedgehog Pet (6 Major Causes)

Hedgehog pet having swelling of anus is likely due to the following:

Diseases Affecting The Digestive Tract 

Gastrointestinal illness is the most prevalent cause of anal inflammation in hedgehogs because it affects the digestive tract, it is often but not always, connected to what the hedgehog consumes. Malnutrition is one of the most prevalent causes of gastrointestinal distress. It might be because the hedgehog is provided a bad diet or the diet consumed does not suit her stomach. Improper nutrition and food changes often result in diarrhea, as well as many other gastrointestinal illnesses. This is one of the causes of a red bottom or fluid leak in a hedgehog pet.

The hedgehog’s anus can irritate and cause swelling if the excrement is too soft or too firm. Loose faeces can also accumulate around the anus, causing germs to grow and inflame the area. Constipation can also irritate the anus as well. If the stool is overly big or too firm, the tension exerts strain on the anus and produces swelling. The treatment will be determined by the etiology of the gastrointestinal disease. If the hedgehog has diarrhea, it needs to consume more water to prevent dehydration; if it has constipation, it may require fiber. Treatment is also influenced by age.


Tumors are abnormal growths that can appear anywhere in the body, including the buttocks. Some are cancerous, while others are not. Even benign growths, however, can cause discomfort to the hedgehog.They can interfere with your ability to urinate and create significant discomfort.

Fortunately, hedgehog anal cancer is uncommon. If there are tumors in the rectum, they are most often benign neoplasms. Treatment for every sort of tumor will be determined by the cause. Typically, surgery is necessary. If the tumor is cancerous, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy may be required. The outcome will be determined by whether or not the cancer has spread to other sections of the hedgehog’s body.

Anal Glands Clogged

Hedgehog anal glands are positioned near the anus. These glands are used to lubricate the anus during bowel movements as well as to emit odors to indicate territory. Pheromones released by anal glands (also known as anal sacs) aid in the identification and learning of other hedgehogs. Although this condition does not directly affect the buttocks, the position of the anal glands might cause swelling and redness. The illness of the anal sac might result from a blockage of the gland’s duct. This indicates that the glands are frequently exposed to secretions as a result of dirt collection. The anal glands are normally physically removed by the caretaker or veterinarian, especially in senior hedgehogs. If they are not there, there will be obstruction and infections which in extreme case leads to pain

Allergic Reaction

The buttocks are formed of a unique sort of skin tissue. Contact with the relevant allergen, as with other skin tissues, might result in an allergic response. Because the anus is on the hedgehog’s back, it might be a problem if the hedgehog sits on something containing the allergy. A hedgehog’s sensitivity to litter type is an example. Buttocks may enlarge and become red.


A red, swollen bottom may be one of the indications of a viral, bacterial, or fungal illness in the hedgehog. These infections are quite diverse, yet they can be systemic or local. The hedgehog may have a bacterial illness with local infections. Bacteria can enter a hedgehog’s wound which you can heal if you read my article on Hedgehog pet wound care and  if the anus is injured due to overexertion or another physical injury to the region. It frequently happens as a result of hedgehogs’ feces. Inflammation can be caused by the germs that cause the illness. If the infection is serious enough, the hedgehog will require antibiotic treatment. Treatment is typically determined by the cause. Antiviral medicines may be used in rare circumstances to treat viral infections. In most situations, symptomatic alleviation is required until the body heals.


Obesity can also be a problem because fatty tissue around the glands and a lack of muscular tone lead the glands to not empty correctly. baby hedgehogs appear to be especially vulnerable, presumably because their anal gland ducts are so tiny that they can become blocked more quickly. Even if everything else is good, a gland that generates too much fluid is unlikely to empty and may create obstructions and impactions frequently if not treated.

 Other causes may include Strange Object Colitis and parasites

How Do You Treat A Hedgehog Pet With Swollen Anus

In the event of minor anal gland irritation, the vet will empty the anal sacs using physical pressure during a home visit or in practice. Because this therapy is extremely unpleasant for the hedgehog, it is performed under aesthetic. After emptying the anal sacs, the veterinarian flushes them with an anti-inflammatory substance. If the inflammation is severe, this treatment is repeated numerous times. Abscesses might form if the condition is not treated promptly. In this scenario, the veterinarian will make a tiny incision to drain the pus. Antibiotics in the form of an injection or pills are used to continue treatment.

How to Prevent Swollen Anus in Hedgehog Pets

A balanced and nutritious hedgehog diet is the foundation for the animals to feel happy and be disease-free. When feeding hedgehogs, make sure the diet provides enough protein in the form of meat. High-fat content is also beneficial to the hedgehog’s health and guarantees that there are no bowel issues. Fiber regulates the rate at which food moves through the digestive system, therefore a high-fiber, easily-digested diet is vital. The more natural the food, the better it will be for your hedgehog’s issues. Anal gland difficulties can be exacerbated even further by chemical-laden, highly processed hedgehog meals like kibble, which are difficult to digest and have minimal nutritional value.

A high carbohydrate content, on the other hand, is hazardous to hedgehog health and consequently digestion. Hedgehogs that exclusively consume dry food do not consume enough liquid, which hinders digestion. Wet food is unquestionably healthier. Check out What Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink for the finest food alternatives for your pet. 

4 Things You May Do At Home To Help Your Hedgehog Pet With Swelling Anus.

  1. Always keep your hedgehog’s rear clean. This may be accomplished by removing any remaining fecal material and wiping your hedgehog butt clean after bowel movement. If you find your hedgehog has diarrhea, gently wash the affected region to remove any excrement adhered to its quills and assist provide comfort.
  2. Sore skin should be relieved. Ideal goods, such as Vaseline, can be utilized to soothe the sore region. It will aid in the healing of the swollen region while also preventing further aggravation. Make sure your pet does not lick the Vaseline-covered area.
  3. Diarrhea troubleshooting. The simplest approach to treat your hedgehog with diarrhea is to feed it bland foods.
  4. Preventive steps are essential, and this may be accomplished by avoiding foods that can cause stomach distress. As much fruit as possible should be consumed in tiny amounts. Please see What Fruits Can/Can’t Hedgehog Pet Eat for the finest fruits for your pets.


Hedgehog pets with anus swelling feel pain and discomfort, which may be unpleasant. A focused treatment strategy will be discussed after a definite diagnosis of the reason for your hedgehog’s anal discomfort has been obtained. This might include medicine or probiotics to manage diarrhea, pain relievers, allergy medications, or deworming treatments to eradicate gastrointestinal parasites. Make sure you provide the greatest care for your hedgehog pet; I guarantee that your bonding will improve regardless of what. Kindly read my post on How long do hedgehog pets live, which will provide the best suggestions for a long life for your pet.