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Hedgehog Pets With Swollen Jaw

Hedgehog Pets With Swollen Jaw

Do you want to know more about hedgehog pets with swollen jaws?

It was a routine day when I went to check on my hedgehog pet and saw Sammy’s jaw was swollen. It was not a pleasant sight to behold, so I immediately brought him to my veterinarian, and after inspections, he was given medication and was OK after a few days. I’d like to tell you how my hedgehog recovered and invite you to read my post on a Hedgehog pet with swollen anus for advice on how to care for your pet if you ever find this problem.

Let’s get started,

Why Is My Hedgehog Pet Jaw Swollen

There are several reasons why a hedgehog’s jaw is swollen. Each diagnosis is accompanied by a distinct collection of symptoms, allowing your vet to quickly deduce the origin of the ailment. As a result, doctors advise against self-diagnosis and to consult a veterinary facility as soon as the hedgehog’s jaw swells or other clinical indications develop. This implies that self-treatment may not result in a beneficial outcome, and it may also complicate the right diagnosis in a veterinary facility.

What Causes Swollen Jaws In Hedgehog Pet

There are many reasons why your hedgehog pet can have a swollen jaw

Allergies include food, contact, pollen, home chemicals, medications, and vaccination delivery. The severity of the reaction is determined by the amount of allergen that has entered the hedgehog’s pet body. Pathological reactions include symmetry of swelling itching, salivation, and asthma episodes. Swelling may spread to the ears, nose, and eyes, resulting in conjunctivitis. Allergies can also occur while providing medication; the hedgehog may develop an allergy to the ingredients in the preparations. If a response develops, the medicine should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted.

Snake and bug bites. The biting site – the jaw, nose, and eye region – is where the swelling forms. The animal is nervous and continually scratches or rubs the afflicted region. The pet feels discomfort when you press on the swelling. Soft tissue necrosis is common at the site of a bite.

Poisoning can be caused by poisons, foods, or plants. Toxins in the body necessitate immediate medical intervention for your pet. Poisoning is generally followed by vomiting, diarrhea, labored and heavy breathing, disorientation, and loss of direction in space, in addition to enlargement of the jaw and snout.

Blunt trauma – mechanical injury is accompanied by blood vessel rupture, hematoma development, and swelling in the region of impact. Physical harm, such as that caused by a battle with another animal, frequently results in unilateral swelling and hematomas. In such instances, it is vital to offer the animal first aid in the form of wound care and to attempt to get the pet to the doctor as soon as possible since he may have concealed injuries. A clinic diagnosis will assist in determining the risk of damage and taking the required precautions.

Abscess – a bacterial infection causes an abscess to form at the site of a stab or bite wound. The swellings are around the location with purulent fluids and give the animal great agony.

Diseases caused by infectious agents. An infection and enlarged lymph nodes might be the reason for a hedgehog’s swelling beneath the jaw.

Dental difficulties. In the projection of the sick dental unit, a jaw tumor with tooth root inflammation develops behind the eye and on the cheek. Dental disease, damaged or exposed roots, and odontogenic abscesses are the most common causes. Gum infections, damaged teeth, periodontal disease, and other oral traumas can cause swollen jaws in hedgehogs. Bad breath, anorexia owing to discomfort or bleeding gums, and trouble eating are other frequent clinical indicators in these circumstances.

Inhalation of foreign bodies in addition to the face, sometimes you can also see that your hedgehog has a swollen muzzle. Inflammation in this area is usually due to the penetration of a foreign body into the muzzle through your friend’s nostrils, this is the case of seeds, spikes, or any small object capable of being inhaled through the nose of the hedgehog that can be stuck there.

Signs To Know My Hedgehog Pet Jaw Is Swollen

  • Aside from visible jaw swelling, discomfort in the afflicted region is typical. As a result, your hedgehog may get restless, uncomfortable, and complain.
  • Among the symptoms to watch for include redness, hives, and a little increase in temperature near the site of the swelling
  • Disease-related symptoms such as ataxia, fatigue, listlessness, or loss of appetite may also develop.
  • Trouble breathing is an alert sign.
  • Food intake is hindered, and many hedgehogs refuse to drink or eat.
  • Frequency of sneezing. For more on sneezing, kindly read my article Hedgehog pet sneezing
  • Diarrhea can also be present
  • Excessive salivation is also possible

Treatments For Hedgehog Pet Swollen Jaw

  • Following an assessment by your veterinarian, the expert may give antiseptics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics as part of the intervention.
  • When it is uncertain whether the hedgehog pet is allergic to something and it is certain that it has not been bitten by an insect or an animal, the vet will begin a diet regimen to attempt to determine the cause. There are, however, particular tests available to determine the sort of allergy a hedgehog has.
  • When hedgehogs are bitten or suffer from various types of trauma, the most usual therapy is antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. As a result, the swelling is treated, and any current or potential infections are addressed.
  • If the swelling is localized and just one side of the jaw is affected, it might be a tumor or a dental disease. On suspicion, the doctor will examine the pet’s teeth and gums to decide the best course of action.


How To Prevent My Hedgehog Pet From Swollen Jaw   

  • Following active games, ensure your hedgehog pet is inspected.
  • All detected open wounds on your hedgehog pet must be treated.
  • Checking the teeth integrity of your pet regularly. Dental problems may be avoided by properly caring for your hedgehog’s teeth. Create a dental care routine for your hedgehog pet to follow. Your hedgehog will be considerably less prone to suffer dental problems, and you will be able to detect problems earlier.
  • Removal of tartar in the formation of hard plaque and further oral health suggestions for your hedgehog pet may be found in my post on Hedgehog pet dental care.
  • Make certain that your hedgehog pet receives the necessary nourishment.
  • Avoid contact with dangerous plants and substances.
  • Ensure you take your pet for annual veterinarian checkups


After considering the reasons for the hedgehog pets jaw swelling, we can conclude that the nature of the onset of this ailment is unclear and can have many implications for the hedgehog; thus, in such instances, you should seek a professional’s opinion immediately. Remember that early illness identification can save your pet’s life. I propose you read my post on How long hedgehog pets live, which will offer you the best ideas to care for your pet for a long life, as well as what do hedgehog pet eat and drink, which will give the best tips for your pet’s health.