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Hedgehog Pets With Swollen Tongue

Hedgehog Pet With Swollen Tongue

Do you want to know more about hedgehog pet care?

The first time I noticed my hedgehog had tongue issues, it had uncurled a little, I noticed and hesitated as my pet had something jammed into the roof of her mouth making her tongue swell and infected. My vet removed a solid item possibly a bone around my poor darling, no wonder it lay next to its food and water it must have been desperate so close but unable to have any. She’s been given full meds, allow me to tell you everything she went through to be better

Let’s go

Why Is My Hedgehog Pet Tongue Swollen

As much as hedgehogs enjoy insects, stinging insects can have disastrous repercussions for hedgehogs, with bites in the throat being the most harmful. Venom-induced swelling can produce laryngeal edema and airway obstruction. Asphyxia may kill the animal. If the animal has been stung by a wasp, the sting should be removed and antihistamines should be supplied.

If the animal does not experience a violation of critical processes following a bite to the tongue, there should be no concerns in the future.

How Can I Tell If My Hedgehog Pet Has A Swollen Tongue

The hedgehog pet may exhibit the following symptoms depending on the source of the enlargement of the tongue:

  • Shortness of breath at rest
  • Bluing of the mouth mucous membranes (sky, tongue, gums) Bluing of the mucous membranes of the mouth is regarded as a dangerous sign that requires prompt care.
  • Extreme weakness
  • Decreased coordination of movements;
  • Ulcers on the tongue, palate, gums, and lips.

Possible Causes Of Swollen Tongue In Hedgehog Pets And Treatment


It usually occurs in baby hedgehogs who are just beginning to learn about the world around them. Its mouth can get burned on hot dishes (a plate, a pot, a frying pan), an oven, a pipe, or an iron which can affects its tongue. At the site of the burn, swelling and redness form, which eventually transform into bleeding ulcers. Minor burns go away on their own within 3-5 days. The hedgehog pet may experience pain during the meal, so it is recommended to not to give it dry food these days. Large burns should be examined by a veterinarian so that he can assess the extent of damage and select effective anti-inflammatory and healing drugs

Unknown Entity

The most prevalent cause of a hedgehog’s enlarged tongue can be caused by foreign objects Splinters can be bone splinters (from meat or fish), wood chips, or other sharp things with which the pet comes into touch. There is nearly always a lot of salivation along with the edema. The animal may entirely refuse to eat since the process will be excruciatingly painful. It is difficult to remove a splinter on your own, especially if the hedgehog has a chaotic personality. In rare circumstances, anesthesia will be necessary so that the veterinarian may safely remove the foreign body and treat the afflicted region with antiseptic.

Shock From Electricity

 Unfortunately, this option cannot be ruled out, especially with new-born hedgehogs who can bite the wires. It can also occur during winter season when bulbs and heaters are predominantly used for your pet .For best tips on how to care for during winter kindly read my post on Hedgehog Winter Care. It should be recalled that electric current is hazardous to the animal’s life. In the best-case scenario, the pet would suffer mild mucous membrane burns that will take a long time to heal and will impede food intake. In the worst-case scenario, cardiac and breathing difficulties will develop. If an electric shock causes convulsions or loss of consciousness, the animal must be hospitalized as away. Veterinarians will initially look for arrhythmias in the heart. If the tongue is enlarged or the oral mucosa is damaged, the pet is shown eating through a nasogastric tube.

The Sting Of A Stinging Insect.

The most serious cause of a cat’s tongue swelling and drooling can be caused by insects. The venomous stings of wild bees and wasps. Following them, the limbs might swell significantly, posing a direct threat to life in the case of localization in the larynx and oral mucosa. If there is even the smallest suspicion that the animal has eaten the tongue of a wasp or a bee, the animal should be sent to the local veterinary facility as soon as possible. Because the tongue can get exceedingly large and impede the flow of oxygen, hypoxia results. There is no need to try to handle this on your own because anaphylactic shock is a highly dangerous disease that is difficult to manage even in an intensive care unit. As a first aid measure, administer a one-time injection of prednisolone to the animal. Even so, you should travel to the local clinic as quickly as possible.


Neoplasms can cause a hedgehog’s tongue to enlarge in rare situations. This usually happens in old age with the formation of malignant tumors, which are most commonly seen beneath the tongue. Only after a histological study of cells extracted from the formation with a thin-barreled needle can an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan be determined. If your hedgehog has aged, do well to take it to a vet as soon as possible if you notice a swollen tongue so that appropriate examination will be made and treatment given

How To Give Fluids To Your Hedgehog Pet With Swollen Tongue

Hedgehog pets with swollen tongues require specialized care from veterinarians who know what to do. There is no need for you to conduct the feeding of your pet, bring them to a vet facility as soon as you realize they have difficulty eating

If syringe feeding is not done correctly, the lungs will flood and they will perish, or their tongues may become lodged in their throats.

They can acquire inflated stomachs, which can kill a hedgehog because the digestive system may not handle the quantity being forced into its body because of how weak it can be,so kindly allow your vet to feed it .


Although swollen tongues in hedgehog pets are uncommon, they cannot be ruled out. As a result, if something happens to your pet, you’ll know what steps to take to treat it. Your hedgehog will heal as quickly as possible if you lavish it with love and care. When treating your pet, enough of fluids should be provided to prevent dehydration, which can occur when food cannot be swallowed due to a swollen tongue. I propose that you read my essay about Hedgehog Pet Dental Care, which will provide you with the finest alternative for good oral care for your pet.