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Hedgehog Pet Vet Care

Hedgehog Pet Vet Care

Do you want to know why your hedgehog pet needs veterinary care?

When I initially got my hedgehog, I was overjoyed and promptly went to the vet to see how it was doing, a day after its arrival. I’m happy I did because the doctor enlightened me on how to better understand my pet. I’d like to inform you about it and invite you to read my essay on Types of Hedgehogs which will provide you with the ideal hedgehog to keep as a pet and What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink to get the greatest food for your pet health.

Let’s go,

Reasons Why Your Hedgehog Pet Should See A Vet

As soon as you have a hedgehog, or even before its arrival, it is good to locate a veterinarian that can care for your pet when the need arises. Not all Veterinarians have in-depth knowledge of a hedgehog; this is why inquiring is important so that you can easily count on them and locate them.

It is essential to have a complete examination of a hedgehog a few days after its arrival home, and subsequently, your pet should be checked every six months or at least once yearly depending on the age of your pet This is important because it makes it easy to detect anything unusual with your pet’s health and necessary treatment will be adequately given.

There are some symptoms that you should be concerned about if presented by your pet since there are signs to know something is probably wrong with it or something bad could happen to it if not given early treatment

Hedgehogs Pets That Genuinely Require Vet Care

To make you know if there is a need to visit a Veterinary for your hedgehog pet, there are certain symptoms that are worrying and need immediate attention. These symptoms include 


Any wound that bleeds needs attention so you can know what caused it and know how to prevent it too. Your vet will be in the best position to help with its healing and prevention.


This is a common problem encountered by hedgehogs which is caused by hair or threads that your pet’s legs get tangled with. It is important to visit a vet when you experience this to know how your pet will be treated and cared for.


When you observe your hedgehog pet with any kind of injury that has scabs, or pus on it or see your pet dragging a leg, then there is a need to visit your vet and give treatment


Signs of illness do not show quickly on Hedgehogs, but when you experience any change in its behavior whether in having a sad mood, cold body, and legs, Loss of appetite, or your pet being inactive both day and at night, please do well to pay a visit to a Veterinary. During the day, you can typically identify them by the fact that they search for food, run around, stagger, or lie down. Blowflies frequently perch on ill hedgehogs throughout the summer.

Quills loss in excess

Although there is loss of quills during the early years of your pets which is a natural process, when quills fall off excessively and you notice your pet’s body has no quills at all in some areas, it is a clear sign that it is abnormal and a visit to your Veterinary is important so that your sweet companion can be given the right treatment to get its spikes back.

Ingestion of toxic edibles

In a situation where your pet ingests prohibited foods like chocolates, garlic, and grapes amongst others, urgent attention from your vet is needed to give adequate treatment because consuming these toxic edibles can lead your pets to diseases and probably death.

With the coronavirus existence, it is important to follow some rules to have adequate care for your pet. This includes the following

  • Go to clinics strictly on appointments except in cases of emergencies to avoid overcrowding
  • Where there is a need for prescriptions and report collection, you can make calls and get all the information needed in your mailbox
  • If you experience a cold or related flu-like cough, avoid accompanying your pet 
  • Keep a safe distance towards everyone in the same room with you
  • Hedgehogs sometimes can be infected with internal parasites so do limit your pets’ contact with children and people with immune deficiencies

Why Is Visit To Vet Important To Your Hedgehog Pet  

  • To check their general health, hedgehogs should receive annual wellness and fecal exams.
  • As they become older (more than three to four years old), annual blood work is advised. 

Vitamin deficiencies, obesity, mites, pneumonia, cancer, gastrointestinal obstruction, dental disease, fatty liver disease, and internal parasites are some of the more frequent disease processes that plague hedgehogs and these health issues in your hedgehog may be avoided with diligent and knowledgeable care.  Please call your local exotics veterinarian to schedule a consultation if you have any questions concerning any of the illnesses mentioned as a stitch in time saves nine

  • Hedgehogs’ teeth should be examined for tartar buildup, decay, and other symptoms of wear or missing teeth. Dietary adjustments may be recommended by your vet based on oral health.

It’s essential to take your hedgehog to the doctor regularly for basic exams and yearly immunizations against infectious illnesses prevalent in household rodents. If you see any symptoms of disease or damage in your pet, get expert veterinarian assistance as soon as possible before the condition develops.

Where Can I Find an Exotic Veterinarian

  • Not all vets have experience or will accept hedgehogs as clients, so it will be okay to make thorough research on vets you can also get referrals from breeders and also from pet stores 
  • Several websites are dedicated to listing qualified veterinarians, and Google searches may frequently assist in identifying unusual veterinarians in your region.  
  • Referrals from other vets are another great way to find an exotic veterinarian in your region. It is also a great idea to make inquiries from family and friends who have pets as hedgehogs they will update you with the best clinic for your pet


Hedgehogs in need of help absolutely need expert help and medical care, which is provided by veterinarians. Without vet care, orphaned baby hedgehogs and sick and injured hedgehogs are doomed to an agonizing death. Sick animals should at all times be provided with professional veterinary care because, without this, your sweet companion will not be able to survive and enjoy its environment. I will like you to read my post on Hedgehog Pet Fleas which will help you look out for the general well-being of your pet you can also go to the website exotic pet vet for a physical exam for your pet