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How Do I Bond With My Pet Hedgehog

How Do I Bond With My Pet Hedgehog

Do you want to know how to bond with a hedgehog as a pet?

When I initially got my hedgehog pet, I had many questions, one of which was, “How do I bond with my hedgehog?” For the first few days, I tried studying and monitoring my pet, who was guarded and curled up, but with time and trust, I was able to bond successfully with my buddy. I’d like to share how I did it and encourage you to read my post Hedgehog Care and Maintenance for the finest recommendations on caring for your pet.

Let’s go, shall we?

How Long Does It Take To Bond With Hedgehog

Bonding with a hedgehog might take months or even a year, especially if it has previously been mistreated.

Put a garment you’ve worn in their cage to get them acquainted with your scent.

Keep bonding time at night and try to dim the lights down or off when the hedgehog is out. It ultimately boils down to desensitizing the hedgehog to everything, so they’ll be agitated at first, but they should be able to relax after a bit.

Clipping their nails in the bath is simpler, for the best tips on clipping your hedgehog nails, I recommend you read my post-Hedgehog Pet Nail Clipping.

In bathing your hedgehog, make sure the Hedgehog doesn’t breathe in the water since this can cause major health problems.

How Do You Become Friends With A Hedgehog

  • Fill The Cage With Something That Smells Like You: A hedgehog is at least 3 feet square, so you’ll have plenty of space to place one of your old shirts in to assist the hedgehog grow acclimated to your fragrance.

Hedgehogs can’t see very well, thus they rely heavily on scent. One of the most effective methods to bond with your pet is to introduce items that smell like you to them.

  • Handle them regularly: Handling them regularly is another approach to help them become acquainted with your scent.

Holding it carefully in your hands, patting it, and switching from hand to hand can help it become used to being handled and will also help the hedgehog get acquainted with your scent.

Make certain that you do not use gloves when handling your hedgehog. Many people use gloves to shield their hands from the quills, but this also keeps your hedgehog from picking up on your scent.

  • Place them in your lap: Allowing them to play on your lap is another approach to keep them close to you and familiar with your fragrance.

 Your lap will provide your companion enough space to move about while still allowing you to touch and pick it up.

  • Wrap them in a blanket. If your hedgehog hasn’t been trained to use the litter box, wrap it in a blanket and lay it on your lap or keep it near to you when you go around the home. The blanket creates a secure area for your hedgehog to explore
  • Make use of a snuggling sack or a Hoodie: Snuggle bags are little pouches designed for mice, hamsters, hedgehogs, and other small animals.

The snuggle sack is fashioned like a sleeping bag and allows you to keep your pet close to you like a blanket while simultaneously giving your pet safety and a hiding spot.

The aroma of the cuddle bag will remain consistent, allowing your hedgehog to become more acquainted with it.

If you don’t have enough money for a Snuggle Sack or a bonding bag, you may wear a sweatshirt backward and place your hedgehog inside the hood to keep it close to you while you wander around your house.

Placing your pet under the hood can help it grow more acquainted with you and your smell, as well as acclimated to being with you.

  • Bring Them Outdoors Or For A Ride

Your hedgehog will be grateful for some fresh air.

You may keep your pet with you when going on a walk with a bonding bag, or you can set up a tiny cage in the yard to play with it.

It will enjoy the fresh air and different fragrances and will associate you with a good time. Taking them for a trip is a good solution.

 If you’re the driver, you can keep it in a bonding bag, but if you’re a passenger, you can give your hedgehog more movement by using a blanket or a Snuggle Sack.

How Can I Make My Pet Hedgehog Happy

  • Be Dependable

Allow your hedgehog some time to adjust to you. Each hedgehog, like people, has its personality, and some will be more friendly to others than others.

Friendly hedgehogs will rapidly bond with their owners, whilst shy hedgehogs may take longer.

Begin by putting them on your lap on a blanket from their cage. In this manner, you can pet them while still leaving them room to move.

You can attempt lifting it with your hands once it doesn’t seem too terrifying.

  • Maintain Consistency

Consistency is essential for a quick bonding phase.

Keep your pet with you for at least thirty minutes every day, utilizing one of the techniques indicated above.

The majority of animals are habitual and want to perform activities at the same time every day.

Sitting on your lap or going on a stroll will become part of its routine, and it will no longer be afraid.

  • Make Use of the Same Hand wash and Detergents

Hedgehogs place a high value on fragrance.

Using the same hand wash on your buddy might help keep him or her comfortable and allow you to bond.

 Before picking up or playing with your pet, make sure you wash your hands with the same soap you use every time.

Use the same laundry detergent to wash the bedding and clothing they come into touch with because the same detergent will help them identify your house and you.

  • Allow It Some Breathing Room.

If your hedgehog is hissing or leaping at you, it is scared, and the best thing you can do is back away and let it calm down.

Determine the source of the problem and, if possible, eradicate it. The most typical reasons for a disturbed hedgehog are loud noises, unexpected odors, and the aggressiveness of other animals.

Providing Treats To Your Pet

You can try to feed the hedgehog using your hand.  Your hedgehog may respond positively or negatively.

Don’t allow your hedgehog to lick your fingers or hand since it may determine that because a small bit of you tastes wonderful, a lot of you tastes even better

Is Playing A Way To Bond With My Hedgehog

Playing with your hedgehog is an excellent way to strengthen your relationship with them. Interaction and playing allow you to spend quality time together while also building trust and strengthening your connection.

You may develop good connections and delightful experiences for your hedgehog through play. You may also notice their behavior, interests, and distinct personality features.

 Playing with your hedgehog daily will help it feel more comfortable with you and create trust, resulting in a stronger link between you and your pet.

Always respect your hedgehog’s limits and preferences when playing with them

Some hedgehogs are more outgoing and lively, while others are more reserved, it all depends on the type of hedgehog

Pay attention to their indications and modify the play activities as needed. You may develop a gratifying and delightful friendship with your hedgehog by providing a range of fascinating toys, interactive activities, and positive interactions.

What Can Cause Your Hedgehog To Be Aggressive To You

Hedgehog aggression towards you can be provoked by a variety of causes. The following are some factors that can make your hedgehog get aggressive towards you:

Mishandling or Rough Treatment: When a hedgehog is mishandled or treated harshly, it may end up being anxious or feel threatened, resulting in aggressive behavior.

 Handle hedgehogs gently, supporting their bodies and avoiding quick or harsh moves.

Lack of Trust: To have trust and a relationship with their owners, hedgehogs need regular and good experience with you.

If a hedgehog does not experience a worthwhile moment with you, it may be more prone to aggressive behavior.

Stress and Fear: Hedgehogs can become violent when they are terrified or threatened. Loud noises, unexpected movements, or strange locations can all set this off.

Always give your pet a peaceful environment so that your hedgehog will not be tense.

Pain or Discomfort: Hedgehogs may become aggressive if they are in pain or feel uncomfortable.

It’s critical to keep an eye on their health status, offer correct veterinarian care, and address any underlying medical conditions promptly

Hormonal Changes: Unneutered male hedgehogs may be territorial, especially during breeding season when their hormones are heightened.

 Neutering can aid in the reduction of aggressive behavior caused by hormonal changes.

Protective instinct: Hedgehogs are naturally protective of their vicinity and may exhibit aggressive behavior if they believe they are under threat

It is critical to respect their limits and create a conducive environment

If your hedgehog is acting aggressively towards you, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian who can examine the problem, rule it out, and advise on the best way to manage your hedgehog

What Is The Fastest Way To Tame A Hedgehog

You must understand that a hedgehog is like a youngster; interested in everything, but he is scared to explore the world without the help of an adult.

The most important qualities to have are endless patience and love, as well as absolute acceptance of the hedgehog’s essence as it is.

The hedgehog owes no one anything; he has the right to be himself. We must gain hold of this small heart with love and kindness.

Don’t take the hedgehog from the buttocks! Predators attack in this way The hedgehog will instinctively feel terrified and squeeze.

 First, we put our palm to our face and scent myself, and then we grip it from the side or front of the belly.

Remember that each hedgehog has its personality, and some may take longer to tame than others. To assist in creating trust over time, it’s critical to be patient, respect their limits, and provide a stress-free atmosphere.


Bonding with your hedgehog aids in the development of a relationship between you and your pet.

The stronger your bond becomes with your hedgehog, the more you will appreciate and cherish your pet.

For the greatest attachment ties, bonding requires effort, patience, respect, care, and an understanding of hedgehogs as well as good reinforcement

Hedgehogs have weak eyesight, therefore connecting with them will be more effective if they use their other senses.

 For more tips on the other senses used by your buddy and to understand your pet more, kindly read Hedgehog Pet Whiskers as well as Hedgehog Pet Smell