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How Hedgehog Pet Protects Itself

Do you want to know how hedgehog pets protect itself?

When I first took up my hedgehog pet, it snarled. I had no idea it was attempting to defend itself in this manner.

 After a visit to my vet, I realized it’s a normal inclination for hedgehogs to defend themselves, and with a gentle touch, my hedgehog finally relaxed, it took time, but it’s worthwhile to spend that time with your pet.

 I’d like to share and like you to read my post How Do I Bond With My Pet Hedgehog allows you to enjoy your pet’s company.

Let’s go

How Does Hedgehog Protect Themselves From Predators?

When they detect an approaching predator, they roll up into a ball in spikes to scare it away. Desert hedgehogs, assume an attack posture and wait for the spikes to have a deterring effect.

This behavior is achievable because their joints are flexible, allowing them to draw their head and legs close while protecting their soft tummy.

Their spines point in all directions when they do so, producing an impenetrable defensive barrier for many predators.

They may growl and hiss while in a defensive position, generating menacing sounds to discourage their assailants. For you to understand the sounds of your hedgehog pet, I recommend you read my post-Hedgehog Pet Sound And Meaning

Furthermore, when threatened, certain hedgehogs emit odours that are not pleasant, like the odour emitted by some rodents

What Are Some Predators Of Hedgehogs

The common hedgehog’s predators are The badger and the fox which are the common hedgehog’s most feared predators. Both the fox and the badger use a unique hunting tactic to avoid the hedgehog’s thorny coat. They carefully flip the hedgehog with their noses to gain access to its soft belly.

It is crucial to note that these defense systems have limits. Some predators like snakes, may be cunning enough to attack hedgehogs when they are coiled.

Other hedgehog predators include the brown bear, polecat, and eagle owl.

The hedgehog is occasionally attacked by mustelids like weasels, marten, or stoats.

If you keep any of these animals as pets, you should ensure you monitor them as they can be a predator to your hedgehog

What Protects The Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are safeguarded by their distinct morphological characteristics and protective behaviors. Here are factors that contribute to their safety:

  • Hedgehogs are distinguished by their spines, which is their principal defense mechanism. When a hedgehog is afraid it may curl into a ball and expose its spines to discourage predators.

 The spines act as a physical barrier between the hedgehog and possible predators, making it harder for predators to assault or swallow the hedgehog.

  • Hedgehogs are active at night and sleep during the day. This allows them to avoid confrontations with many daytime predators and lowers their threats from predators
  • Hedgehogs have a hue that matches their natural environment, giving them some concealment.

Their spines also break up the contour of their bodies, making them less noticeable to predators.

Hedgehogs may display a variety of protective behaviors in addition to curling into a ball. To warn off predators, they might hiss, click, or emit other vocalizations.

 They may display “head-bobbing” behavior, in which they whip their heads back and forth quickly as a warning signal.

If a hedgehog is approached by a predator or other threat and the rolling into a ball defense is ineffective, they may participate in quill shedding.

This entails releasing a section of their spines, which may become stuck in the attacker, creating pain

Can Hedgehogs Protect Themselves From Dogs

Hedgehogs have a variety of defense measures to defend themselves from possible predators as mentioned earlier.

Their capacity to defend against a dog depends on the dog’s size, behavior, and the exact conditions of how they meet

Make it impossible for your dog to come close to the cage. Closeness to a hyperactive dog will frighten your hedgehog, and I have no doubt dogs will try to kill it at the first opportunity.

 Most dogs have a strong prey drive. For the hog’s health and safety, you must make the cage inaccessible – preferably in a place your dog never enters.

While hedgehogs have canine defenses, it’s vital to remember that dogs are predators and may view hedgehogs as objects of interest.

 As a result, it is critical to avoid confrontations between dogs and hedgehogs to avoid injury to either species. Supervision and secure cages are essential for both dog and hedgehog safety.

How Do I Protect My Hedgehog Pet

Pesticides Must Be Removed.

Some neighbors continue to use insecticides or slug pellets in their plants. However, these items are hazardous to hedgehogs and other tiny creatures in the city.

When the hedgehog consumes poisoned mollusks and the kestrel consumes poisoned rodents, both get poisoned.

Allow Nature To Take Its Course.

There is no need for pesticides because nature can take care of itself. It is hardly an invasion if a dozen slugs cross the driveway one morning.

They are very beneficial to the soil and a favorite of blackbirds. Remember to provide a proper nest box as well as some food for the birds.

 Ensure His Well-Being

You may make a roost out of branches and leaves in a hidden nook of your garden, if you have one. You should not touch it since it will make the hedgehog feel threatened.

 You may also place some chicken-flavored cat food and a dish of water on the ground.

You may even build tunnels in your garden fences to allow it to travel from one to the other. Also, be cautious if you have a dog

Keep in mind that this little mammal is a wild species that should not be tamed.


Hedgehogs are intriguing creatures that encounter a variety of problems in their natural habitat.

 To protect themselves from predators, they have evolved unusual defense systems such as spines and the capacity to wrap up into a ball.

 However, they are threatened by several natural predators.

We must know the necessity of maintaining and protecting hedgehog habitats and fostering peaceful coexistence with natural predators, as hedgehog enthusiasts.

Providing suitable shelter and protection and minimizing disruption of their ecosystems, can help reduce hazards to them

You need to understand the personality of the types of hedgehog you also have to care for.`