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How Much Does A Baby Hedgehog Pet Cost

How Much Does A Baby Hedgehog Pet Cost

Would you like to know how much a baby hedgehog costs as a pet?

I remembered the first time I bought my first baby hedgehog for $45 thanks to Nancy, my friend, who made me fall in love with this beauty some years back and gave me a giveaway price.

 Today the price range of a baby hedgehog is between $150 and $400. You may be wondering why it is becoming costlier, but several elements govern these costs.  let me show you more about the Types of hedgehogs  and how much they cost


Here we go,

Full Price Break Down Of A Baby Hedgehog Pet Cost

Hedgehogs’ cost depends on their age, color, and disposition.

Those with popular demand like Salt hedgehog, pepper hedgehog, and Cinnamon hedgehog costs

between $150 and $200 while Pinto costs between $175 and $350

Here is a price range of other baby hedgehog pets

Spices $300–$350

Blondes can go for $200–$300

White: $250-$350

Black: $250-$300


  The cost listed above is only an estimate and does not mean that the price will remain the same

Some breeders sell hedgehog starter kits for $75, which contain a cage, wheel, hiding area,

water bottle, feed dish and food, and shavings.

Places Where You Can Buy Your Baby Hedgehog Pet

When considering getting a pet hedgehog, one of the first things to consider is the cost of ownership.   Do not make the error of assuming that all sources from which you may buy a baby hedgehog pet are respectable and original since they must be high-quality and ethical breeders.

The following are the most typical sites to buy a baby hedgehog:

·       A source of web advertising

·       An owned and operated pet store

·       A reptile and exotic animal convention

·       An online breeder

·       A nearby breeder


Hedgehogs are available at local animal shelters which are lower in cost and through rescue groups as well which is higher in cost.

But, before bringing a baby hedgehog pet home, you should think about the short-term

and long-term costs of owning a hedgehog.

They should never be gotten on the spur of the moment or for someone who isn’t expecting

a new pet. They need both time and effort, as well as financial investments

Hedgehogs can be an expensive investment, but there are ways to care for your hedgehog on a


  A necessary part of owning a hedgehog on a budget is to create a budget, which will help

ensure you don’t run out of necessary items.

Salt hedgehogs, Pepper hedgehogs, or Cinnamon hedgehogs are the cheapest hedgehogs because of how popular they are while “Pinto” baby hedgehogs are in the middle of the price range

The costliest hedgehogs are usually blonde, black, or white because they are of a rare breed.

The price of your newborn hedgehog pet will vary based on where you buy it and what color hedgehog you want.


How Much Do Breeders Charge For Hedgehogs


The price of hedgehogs from breeders varies according to the hue of the hedgehog.

The rarer the color of the hedgehog, the higher the price.

There is a tendency that breeders will charge more for unique patterned colors, the breed of

the hedgehog is of utmost importance because of traits that the pet may have that can

include its size or temperament.

It is very appropriate to ensure you do thorough research on breeders nearby and ask for

information on the prices of hedgehogs to have a comparison and make your decisions.

Three main factors can affect the cost of a baby Hedgehog pet


Having a distinct color as a baby hedgehog pet affects the price. Rare-colored hedgehogs are

more expensive than common ones because of their unique colors


The life expectancy rate of a hedgehog is an average of five years, so there is a tendency that

baby hedgehogs are costlier than adult hedgehogs since they are smaller.

still has more years to live than an adult hedgehog


People will generally love to have a companion that is calm and friendly rather than an

aggressive companion. Baby hedgehogs that are calm are more expensive than aggressive ones.


What About The Prices Of Hedgehogs At Pet Store 

 As the cost at a breeder varies, so does at pet stores because of certain factors like how rare the breed is, the location, and also the unique traits of the pet.

It is also a good idea to conduct extensive research about the pet store where you want to get your pet since there is no assurance that your pet will be cared for

Therefore, gathering information is essential.  It is critical to consider the pet’s health history and background.

Hedgehogs may be purchased at a few pet stores around the country and can cost between $200 and $400.


Cost Of Rearing A Baby Hedgehog Pet

The initial budget to have baby hedgehog pets includes the following:

Food: A 5-pound bag of food, such as Exotic Nutrition Hedgehog Complete can last six to seven weeks and will cost roughly $25.

Cage: A cage will cost you between $50 and $200, depending on how much you want to spend

The basic set of equipment includes a water bottle, food dish, bed, and exercise wheel. This will cost between $50 and $100.

Vet visit: A veterinary visit can have an initial cost of $10–20.

Regular veterinary appointments will vary in price depending on where you live and the availability of a physician knowledgeable about unusual pets such as hedgehogs.

Hiding place: Hiding Place can cost roughly $5-20

Heat Source: The heating Lamp has a price range of $10-50, getting a heating pad and a thermometer for roughly $50 to $60.This helps to give the cage a pleasant temperature

  When it comes to pet ownership, Ongoing costs are not always considered and should be which include the following:

Vet visits range from $50 to $500, depending on the service provided by the veterinarian.

Food: $10-$100

Pillows range in price from $20 to $250.

Treats range from $15 to $100.

Cleaning wipes range in price from $16 to $37.

Toys: $10-$50

This price may also vary, but if you want to save money, you can get the food and bedding in bulk.



Now that you have learned how much a baby hedgehog costs, it is important to note you can’t get the best hedgehog from just any source

It is important to make a thorough research on where to buy your pet and I advise you to listen to your breeder’s recommendations

It is advisable to consider the hedgehog’s health before purchasing one.

Get the best hedgehog breeders on hedgehogbreeders It is where I recommend

However, I have an existing article What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink stating the best food and drinks appropriate for your pet and in turn helps on  how long pets live