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How To Organize A Trip With A Hedgehog Pet

How To Organize A Trip With A Hedgehog Pet

Do you want to know how to plan a trip with a hedgehog pet?

I remember being delighted and scared the first time I wanted to travel on a trip with my hedgehog pet since I wasn’t sure whether my buddy would be comfortable. However, I decided to phone a close friend, Charlie, a hedgehog keeper who advised me on the best methods to vacation with my pet, I’m pleased I did because I had an enjoyable time. I’d like to share it with you and encourage you to read my piece on Hedgehog Care And Maintenance.

Let’s get started,

Can I Take My Hedgehog On A Trip

As much as your hedgehog pet can go on a journey, some hedgehog pets may be unable to withstand changes in their surroundings, so as a hedgehog owner, it is important to understand the mentality of your companion. It is best to start with a short journey and see if it is comfortable with that before beginning on a longer one. One of the most important things to consider is to carry enough food and drink that will last long during the journey. For the finest alternatives, I recommend you read my post about what hedgehog pets eat and drink. Also, make certain that the hedgehog is in a carrier that has enough space in the vehicle’s passenger compartment, in a location that minimizes turbulence.

What To Do If Your Hedgehog Pet Becomes Ill From Motion Sickness

Not all hedgehog pets can travel without experiencing sickness while in motion just as it is for human beings, which is caused by tension and anxiety. If you discover your hedgehog pet is unwell as a result of a journey, please give it motion sickness medications, which include the following:

Antiemetics are the most often used. They alleviate nausea and vomiting and make the animal feel better during the journey. They are not sleep-inducing, may be given to baby hedgehogs from 4 months old, and are highly accepted. Furthermore, it works for almost 12 hours

Antiemetics and sedatives contain sedative and depressive properties in addition to preventing vomiting. They should not be given to baby hedgehogs, nor should they be given to elderly hedgehogs or those with health issues.

Pheromones: They mimic the pheromones secreted by the mother to soothe the baby hedgehogs, and hence have a soothing effect on the animals.

6Things To Consider Before Taking Your Hedgehog On Vacation

  1. Prepare the following documentation. Bring the immunization card and all of the animal’s papers with you. You never know when you’ll require it.
  • Remember that the hedgehog is a nocturnal animal, and it is our responsibility to avoid stressing it by taking it for a walk during the day or taking it to noisy areas. So, if we’re going to take him out for walks, you have to patiently wait for him to be awake if he is sleeping. Also, the temperature to which we will expose our hedgehog should not be more than 30°C or lower than 22°C. It should be around 25°C on average. As a result, the holiday destination you choose must meet these requirements to keep our hedgehog pet in a secure and comfortable area
  • The box for transport should be made of a specific resistant plastic and appropriate size for them. The carrier should also be the right size for your pet because it will allow it to sleep, sit, turn, and stand comfortably Check that everything is in its proper position, that everything is clean, and that there is nothing that can cause harm which may be entangled in their legs. When using a travel carrier for your hedgehog pet, ensure it has privacy for your pet so that he may be more comfortable. It should not be too heavy for you. The bottom of your pet’s travel carrier should be lined well with a firm material like a towel to prevent it from sliding around. The transport cage must be ventilated and allow your animal to turn around for comfort throughout the voyage. It should, however, not be too huge so that your pet does not damage himself while touching the cage. Your cage must be authorized and fall-resistant. Iron closures are also required. Furthermore, we recommend that you strengthen all of the cage’s corners so that the grid does not detach from the cage.
  • If you go on a walk with him, try not to feed him anything unsuitable, be it plants or insects they are insectivores, but all the small insects you give him must be devoid of toxic chemical chemicals and parasites. Supervise its steps at all times, and whenever it returns to your hands, carefully inspect its body parts especially its fingers, to ensure that no thread or hair has been entangled in them, causing an injury.
  • Protect him from other animals and curious individuals be it at home or away. Even if your hedgehog gets along with the other animals in the house, it’s a mistake to think he’ll get along with everyone. It is always preferable to be a bit more careful than normal, and the same goes for individuals; they will become uncomfortable if an unfamiliar person suddenly approaches them to touch or contact him. You wouldn’t want that, would you?
  • A hot plate of the right temperature for your hedgehog pet, is strongly suggested to keep the temperature at optimum thresholds.

Remember to also pay a visit to your vet for more tips on how to prepare for your pet.

What Makes Hedgehogs Happy On A Trip

Your pet should have a pleasant first automobile journey and this will help prepare your pet for travel months before your vacation. Putting your pet’s favorite toys parked in the car may assist. This will assist them in adjusting to their new home without the stress of moving. If you wish to transfer your pet to a carrier, you should practice before you need to. Once your pet is comfortable riding in the vehicle while it is parked, take them on a 10-minute journey in their carrier or harness. A good relationship may be fostered by giving your pet a treat after the trip or taking them to a relaxing spot. Begin with small journeys with your pet once or twice a day, and gradually increase to longer ones. A month is usually enough time for your pet to adjust to road travel.

How Do You Keep A Hedgehog Pet Warm While Traveling

Packing goods to keep your hedgehog warm is crucial to ensure that your pet is comfortable and cozy during your journey. Have an extra blanket, sweater, and socks on hand for your pet. If you’re vacationing at a ski resort, carry a waterproof hedgehog coat with you to keep your hedgehog pet comfortable and dry while out for walks. Remember to bring your hedgehog bed, since some resorts or hotels may not give pet-friendly accommodations. You may get a pet bed that self-warms to keep your pet warm on your vacation, and also a pet-safe heating pad to snuggle with on cold days


Traveling can be very stressful for a hedgehog because it is taken out of where its environment is, but if you have no one to leave it with and must take it with you for reasons beyond your control, make him feel at home at all times, do not alter his food at the last minute, and try to keep the times when you feed and take him out consistent. Carry your vet notepad with you at all times, and find an exotic vet in the location you like to spend your vacation and visit with him ahead of time.