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How To Tell The Difference Between A Hedgehog And A Porcupine.

How To Tell The Difference Between A Hedgehog And A Porcupine.

Do you want to learn more about these two unique animals?

As a hedgehog pet owner and animal enthusiast, I am always open to new ideas. On one of my visits to my veterinarian, I inquired if having a porcupine as a pet was possible. She smiled and took her time explaining the best ways to accomplish this. I would like to share this with you and encourage you to read my post- Hedgehog versus Gopher and Hedgehog or Echidna which are fascinating and enlightening and allows you the opportunity to know more about these pets

Let us get started,

What Makes A Hedgehog Different From A Porcupine

The porcupine is a rodent, but the hedgehog is a member of the Order Erinaceomorpha. The porcupine is classified into two families. Erethizontidae (New World porcupines) and Hystricidae (Old World porcupines). Hedgehogs are members of the Erinaceinae of the Erinaceidae family. These animals are smaller than porcupines and cannot shed their prickly quills.

• As a defense mechanism, the hedgehog curls into a ball when threatened, porcupines on the other side use its quill as a defense,

 If another animal comes into touch with a porcupine, whether it attacks or simply sniffs at it, the porcupine will whip its tail back and forth.

The prickly quills are embedded in the animal’s body (typically the nose, mouth, and legs) when the tail makes contact with the suspected predator.

The embedded quills are extremely unpleasant for the animal and quite difficult to remove.

Veterinary intervention is often necessary to remove quills from your pet, particularly if the quills are stuck within the animal’s mouth.

• The porcupine is a spine-covered animal, but the hedgehog has spiky skin; in other words, the porcupine has more noticeable spines than the hedgehog. A hedgehog has 5,000 spines or spines on its body. Porcupines, on the other hand, possess around 30,000 quills.

• Porcupine spines are significantly longer and venomous, whereas hedgehog spines are not long. The spines of porcupines are difficult to remove once they have penetrated your body, and if dug in, they continue to work their way deeper until they reach the bone.

The barbed spines of a porcupine cannot come out of the skin or muscle on their own, and when movement causes the spine to move, it can only press it deeper into the victim since the barbs on the spine will only let it travel forward.

  • Hedgehogs are spread out evenly, so there are fewer types of them compared to porcupines.
  •  There are 17 different species of hedgehogs, including moles and shrews. Porcupines, on the other hand, account for more than 24 species globally. Hedgehogs may be found throughout North Africa and Europe. Porcupines can be found in many parts of the world, including Canada, Alaska, and the United States.

• Porcupines can survive in more tropical climates than hedgehogs. Hedgehogs prefer open spaces with short plants, like forests, meadows, parks, and gardens. They are terrestrial creatures that seldom climb.

Porcupines can live in various places like forests, deserts, grasslands, and mountains. Some porcupine species live in trees and climb a lot, while others live on land.

Hedgehogs inhabit Europe, while porcupines inhabit Africa and Asia.

• Porcupines have a longer gestation period than hedgehogs. The reproductive and life cycles of these creatures vary depending on the species. Hedgehogs have a gestation period of around 35 days, and litters can have up to 7. Hedgehogs have a 5-year lifetime on average. A porcupine’s pregnancy can last between 100 and 150 days, depending on the type of porcupine. The number of puppies in a litter is between one and four. The average lifespan of porcupines is 12 years, which is longer.

Hedgehogs are herbivorous, but porcupines are omnivorous. Hedgehogs consume mice, tiny snakes, and frogs. Yet, because they are insectivorous, their main diet consists of insects. Porcupines, but, are herbivores that eat green leaves, fruits, grass, stems, and bark.

Is There A Connection Between Porcupines And Hedgehogs

No, they do not have a connection. Separate lineages and simultaneous evolution are what gave rise to their existence.

Hedgehogs have a prickly appearance just like porcupines, but they are not related in any way to porcupines.

Porcupines can grip surfaces and climb well because of their unique body features, even though hedgehogs can also climb, they are not good climbers like a porcupine because they do not have the unique body features to climb

Convergent evolution gave rise to both animals having spines. Echidnas are placental mammals, but they are not closely related to humans even though humans are also mammals

Can Hedgehogs And Porcupines Fire Their Quills

While it would make for a fantastic cartoon scenario, hedgehogs, like their porcupine counterparts, cannot shoot their quills; this is mostly a myth that has persisted to inspire doubt.

Hedgehogs and porcupines cannot shoot their pricks. Hedgehogs, unlike porcupines, do not have quills. Instead, their spines are merely thick hair, similar to our fingernails. Hedgehogs can exhibit defensive behavior in which they jerk or ‘pulse’ when in a ball in an attempt to jab an assailant, but their hairs are firmly in their body unless they are going to come out.

Porcupines’ quills cannot be fired; they become dislodged when they become trapped in an assailant. Hedgehogs have spines, which are extremely difficult to remove.

Which Is Superior: A Hedgehog Or A Porcupine

A porcupine does not have a fixed quill, but a hedgehog has (relatively) fixed quills. They both shed their quills while growing new ones and can lose them as a result of certain ailments.

 Aside from that, you’re not at risk of being shot with projectile barbed quills. In my perspective, a hedgehog is a lot nicer and accommodating pet.

 Taking care of hedgehogs can make them good pets, but porcupines are wild and unsuitable.

They are both exotic, in my experience, a hedgehog makes a better pet as long as you treat it with care, it’s enjoyable to bond with it

Can A Hedgehog’s Spines Injure You, Are They Like Those On A Porcupine

I will give a yes and no answer. Hedgehogs have spines on the upper half of their bodies and fur on the sides and stomachs. They can react in a frightening way, which can get you injured.

Porcupines are unique because their quills come off and stick to a predator’s face and it also causes excruciating pain.

 Hedgehogs cannot shoot their spines and will calm down when picked up. Hedgehogs are sensitive to smell and as a result of their sensitivity, they perform a ritual known as ” self-anointing,” in which they froth at the mouth and taste a new fragrance, they will recognize the fragrance as non-threatening and will lay their quills flat to avoid poking you the next time they take a breath of your scent. 

When Introduced As Adults, Do Baby Hedgehogs And Baby Porcupines Get Along 

Baby hedgehogs are 5-7cm long and weigh between 10 and 30 grams. Porcupine infants weigh around one pound and have quills that get hard as soon as an hour after birth.

Adult hedgehogs can fit in your hand, while porcupines weigh around 30 pounds. Furthermore, there is no relation between porcupines and hedgehogs. Hedgehogs, who are related to shrews and moles, eat insects. Porcupines are rodents that are more closely related to capybaras and beavers. As a result, their diets and behavior are vastly different. How well would they get along is a thought that will run through your mind. the answer is Maybe, maybe not. But in my experience, they will not behave similarly and you cannot expect them to do so because they have unique personalities


Hedgehogs and porcupines are much more than meets the eye. These species are strange, fun, and amazing and have their uniqueness. From my experience, hedgehogs are the better choice for a pet in both of them. They are more popular and easier to find, however, it’s hard to care for and get a legal pet porcupine. They are better kept in the wild. I encourage you to read my post are hedgehogs easy to take care of and hedgehog care and maintenance which provides you with the greatest methods and ways to enjoy the presence and bonding of a hedgehog