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Is Hedgehog Edible

Is Hedgehog Edible

Would you like to know if a hedgehog is edible?

Hedgehogs are edible, even though they are exotic pets that may be maintained in the wild. The first time I heard about hedgehogs being edible was when I paid a visit to my friend Lizzy, who also keeps hedgehogs as pets. We got into a conversation, and I asked her if a hedgehog is edible, and she said hedgehog meat is not terrible, I was astounded, and would want to share what I discovered with you and will like you to read Are hedgehogs easy to care of

Let’s go,

Can You Cook And Eat Hedgehog

Yes, it may be cooked; one common preparation is with caramelized onion and scrambled egg (both together), but the most traditional method to consume hedgehogs is with green sauce or just lemon. Hedgehogs are a great dish, and the most traditional and delightful way to consume them is with this green sauce this can be done as you follow the following ingredients

  • 1 peeled and sliced onion into tiny cubes
  • lemons
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro or parsley
  • half a cup of juice
  • Oil with a light flavor
  • Salt
  • black pepper, ground
  • To complement, toast with butter

Preparations are as follows:

  • Open the hedgehogs with the assistance of a knife. We separate the tongues from the juice and store them separately.
  • Carefully wash the tongues with cold water (they are quite fragile).
  • Place the hedgehogs on a deep plate (not metal) and cover with a tablespoon of the saved liquid and lemon juice. We have a reservation.
  • Combine the onion and cilantro and serve it with the hedgehogs. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and oil.
  • Serve with toasted bread and butter and enjoy!

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Hedgehog

Hedgehog meat, like other varieties of wild animal meat, may have nutritional benefits. These possible advantages may include:

Protein: Hedgehog meat is most likely a source of protein, which is necessary for tissue growth and repair as well as supporting other biological processes.

Vitamins and minerals: Wild game meat, especially hedgehog, may include vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

Hedgehog meat is helpful with asthma and arthritis therapy.

Hedgehog also provides other nutritional advantages to the human body because it contains: Carbohydrates, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium

All the above minerals are essential and good for human health

Hedgehog fat, which possessed special therapeutic capabilities, was significantly more valuable in the eyes of ancient humans. Thus, when applied physically, it is a wonderful burn therapy, and when taken orally, it aids in the successful treatment of such a dreadful disease as TB.

Is It Legal To Eat Hedgehogs

Many individuals have undoubtedly wondered if hedgehogs can be eaten. The answer is definitely yes; it is simply not acknowledged among us.  We think of these little creatures as adorable animals that can run out into the route we’re going down in the evening. Hedgehogs usually make us feel uncomfortable, however, some individuals adore this delicacy.

It is important to note that hedgehog meat is a very nutritious food. However, this does not indicate that you should rush to a nearby plantation for a treat since this might be hazardous to your health.

Even though modern people do not consider hedgehogs to be viable food, our forefathers hunted these spiky creatures. The goal of hunting was not always to get meat. Hedgehog fat, which possesses special healing capabilities, was the most valuable item.

Do People Still Eat Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are not often edible in most countries, and their eating is forbidden in several. Hedgehog meat is believed to have a gamey flavour when you compare it to rabbit or squirrel meat, in regions where hedgehogs are eaten. It is crucial to know that hedgehogs are exotic pets and that eating them is not ethical. In Europe, Gypsies of the roaming sort used to adore them. It is a delicacy, yet they are protected in Tunisia. Not all Tunisians eat hedgehog flesh and agree that hedgehogs are excellent. If you want to taste a hedgehog, I suppose you have the option, but as a hedgehog pet owner, I will be unable to ingest one.

What Country Eats Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are eaten as food in several parts of the world, mainly in Africa and Asia. Hedgehog meat is known to be consumed in the following countries:

China: Hedgehogs are regarded as a delicacy in several Chinese regions, including Guangdong and Guangxi, and are served in a variety of recipes.

Vietnam: Hedgehog flesh is consumed occasionally in rural areas of Vietnam, notably in the north.

Ghana: Hedgehogs are hunted and eaten in Ghana, especially in rural populations.

Nigeria: Hedgehogs are consumed in some parts of Nigeria, notably in the country’s southeast regions

Cameroon: Hedgehogs are killed and consumed as a source of food in some regions of Cameroon.

It is crucial to note that hedgehog consumption is neither prevalent nor frequent in these nations. It is more of a regional or community-based practice. Furthermore, rules and attitudes against hunting and eating hedgehogs may differ, so it’s critical to be aware of local laws and cultural sensitivities

How Do You Prepare A Hedgehog To Eat

Here’s how to make it

1. Remove the animal’s spines. Take a sharp knife, grab the hedgehog by the back legs, and shave it.

2. Remove the down from the hedgehog’s belly by immersing it in hot water.

3. To totally remove the thorns, pass the hedgehog through the flames for a few seconds.

4. Cut it in half by opening up the rear. Remove the guts and thoroughly clean them.

To use in the kitchen: First, bring the hedgehog to a boil in water. After a few minutes, take a bowl of soup and mash everything together with lots of garlic and parsley, pepper, salt, and pepper. When the hedgehog is done, lay it on a plate and smother it with the garlic sauce. It goes with nice cooked potatoes

What’s The Simplest Way To Cook A Hedgehog

There are different ways to cook a hedgehog. Hedgehog foods are now thought to be only associated with gypsy cuisine. And hedgehogs were featured in medieval books: it was thought that hedgehog flesh was highly healthful. Lepers got advice to ingest dried and crushed hedgehog guts which serves as a remedy to trouble urinating, according to the southern German “Cookbook of Meister Eberhard.” The simplest way to create a hedgehog is to coat it in clay and bake it; the needles can then be readily removed along with the clay. Burdock and sorrel are used in the diet of French gypsies.


Do remember that individual experiences and tastes differ, and the flavour may not appeal to everyone. Hedgehogs are either protected or prohibited from hunting and consuming in many countries owing to conservation concerns or animal welfare legislation. As a result, it is typically advisable to follow local laws and avoid eating hedgehog flesh unless it is a culturally acceptable practice in your area.

I propose reading my post on how to organize a trip for your hedgehog, which will assist me in determining the best ways to prepare and plan if you want to keep a hedgehog as a pet.