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Should I Keep A Hedgehog In The Dark

Should I Keep A Hedgehog In The Dark

Do you want to know if a hedgehog should be left alone in the dark?

When I got my first hedgehog as a newcomer, there was a lot to learn. I had an empty room to put my pet in, but I couldn’t decide whether to leave the light on or off. I phoned my veterinarian, who advised me on the best course of action. I want to share this with you and encourage you to read my piece Are Hedgehogs Easy To Care Of, which will provide you with the finest recommendations for caring for your pet.

Let’s go,

Do Hedgehogs Like The Dark

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures that must wander frequently to burn off energy. They are provided a wheel similar to that of a hamster but with unique legs for this purpose. They also require a little home as a refuge because they like darkness. Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are more active at night and sleep during the day. They’ve evolved to flourish in low-light environments and have superb night vision. While they can endure and travel in complete darkness, it is crucial to remember that they prefer some amount of dim light.

Hedgehogs in their native habitat frequently seek locations that give some shade and protection during the day, such as thick foliage or burrows. These locations may offer them a sense of security as well as protection from potential predators. As a result, during their active hours, they may not be comfortable in excessively bright or exposed situations.

Can Hedgehogs See Better In The Dark

Hedgehogs are often amusing and energetic pets that make their owners laugh. These lovely critters, yet, are nocturnal by nature. As a result, their day normally starts about the time you sit down to eat supper.

Many hedgehog owners have reported hearing their hedgehogs playing and frolicking in their cages late at night which was my observation the first day my buddy arrived. Many people believe hedgehogs can see at night since they are nocturnal animals. However, scientists still have different views on whether hedgehogs have strong night vision, so it is not fully apparent.

Given their terrible vision, I’d say no. At least not as well as humans see in the dark. While eating, they use their ears and nose to navigate in the dark.

They are nocturnal creatures with weak vision. Although their eyes are adapted to seeing in the dark, they have weak eyesight and can only see the outlines of some objects without sensing depths or recognizing what is actually in front of them. To compensate for their relatively weak eyesight, they have better senses of hearing and smell to aid them in hunting and foraging in their natural habitat. Their sense of touch is also highly developed, with long guard hairs around the face being especially sensitive. 

Hearing, on the other hand, is regarded to be less helpful than in other mammals. Again, I suppose this makes sense, as noises in deep undergrowth must be distorted by obstructions and the frequent rustling of plants.

Do Hedgehogs Like Sunlight

Hedgehogs do like moderate sunlight even though they are active at night and sleep during the day. While they can handle moderate sunshine, they prefer to seek protection and avoid direct exposure to harsh sunlight. Hedgehogs prefer shaded, protective environments such as dense foliage, and burrows, or man-made constructions such as hedgehog homes.

They are prone to overheating, and prolonged exposure to sunlight can be unpleasant and perhaps very dangerous to their health. If maintained as pets, it is critical to provide them with adequate shaded places in their habitat as well as a well-balanced indoor environment that resembles their natural habitat and includes appropriate heating and lighting sources.

What Does A Hedgehog Do At Night

A hedgehog normally awakens to begin searching for food at night. I recommend you read my post about What Do Hedgehog Pets Eat and Drink for the best food options for your hedgehog. As we know them as night riders, it is critical to have fresh food accessible around the time the hedgehog awakens. Hedgehogs are insectivores, which means they eat a wide variety of insects.

You may give worms, earthworms, and crickets to your domestic hedgehog because they are nutritional diets for hedgehogs. Although certain foods are poisonous to hedgehogs, these creatures frequently enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables as rewards which should be given in small quantities

For the best fruits and vegetables to give your pet, I recommend you read my post What Fruits Can/Can’t Hedgehog Pet Eat

Are Hedgehogs Scared Of The Dark

Hedgehogs are predominantly nocturnal creatures, which means they have evolved to be active at night and sleep during the day. They have highly developed senses that let them navigate and seek food in low-light environments. As a result, they are not scared of the dark and feel at ease in poorly lit or gloomy situations.

Hedgehogs, in reality, have an acute sense of hearing and smell, which they use to detect predators, locate food, and navigate their surroundings. They also have spines on their backs, which act as a defense mechanism against possible dangers.

While hedgehogs prefer darker areas, providing them with a proper and safe home as pets is still crucial.

Are Hedgehogs Scared Of Light

Hedgehogs are not afraid of light. They feel more at ease and comfortable in dimly illuminated environments.

While hedgehogs can take light to a certain extent, prolonged exposure to strong or light that is direct can be stressful for them. They may show symptoms of distress, which is not good for their health. Excessive exposure to light that is bright can affect their normal sleep habits and lead to stress or health problems.

While hedgehogs prefer darker areas, providing them with a proper and safe home is still crucial. This involves providing them with safe havens like igloos or tiny shelters where they may retire and feel safe.


Hedgehogs have intrinsic biological cycles that are impacted by light and darkness. They require a regular day-night cycle to keep their internal clocks in sync and to give optimum physiological functioning. Extended periods of complete darkness might alter their natural sleep-wake habits, leading to stress and health problems. By providing hiding spots and shelters in their habitat, hedgehogs may escape and rest in darker regions when they sleep. This allows your buddy to select the amount of darkness that is most comfortable for them. For a long life for your pet kindly read my post How long pet hedgehog lives