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Want To Know Signs Of Illness In Hedgehog Pets (Now You Can)

Want To Know Signs Of Illness In Hedgehog Pets (Now You Can)

Would you like to be aware of the symptoms of sickness in your hedgehog pet?

It was wonderful to keep track of my hedgehog pet as it grew daily when I was a rookie hedgehog pet owner. However, I would have lost my buddy if it hadn’t been for the timely arrival of my friend Judy, who came to see how I was doing with my pet. I was able to transport my sweetie to the clinic, and he arrived safely. I’d want to share what I’ve learned, and recommend you read my post-How Long Pet Hedgehog Live

Let’s go,

How Do You Know If A Hedgehog Is OK

The following are some indicators that your hedgehog pet is in good health:

Clear eyes: The hedgehog’s eyes should be clear and not crusty, sunken, or bloated.

Healthy skin: Crusty skin around the quills may suggest dry skin or mites

No scabs or injuries: If there is a scab or injury, the breeder should be able to describe what happened and the animal should be recovering. While some hedgehogs may survive neonatal traumas and live long and happy lives, you must check carefully what this species demands and if you can offer what they need.

A hedgehog should be attentive and aware of its environment, rather than lazy and unresponsive.

Droppings: While some hedgehog pets’ droppings near the anus might indicate diarrhea or other underlying health problems, inspect the cage for any signs of green droppings or diarrhea. If there are any, it is an indication that the hedgehog is ill. The color of healthy stool should be light brown to dark brown.

Obese hedgehog pets have fat “bags” under their armpits and are unable to roll into a ball. A slender hedgehog has a sunken tummy and hollow sides. they can both be symptoms of a health problem.

Toenails are trimmed short enough so that they do not curl under. If they’re excessively long, request the breeder show you how to cut them.

Good oral hygiene When the oral cavity is examined, it is essential that the gums do not bleed.

Symptoms Of A Sick Hedgehog

•            It will shed a significant amount of weight. The inability to reach food bowls and drink causes weight loss in the majority of situations. If the condition advances, the hedgehog will become fully immobile and unable to feed.

•            There will be a loose stool. Green stools are an indication of sickness as well

•            Urine decrease or blood present in urine

•            Lethargy

•            Difficulty breathing

•            General physical dullness

•            Discharge from the nose

•            Discharge from the eyes which causes conjunctivitis is caused by releasing the animal into a room where germs in dust produce serious conjunctivitis. Eye discharge can also cause upper respiratory tract infection, resulting in serious rhinitis.

•            Sneezing

•            Coughing

•            Paralysis

  • Any growths on the body or in the mouth of your pet show the possibility of illness

•  Crusted or dry skin Due to malnutrition, mostly surrogate food that lacks natural UV radiation, hedgehogs have a metabolic problem, resulting in a deficiency of vitamins A and C in the body. Vitamin A insufficiency is done by needle shedding (which is more than with frequent needle replacement), dry skin, and stinging eyes. Cracked feet also show a shortage of this fat-soluble vitamin.

How Do I Know My Hedgehog Pet Is Sick

If your hedgehog scratches often or loses enough quills to expose sections of skin, this might be a sign of mites, fleas, or a fungal illness, and you should seek expert help.

It will be skinny and has sunken eyes. The eyes are depressed and slit-shaped rather than protruding hemi spherically.

You will also notice that your hedgehog has broad shoulders and hips, and depressed flanks; the head is sometimes separated.

Sick hedgehogs hunt for food during the day as well. They move unsteadily, are lethargic, and seldom roll up, in contrast to a healthy animal.

An overwhelming infestation of fleas, ticks, or fly eggs may indicate sickness.

External injuries or wounds can occur if the animal is struck.

You may also check your hedgehog to see if it is unwell. It is best to use gloves while handling the hedgehog and to carefully flip it onto its back. If the hedgehog doesn’t curl up into a ball and his stomach feels chilly to the touch, he’s probably unwell and won’t be able to live without assistance.

What Do Sick Hedgehogs Eat

Insects, lean meat, vegetables, and fruits should be the major source of a sick hedgehog’s diet.  Insects can be finely chopped or ground, but worms can be completely squeezed out and their skins pulverized. Generally, a sick animal’s diet should be identical to that of a healthy hedgehog. Furthermore, hedgehogs need Omega-3 fatty acid-which contains vitamins, phosphorus, and calcium In theory, hedgehogs may be fed any vitamin, but do not exceed the recommended dosage as an excess vitamin is harmful

If necessary, digestive enzymes can be given, allowing the hedgehog to get and absorb the huge quantity of vitamins and minerals from the diet.

You may feed the hedgehog selenium and zinc, which will help the animal’s neurological system perform better. However, these supplements should be administered only after paying a visit to the doctor

How Do You Feed A Sick Hedgehog

It will be your job to feed the hedgehog when it can no longer eat on its own. Feeding can be accomplished with a pipette or syringe. It is essential to select the proper and most convenient syringe, and it is better to have many pipette alternatives in general, as this will allow you to select the one you require and the most convenient at the time. The optimum tools are soft pipettes or syringes.

Food should be introduced gently and with caution to the corner of the mouth. Some hedgehogs tolerate this feeding and become accustomed to it fast, but some hedgehogs will resist and you will have to work hard to feed them.

Make a purée of his normal meal Your hedgehog pet can also be fed high-quality baby food, just like you would your child.

Most hedgehogs adapt fast to this method of feeding given to them, but others can be resistant, so you must be confident and feed the hedgehog in the manner it adapts to.

It is critical to provide water to your pet regularly, as he will be unable to reach the drinker on his own. You may also use a pipette in this situation, but if he refuses to drink, it is preferable to visit a doctor who will inject saline to restore the body’s water balance and prevent dehydration. You may have to learn the method on your own.

How Do You Treat A Sick Hedgehog Pet

Device for dust-free hedgehog beds should be used and chloramphenicol eye drops or antibiotic solutions should be used if there is discharge from the eyes.

In hedgehogs’ pets, a shortage of vitamin C in the body causes a loss in the body’s resistance to colds and infectious infections. Hedgehog metabolic diseases are treated by providing balanced food rich in vitamins and minerals,

If the hedgehogs’ paws have cracks, the litter should be replaced with softer, dust-free litter. For the best litter for your pet, I recommend you read my post on Hedgehog Pet Litter Requirement

When caring for a sick hedgehog, it is critical to keep the temperature in the room where the hedgehog is kept at around 25 degrees.

Advice For Sick Hedgehog Pets

If you think your hedgehog is sick, avoid handling it as you do when it is healthy. Keep it away from noise and cold air and avoid further stress to the animal.

If the hedgehog has a cage mate, remove this second hedgehog immediately to avoid exposing them to disease and to avoid aggravating the sick hedgehog. Instead, place the sick hedgehog in its cage in a warm (about 75 degrees Fahrenheit), dark, and quiet room until you take it to an exotic animal vet.

 Do not bathe your hedgehog unless given specific instructions by your vet. For the best ways to bath your hedgehog, kindly read Hedgehog Pets Taking A Bath


It is fascinating and wonderful to see your hedgehog pet grow with you on a regular basis. It is advantageous and important to pay attention and stay alert in order to notice when things are not running as smoothly as they should. Being aware of the signs is crucial since it will help you to provide the best therapy for your pet in a timely manner. If you are a beginner, I recommend that you read my post What Do Hedgehogs Pets Eat And Drink which will give the best food options as well as drinks for your pet’s wellbeing