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What Do Hedgehog Pet Eat And Drink

Do you want to know what type of water and food your hedgehog pet will require?

I was very thrilled the first time I wanted to feed my hedgehog pet, I assumed my pet would eat the food and drink I took, but I was naïve. With the aid of my breeder, I was able to offer the finest food and drink to my pet, which finally let my companion enjoy a healthy and long life, as I propose my article how long pet hedgehog live that will help with the longevity of your pet.

Here we go

What Can I Give A Hedgehog Pet To Eat

Hedgehog pets have a very varied diet. The highest quality dry cat food is the closest thing to its diet, although feeding your pet only that will not ensure all its nutritional needs which should include the following

  • Fats: Always in a low amount
  • Proteins: these should constitute 20% of your pets’ total diet
  • Fiber:  which should also be included in the Hedgehog’s diet at least 15%
  • Others: calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus…

To complete your pet’s diet you can add fruit, cheese, chicken, turkey, or eggs but their leading food is insects, fruits, and vegetables.

Insects: This is one of a hedgehog’s pet favorites. You cannot just catch insects in the garden because pesticides and other products that are toxic can be in the garden and the best way to get this meal for your pet is to buy in specialized stores

Fruits: Fruit contains antioxidants and vitamins that enhance health and vigor while also protecting against illness. The fruits to be given to your pet should not be citric or acidic and should include Apples, Pears, Peach, raspberries, Banana, Watermelons, Mango, Kiwi, Berries, and Carrots among others

Vegetables: The vegetables that can be consumed and safe for your pet and the common ones are sweet potato, Broccoli, Rocca, canon, Cucumber, Pumpkin, and Spinach among others

Leafy green vegetables have a high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and are high in phytochemicals and minerals, all of which are beneficial to health. If your hedgehog is hesitant, try grating veggies.

You can sometimes feed your pet raw lean ground beef or chicken breast.

What Can I Give To My Hedgehog Pet As Treat

Treats are beneficial to your pet because they provide sensory enrichment in the form of smell, taste, and texture, foster a positive bond between you and your hedgehog, especially when hand-fed, stimulate the pleasure centers in your hedgehog’s brain, and increase their well-being, and supplement the main diet with extra nutrients.

When it comes to snacks, it’s always preferable to serve them fresh food rather than pellets, which are touted as hedgehog treats but sometimes merely include fillers.

Most treats fall into the following four categories aside Insects, Fruits, and Vegetables:


Little quantities of meat are frequently well-received, with chicken or turkey being the best choices for digestion and health. Although many owners choose to prepare their meat, it may also be fed raw. If you prefer to feed raw meat, just use frozen boneless chicken or turkey that has been thawed before feeding.


Hedgehog pets may consume a variety of fish, but fresh oily fish provides the most health advantages since it contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Eggs and tofu

Eggs are a natural part of the diet of a hedgehog pet and appear to be highly valuable. Hedgehog pets prefer eggs, particularly quail eggs, which are larger. Do not offer them duck or chicken eggs since they are too huge.

 You can feed chopped boiled eggs or scrambled eggs to your pet. Tofu (soybean curd) is an excellent hedgehog treat that is high in digestible vegetable protein and calcium

Large peeled seeds

Hedgehogs enjoy large, flat seeds like pumpkin, melon, and sunflower that can be readily peeled before feeding since they are high in nutritious lipids, protein, and minerals, as well as antioxidants and some fiber.

Occasional treats include cooked beans, raw vegetables, and cottage cheese

Treats To Avoid Giving Your Hedgehog Pet

Certain treats are not appropriate for hedgehogs’ pets. This includes the following:

  • Processed meats – additional salt, sodium nitrate, and PAHs have been linked to health problems.
  • Peanut butter has a sticky texture that makes it difficult to swallow.
  • Processed grains, sweetened morning cereals, and baked products which include processed carbs and sugar which contribute to obesity
  • High-fat foods such as chips, fried dishes, or sauces contribute to obesity.
  • Raisins and other dried fruits cling to the hedgehog’s teeth and palate and have the potential to induce tooth decay.

What Foods Are Poisonous To Hedgehogs Pets

The following are poisonous foods that should be avoided:

  • Dairy: Hedgehog pets are lactose intolerant, so it is best to avoid consuming any dairy products. because they cannot digest it and risk dying quickly as a result of the enlarged stomach and severe diarrhea that this meal can produce
  • Sweets and snacks which can lead to tooth decay and obesity
  • Chocolates: it contains theobromine, a molecule from the same chemical family as caffeine. It activates the central nervous system and the heart muscle, as well as increasing urine output, and causes dehydration
  • Fruits: Citric and/or acidic foods such as orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, tomato, pomegranate, etc. can cause stomach upset, ulcers, mouth sores, and also kidney failure
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, and chestnuts can get stuck in your pet’s throat and choke it, which in turn can damage its teeth.
  • Chili pepper: It irritates your pet
  • Starch-rich foods such as rice, barley pasta, and semolina should also be avoided
  • Pastries
  • Fungi (mushrooms) of all kinds.
  • Any seasoned food, including sausages, canned vegetables in brine
  • Sugary drinks should be avoided because can overload the kidneys or heart.
  • Among the vegetables that hedgehogs cannot eat we find onion which causes anemia, paprika, or garlic.

What Do Hedgehogs Drink As Pets

This adorable friend absorbs the majority of the moisture from their meal. Supplemental feeding, on the other hand, can significantly increase the need for drinking water, especially if you serve dry cuisine or other foods with low water content.

Water is the finest drink to offer your pet in most situations and your hedgehog’s pet should have access to fresh water daily. Regular water is good for hedgehogs; however flavored drinks are not suggested since they may include sugars or chemicals that are harmful to their health. Chamomile and fennel tea are additional possibilities for hedgehogs who are weak or unwell.

It is best to maintain a continual flow of clean water within the hedgehogs’ reach at all times so they may stay hydrated at will, minimizing urinary tract infections and other issues linked with dehydration. Nevertheless, if the bowl contains too much water, you risk drowning your companion or attracting mosquitoes if it is not replaced at least once a day.

Homemade Hedgehog Pet Food

There are handmade recipes that hedgehogs really enjoy and that help them maintain a healthy diet. In most circumstances, self-prepared hedgehog meals are far superior to commercially available hedgehog food.

Homemade pet food includes preparing cooked liver together with vegetables. You can also make this lovely meal with the following ingredients:

natural salmon

1 egg

olive oil


Preheat the oven to 180º.

In a bowl, mix 2 cans of canned natural salmon with 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Add 1 cup of soft rolled oats and knead until smooth. 

On a tray covered with parchment paper

Place small balls of the dough and bake them for 15 minutes. 

Remove the cookies and let them cool


 Hedgehog pets require well-balanced food to thrive. To develop and stay healthy, they require protein from animal sources, as well as carbs and lipids. Insects are high in protein, while fruits and vegetables provide them with the carbs and lipids they require. I will recommend my article on how much a baby hedgehog costs which will help in planning within your budget in getting baby hedgehogs as pets. You may use rewards to make your hedgehog’s food healthier and more diverse, as well as to build your bond